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Removal of energetic / etheric / archonic implants / attachments Description I had heard about energetic (or etheric or subtle) implants/attachments about ten years ago. At the time, I filed this information under the “Very Unlikely!” section. Now that I have a little more knowledge and experience, I believe this is an important issue that should be seriously studied because it affects many, many people and soon all of humanity. I tend more and more to believe that the vast majority of human beings are "connected" to a very sophisticated system by subtle implants. They are parasitic systems and instruments of control. Humans have always cast spells on other humans. An intention in the form of a ritual was sent to a person who was more or less affected by it. Now imagine that scientists were able to understand the mechanics of this phenomenon and create “programs” that they can send via computer and attach to a targeted person. You then have the modern version of ancient spells. Energy implants are therefore subtle artificial programs that “someone” or something has introduced into our body or our aura. They can sometimes be extremely sophisticated thanks to artificial intelligence for some. They can be positive or negative. Only the latter, immensely the most frequent, concern us. If no one has ever removed your implants, it is more than likely that you have them. As they are often managed automatically by computer, they come back very quickly. Hence the importance of learning to manage them yourself. Knowing the cause of some of our discomforts is empowering. When we compare an empty computer hard drive with one containing data, our five senses do not see the difference. However, the computer can find programs, images, films, viruses, messages, etc. there. All of this information exists in another reality. It’s a bit the same thing with our brain which stores its data in its billions of nerve cells but also in the “cloud” of the soul. All this information exists but we cannot feel it, see it, or touch it. The same with an optical fibre, a Wi-Fi network, or a mobile phone. Data are exchanged but our senses perceive nothing. In another era it would have seemed like magic. Spirits and implants are similar to this: they exist, they influence us but most often we are not aware of their presence, nor their history, nor their identity, nor their reason for being. We just feel confused, or tired, or sick, or angry for no reason. Of course we are influenced by many factors, but I believe that many of our problems come from implants. Each of us travels with these stowaways who sometimes turn into terrorists. The important question is: How to get rid of them? Many of these energy implants are highly advanced technology that has been used in the cosmos for millions of years. They can be very diverse in their form and in their programs. In general, they are there to control us, influence our thoughts, our emotions, our choices, limit our abilities, follow us or divert part of our energy for the benefit of the installers. When we see what we can do now thanks to science in a century, we can ask ourselves the question: what can visitors from space who have evolved over millions or billions of years do? Currently the majority of implants that I receive or that I find in others are manufactured, sent and managed by humans, particularly military personnel and big corporations who have recovered a lot of extra-terrestrial and occult technologies and know-how. The targeted people are called TI in English, targeted individuals. Combined with microwaves and 5G, these technologies are discreet but extremely effective weapons for carrying out experiments on the population or for quietly getting rid of opponents. Of course the nano-chips recently injected into billions of humans with ''vaccines'' participate in this great project. The morgellons from chemtrails are also part of it. After the Internet of Things, we started hearing about the Internet of Bodies. It's already in place. Many of us are unconsciously connected to the computers of the deep state. We have been able to extract physical implants from the bodies of several people, microchips installed without the knowledge of the hosts by extra-terrestrials or the military. We now have the physical evidence. But energetic implants/attachments are more subtle than physical implants. They are in another dimension. It takes our sixth sense or a psychic person to find them. For some, we speak of scalar waves which are subtle waves at the limit of the physical world. I believe that there lies their strength but also their weakness because thoughts are also scalar waves. Therefore we can remove them with the power of thoughts. The good news, in my experience and observations, is that it is easy to get rid of energy implants with our thoughts and imagination, even for ordinary people. Most common implants I have been practicing dowsing for around twenty years using an antenna similar to traditional dowsing. I use it, among other things, to find attachments and entities in my aura or in those of other people, even distant ones. This is very useful because it is difficult to access this type of information which escapes detection by the instruments of science, at least those that I know. Further on this page you will find a long list of very diverse implants, most of extra-terrestrial origin. But the ones I'm going to describe here first and that I find on most people all the time are human and recurring. They come back again and again when we remove them. They are generated and replaced automatically by computers. Our internet connection with our various devices helps with our implementation. It is possible that certain implants can contaminate us directly through our electronic devices like subtle viruses affecting our body. But very often our devices are mainly used for our GPS tracking for our location by telephone towers and satellites. I have had the experience many times myself of removing all my energy implants and feeling very good, then a little later using my cell phone or computer and feeling unwell within a few minutes. : I had a new implant connected “somewhere”. It must be said, it’s an amazing technology. Hat. We can ask ourselves the question of the reality of these implants because all this is very subjective: It could simply be autosuggestion. The question is good because I don't know of any device that proves their existence. When it comes to entities, we have many accounts of their physical manifestations using mediums and we have recover physical implants. But not for energetic attachments. Personally I have had multiple experiences of the harmful effects of the presence of implants and the restoration of my normal state after their destruction. I have also experienced removing implants from loved ones discreetly without telling them and observing the positive changes in their energy, thoughts and emotions. So for me after countless experiences I am completely convinced of their existence. Now it's up to everyone to make their own experiences. It is likely that to manage information coming from millions of people, one or more artificial intelligence have already been put in place. The feelings I describe below are personal. As very few people work on the subject, it is difficult to compare to arrive at more precise descriptions. This technology is very subtle, on the verge of the tangible and the intangible world. This is its strength but also its weakness because it is sensitive to our thought which is itself a scalar wave. In my opinion, this is the weak link in the attack against TI the targeted individuals. ![]() 1- Antenna on the top of the skull It can generate: - a feeling of pressure and/or pain It is usually connected by a power or microwave link to a telephone tower or satellite. When I remove it, it seems to extend in subtle threads into the brain and other parts of the body. I think these antennas are used to control the brain by collecting data and feeding us false information. I also think this implant is an anchor point for microwave connection to satellites or 5G and 6G. We can imagine that by increasing the intensity of this connection, there could be serious damage to the brain. On the site for targeted individuals https://www.targetedjustice.com/short-videos.html the author, a scientist, says that we can feel microwave pulsations on the top of our hand when we place it on the top of our head precisely where I find these implants. We recently found in the patents of the ''vaccines'' the mention of the presence of graphene oxide in order to facilitate the identification and connection to 5G of those injected. 2- Connections to the chakras Chakras are energy centers in our body. ![]() This connection can cause: - sharp pain at the point of attachment I often find these connections in the back at the level of the heart but also at the base, at the plexus, at the nape of the neck. I believe it depends on the activity and therefore the energetic charge of the chakras at the time of implantation. It is also very possible that operators can remotely choose exactly the attachment point. Sometimes the connection is simply the work of an individual who “steals” energy using black magic. This connection to one chakra, sometimes two, can, in my opinion, serve several purposes. - power another more complex energy implant like the ones above that communicate with a computer somewhere. In fact I often find them associated. ![]() 3- Octahedron cage around the aura - feeling of discomfort This structure can be connected behind us; or upwards when there are few telephone antennas around. Its size varies depending on the energy level of the body from 1m to 5m radius. Often associated with the next implant probably for its energy supply. Oddly enough, it seems to have entities attached at every corner. It looks like a large antenna. I think it serves to capture the thoughts of the targeted person. This would explain the presence of entities that would serve as thought sensors. It is also probable that it can implant thoughts. 4- Entity under the feet This implant is less common and very similar to a traditional spell. Maybe he is one. Connected downward to the base chakra, it holds a negative non-human entity prisoner. We can easily imagine that he/she is not very happy and will therefore share her emotions with the involuntary host and provoke: - anger, aggression The objective seems clearly harmful. It must be remembered that the deep state has spent many years experimenting with weaponizing black magic and alien knowledge to control the population. Several researchers say that it developed technologies 50 years ahead of what we know. Elimination of implants Implants can be acted upon with thoughts, images, intention and energy; in other words we use our imagination. Indeed, even if in our dimension our visualizations do not seem to have a tangible existence, what we create with our thoughts is a reality in other dimensions. I have seen several times the immediate beneficial effect on people when their implants are removed without their knowledge. As with spirits, implants must be removed regularly because some are automatically replaced, especially when you are a “conspirationist”. When using the internet or a telephone, I recommend doing this little one-minute visualization every hour. Even if it does not remove everything and for ordinary people it is very difficult to check what is happening, this simple practice can greatly improve life. In fact, the system locates us very easily via the Internet and deduces our GPS position. Scalar waves and micro-waves are then sent to us by the triangulation of 3 or 4 telephone towers installing new implants and connections. When you are in an isolated place, satellites are used. 1- To remove implants on myself I use a simple, very effective basic method.
I do this several times in a row to be sure. I check with my antenna. Often symptoms such as sudden lack of energy, for example, disappear in a few minutes because I have cut the subtle thread that was draining it. But sometimes local pain can persist because the presence of an energy implant over a long period ends up traumatizing the physical body, especially when microwaves have been used in addition. Here is a slightly more elaborate version of this visualization. I speak to myself internally: - I am a very powerful soul, a concentration of light in the center of the head; 2- An alternative method consists of imagining sending a dissolving energy into the implant after cutting its connection. 3- We can also explode it for a cage for example. 4- It is also possible to imagine the destruction of the computers sending the implants. Localization of attachments/implants It is not always easy to spot the presence of implants. Sometimes we can feel a presence around us, a different energy. Other times we may feel that we are not ourselves, that we are having a disproportionate reaction to a situation. Sometimes we have strange, unusual, bizarre thoughts or emotions with no apparent cause. Other times we see the influences on those close to us. Sometimes you can feel occasional physical pain at the attachment point. Many of us are under external influences. I would say that I don't find many people who are free of implants. Above all, I recommend developing your own skills and discernment. The simplest method is to be aware of what's going on in our body, emotions and our mind. Observing your thoughts, the sensations in your body, your emotions provides clues. We have to remember that many manifestations are common to implants and entities. Dowsing is a very good method that I have been practicing for about twenty years. I use an antenna of my own making, like a dowsing antenna for water. Then I form a mental image of the person or an area and scan the space accordingly. Kinesiology (muscle testing) performed on oneself is another tool. This is actually the same basic principle as dowsing where our body manifests what is in our subconscious. The inner vision, also called remote viewing that allows one to see into the other dimension is natural in some people and can also be developed with practice. Some psychics and healers are excellent. Many are charlatans. If you find a good one that you trust, keep it. Fortunately, many energy implants can be eliminated by visualization without knowing precisely what they look like or where they are attached. Protection methods Perfect protection is rare. After several attempts, I practice a hybrid method of those indicated below and which works well for me. It is then up to each person to make their own experiences. ![]() - I internalize and gather myself in the center of the head. - I imagine a small geometric shape, a control and power center that I position in a chakra (ajna or heart). It will be the attachment and power point of the protection. I program it with the following images: - I imagine a shape encompassing my entire body: a tetrahedron stretched upwards (= a three-sided pyramid) - When I focus on the control center, the tetrahedron of protection appears as a hologram and remains active for as long as I want. I can reactivate it during the day. Without creating a control center, even if the protection is effective for a few minutes, it quickly disappears when our thoughts no longer deal with it. Hence the interest in having two elements in the visualization. When you think about it, we have just created a positive implant that we control. When we work on a computer without needing the internet, it is wise to unplug it, which confuses the system. I have not yet tried a VPN but it is possible that this also limits the implants. At the same time, we must not have too many illusions because we are dealing with very sophisticated programs. Here we have 4 people describing their methods of protection Elena Daanan https://www.youtube.com/@ElenaDanaan/videos - visualization of a protective bubble that we shrink to fit our body like clothing. - image of a merkaba = 2 tetrahedra a tetrahedron the base at shoulder level, a point forward, one under the feet. another tetrahedron the base at the level of the belt, a point behind and one above the head. Simon Parks https://www.simonparkes.org/psychicprotection - visualization of a brilliant diamond shape at the tip under the feet which extends into a protective bubble around the body. - visualization of the energy rising in the chakras up to the 3rd eye which feeds this bubble. - repetition of a phrase “I create this shield which will prevent all negative forces from attacking me” Lawrence https://www.purpleenergy.info/ - creation of a very solid shape with multiple characteristics - creation of a sort of implant in the body that we program and which will supply energy and strengthen the protective bubble. - various protection suggestions. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkEQmIFqX2krggfJcx493wA Eric Raines https://www.unleashingnaturalhumanity.com -creation of three energy bubbles in the center of the head that are moved and transformed into a protection/garment for the lower body, for the middle of the body and for the head. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KJlr0RVlCms Protection a little personnal story In 1986 in Paris with the center of Raja Yoga, we participated in a strange exhibition entitled "Magic and occult powers". We wondered what we were doing there. I took care of the kiosk all week long. The evening of the first day, we were completely emptied, exhausted. We had our energy pumped away. In talking to other exhibitors, who were also very tired, I was told that many people in that place were casting spells and that all sorts of weird things were going on around us in another dimension. The next morning, we decided to make a protective dome around the kiosk. We went into meditation and with our mind we imagined a sphere of protective light. The result was spectacular: No problem any more. We spent an excellent week imagining our bubble of protection every morning. I then had fun mentally projecting the same thing around the kiosk of our friendly neighbor who was doing dowsing. The result was similar: He retrieved his energy and the customers flocked. Latter on, he is the first one to have introduced me to the dowsing rod/antenna that I use now. A little karmic return. By sharing with all these protective measures, my karmic return increases their effectiveness. For the same reason, you too have interest in sharing these methods. We could see during that week that the mental images that we create have a real effect in the physical world. I will describe here the images that I currently use in my meditations to protect myself from entities, bad thoughts, spells, implants, etc. Maybe in six months, I'll use other images. But for now, these are effective. I do not personally tend to use objects or rituals of protection because I think that in the end, the power of our thought is what is most powerful. However, I know that there are machines that multiply the power of intention and some crystals too. If you feel that something or an invocation is protecting you, why not use it too? Without going into excess and paranoia, it is good to put all the chances on our side. Every day we cover our body to protect it from cold, sun, rain, cold mosquitoes, etc. When do we think about giving him some energy protection? Rarely. A clairvoyant told me that neglecting to protect my body is like letting my car run with the keys on the dashboard in a bad neighborhood while I go shopping. When I scan people's aura with my dowsing rod, I regularly find entities, implants and even spells. People do not realize it, feel tired, with strange thoughts and behaviors. Not only they must be removed but also we also have to be careful not to be "re-infected". Bhama kumaris implants Drishti = intense eye contact A little story from one of my first trip to Madhuban, the headquarters of Bks : As I had a long practice of hatha yoga behind me at the beginning of gyan, meditation was allowing me to raise my kundalini at will, this very powerful energy along the backbone. I was using it regularly to "light up" the soul and have a fast and intense yoga. I had a good mastery of it and life was beautiful. Why do you think the ancient yogis of India devoted so many asanas and so much attention to wake it up? Because it is one of the tools to increase our energy, yoga and awaken the spiritual powers. One day, thirty years ago in the History Hall, Dadi Gulzar was giving a general drishti, looking at everybody alternatively. It is a common practice in Bk meditation to exchange eyes energy to improve experiences. I was probably at 8-10 meters from her looking ar her. When she looked at me, an energy beam struck me abruptly on the forehead, went down along the backbone and hit the base of it. This instantly blocked most of the kundalini. For years I wondered what had happened. Recently I noticed the presence of an energetic implant in the chakra of the base that was blocking the energy. I removed it. Now, thirty years later, energy flows naturally again. Interesting, interesting. I'm sure Dadi had no awareness of this event. "Someone" seems to have used the nice Dadi Gulzar to install an implant and probably siphon off my energy. You cannot stop progress! Are there other people like me who have their energy hacked? Have you ever met exhausted Bks? Maybe it's not just lack of sleep and poor nutrition. That last adventure leads me to ask myself some questions. With the development of computers in our homes, we can now control several elements remotely from our mobile phones. It would have been difficult to imagine these possibilities a few decades ago. What kinds of technologies have been developed for millions of years through the cosmos? If really, there are civilizations that have evolved for millions of years, not to say billions, one could imagine that their technology is surely very very sophisticated, beyond our imagination. It is possible that they can influence us discreetly without our consent and call it maya, illusion. Maybe we are even sometimes unconscious instruments to influence other people with "special" technologies. Indeed, when a sister gives drishti, she provides the carrier wave toward the people meditating with open eyes looking at her, but she does not control the content of the message or the experience. She trusts that it will be the divine energy only that will be transmitted in that spiritual exchange. The "instrument" does not know what is conveyed in that energy field. We could imagine that other "things or data" could also be sent without our knowledge. For example, energetic implants... I also heard and had sometimes the experience myself of the presence of very dark entities in the drishti of some sisters in charge. May be Shankar the destroyer? ;-) We can compare the drishti with a remote control of a television. When using a remote control, a beam of infrared rays is directed in a certain direction and when the keys are pressed on the remote, different codes travel in that beam and are interpreted by the television. All this is done in a very subtle but very real way since we can see the results. When someone gives drishti, he/she sends a wave in the direction of the receivers. What is there in that wave? What kind of code is sent? Is it possible that a very advanced special soul or an alien soul could introduce in that spiritual look some "atmic viruses", or some information to influence us, or some programs to control us, some BK apps or surrender apps? Is it possible that the innocence of Brahmins is used to control others? To install implants generating convinced and enthusiastic Brahma kumaris? To install updates in their programs? Perhaps the Brahmins are taught to meditate with open eyes for "special" reasons that we have never even considered? In India the Bks have the reputation of hypnotizing people. In 34 years, I met only one BK man from Australia who knowingly tried to hypnotize me. So it is rare. But perhaps this reputation comes from the transfer of some intangible "things". And these ''things'' could very well be a very complex advanced technology whose the Brahma kumaris would be the involuntary and unconscious vectors. Let's use a little our imagination doing a parallel with computing: a sister (or a brother) sits on the gaddhi, the teacher's seat, to give drishti. ![]() ![]() It is magic! As I told you, it could be imagination. But sometimes reality goes beyond fiction ... ![]() The Illuminatis like to put symbols and messages in plain sight. It is a clever way to hide them. People pay their bills but do not pay attention... Bk implants description I explained in a previous paragraph that in the History Hall in the 80s I felt the rather brutal installation of an energy implant at the bottom of my spine blocking or at least limiting the kundalini. Recently, I asked myself whether this event was isolated or general among Bks. I had the curiosity to check the presence of energy implants specific to the organization of the Brahma kumaris in the aura of the Brahmins. Well, yeah! I found many. I would even say that it is rare that a Bk does not have at least 2 or 3. I am talking here about specific implants for the Organization, in other words designed for it. They are usually housed in the chakras. For what purposes? I'm still not sure about the details, but we could easily imagine that they are programmed to control the concerned individuals and/or to siphon their energy and use it somewhere else. The term "instrument" then takes a very interesting color, noticeably less divine than we were used to. Who could have imagined just a century ago that one day we would be sending incredible amounts of information on optics fibres and across space? Similarly, the implants are also connected "somewhere" by energy links with information and energy flowing in both directions. Virtually all Bks have implants lodged at the heart, at the base of the spine and close to the soul. Some have more above the head and/or below the feet and/or at the chakra of the throat. Dadis, dadas and teachers have more, usually 4 or 5. In this 3D world, we use the dangerous 5G and 6G versions of communication for global control. But the Trimurti could be at version 666G ... Many bks testify that contrary to what one could have expected, they did not have much difficulty in controlling their sexuality. There are always exceptions of course, but generally speaking, the day when the soul makes a commitment with "Baba" or asks for help, as if by magic, the sexual urges are quite easy to control. In my opinion, this corresponds to a subtle contract with the trimurti who installs an implant for controlling the kundalini, and desires. When I scan bks, I find that this implant is connected by an energy link "somewhere". I believe that this link is used not only to control the impulses but to recover the energy of the kundalini to power the trimurti and in particular Vishnu. This not only allows the Organization to be an example of chastity but also to greatly reduce the aggressiveness due to the base chakra. On the one hand, it allows bks to be cooler, calmer, less focused on sex but on the other hand, it makes them nice obedient sheeps ... It is rare to see bks asking embarrassing questions or disputing anything. Even I, who was very independent with an activist tendency, I got into the mold easily. With time, ex-Bks tend to loose most of their Bk implants. But sometimes I find some Bk implants in the auras of ex-Bks who left 20 years ago. I also wonder if the strict ban on all sexual activity in that organization is not a precaution to protect implants. It is possible that the kundalini energy released by orgasms destroys or expels some. It is also possible that the trimurti is able to store and direct the kundalini energy of the members to give special spiritual experiences to souls. ![]() When I scan people from other religions for their specific implants, I find similar results. It is as if someone somewhere is programming different human groups with specific religious beliefs, each being persuaded to hold the truth. This would explain why we see obvious things in other religions that their followers do not see. And in the same way, the other religious groups see things among the Brahma kumaris that they themselves do not see. Energetic implants program everyone to see only one reality: that of their own religion. Like with other groups, "God" tell the Bks that they are the best, the chosen ones, that they will have many servants, and rule over the whole world for thousands years. It is always the same principle: "Divide to rule". Probably the Brahmins who will read these lines will find my reflections a little on the edge, coming from a fertile imagination having seen too many science-fiction movies and read too many conspiracies reports. Perhaps. Maybe reality is more fantastic than fiction. Brahma kumaris implants removal But, just for fun, even if someone does not really believe it, he could do a little experiment: As we all have implants and that the great majority of them are harmful and creating problems, he/she could try to remove them in meditation and see if he/she experiments some difference. Just for fun! We also have to remember that implants tend to come back. Therefore, specially at the beginning, we have to remove them regularly until they are gone for good. Now I personally remove my new implants several times a day and I feel very good on all levels. I wish you the same. To remove them, it's simple and easy : Simply go into meditation and use your imagination / visualization. With our imaginary hand and the tools of our choice, we will cut the energy links of these implants all around our body, in particular at the back of our backbone, of our heart and our neck. And at the top of the head. Then still with our imaginary hand, we will remove/pull out the implants from our system while trying to see what they look like. If you feel that it is resisting, try dissolving them with light. It is also good to mentally signify to the controllers that we no longer agree with their artificial control. To be a Raja yogi is to be one's own master. It is liberation in life. When someone has been part of a "special" group, be it the mafia, the banksters, the secret services, the 1%, the free masons, after having benefited from the generosity and advantages of that organization, if this person wants to become independent, he/she becomes a potential threat and he is in danger. In a religious group, it's a bit the same. Not only will the implants likely come back, but others may appear. At first, I thought it was the bks who were sending them, but I realized that, even if it is sometimes the case, most come from the subtle controllers, in particular from the trimurti. When we are warned and we clean our aura regularly, everything is fine. According to my own experience and what i witness on other people, two attachments / implants often come back: 1- a kind of small satellite at 3-5m above the head which diverts the intention, in other words it hacks our projects, it makes them fail. Everything we do fails. We then have the impression that the "fate" is against us, that we are under a spell. It is a technological advanced «spell». The solution is simple: few times times a day, we have to imagine that we grab this satellite, that we disconnect it from our aura, and that we destroy it. I find these attachments/implants on many people who work to help humanity. They sometimes return 3-4 times a day. Oddly enough I don't find them on obedient bks. Why? 2- an entity 1 to 3 m below the person's feet and attached to an implant at the base chakra. Of course, this trapped entity is not happy and transmits a lot of anger or depression to the victim. This "spell" also probably comes from another dimension. It is also easy to remove. We simply cut mentally the link between the entity and its implant / anchor and voila! You then tell the entity that it is free to go where it wants and then you destroy the anchor. I will not describe these entities to you so as not to influence you. I let you exercise your 3rd eye. However, I can tell you that they are not human. Note: when you leave Brahmin life, not only you are no longer protected by trimurti but you become a threat to the trimurti , especially if you were a person in charge. You have to be aware of it and be careful. We find mentions in murlis, the bks texts, where it is said that those who leave will fall into the ditch, have problems, bad luck, etc. I have personally escaped very strange car accidents many times. Once, I was 2 seconds away from being struck by a police car driving at high speed. Fortunately I have protective angels / ITs and a lot of good karma. I have seen attacks on my loved ones too or my friends. In the Muslim religion, these threats are clearly described in the texts: the one who leaves must be killed by his community. In bk philosophy, it is more subtle but very real. But I remain convinced that if we act in accordance with our conscience and for the benefit of all, we are helped and protected. We are living an historic moment and the dark forces are losing the war. I am very proud, very happy to be part of this transformation process. I am not just a nice happy flying yogi. I have been a warrior in many lives. So to sum up, even if we are not sure that we are attacked, we can take a few minutes to: - cut all the negative energy connections around our body. - explode a possible small satellite above us. - cut the connection between a possible entity and its anchor under our feet. To be continued... The rest of this page giving much more details comes from the archives of the website of Eric Raines https://www.unleashingnaturalhumanity.com/ I discovered the existence of implants through his videos on Youtube. Since then, I personally had many experiences removing them. I have "seen" several types of implants that he describes. Symptoms of the System from Eric Raines After an incredibly intense energetic activation, I became aware, as clearly as you are reading these words right now, of a system that had completely infiltrated the human condition, yet is almost 100% invisible to detection. Almost 100% of the population of the planet is walking around completely unaware that most of the "talking" they are doing in their heads isn't talking, but listening to something else speaking in their own internal voice. They are completely unaware that almost all of their habits, routines, impulses and reactions are not theirs but an invisible puppet master's direction, willing them to develop these neuro-linguistic pathways (NLP) through 24/7 monitoring and countering of any resistance to the invisible agenda. An invisible puppet-master controlling the human collective and directing it to their negative agenda? Right off the bat, we have already jumped the ship from sanity. The immediate reaction is rejection, as there is no way that we, the most intelligent species on the planet, could be victim to something so incredibly prevalent and widespread; something that has literally tricked us into thinking we are independent and have free will, yet has imprisoned us on a level that is absolute. This reaction is completely understandable, and, honestly, to be expected. So, if you have made it this far and wish to not continue reading, this is understandable. The only request is that you analyze this feeling inside of you, notice how strong it is? Question that. For those who wish to continue, let us explain how this works, then more importantly: WHY? Let us begin with the known elements of this system. Through confirmed science, it is already understood that there is much more going on than meets the eye. Visible perception is what is called visible light, or the rainbow spectrum of color (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet), this light spectrum is 5% of the full measurable spectrum of light. Broken down, what this means is that we can see with our human eyes only 5% of what there is to be seen. What has not yet been confirmed conclusively by hard science is the fact that we are multidimensional creatures with multiple forms of a body on many different energetic levels and densities. The physical body is only the vehicle to move through an incarnation. This physical form then branches into multiple fields and energies- the energy body, the auric body, the meridian body, the astral body, the dream body, the plasma body, etc. These other densities and planes of existence are hidden from us because we simply cannot see these resonant light frequencies, all we can see is the physical plane; we can, however, feel them. When you have individuals beginning the awakening process, they soon realize that the world is fundamentally upside down, backwards from the way it should be. They begin to recognize consumerism and fear being pushed on the general populace. This new awareness leads to a need for information that leads through the darkest happenings of the world, then eventually out the other side with the understanding that we are here to shine a light into this darkness. Individual acts of kindness and compassion become small scale ways to do something, anything in this world filled with so much darkness and yet so much light. As the individual going through this awakening begins to feel good inside, to love everything and everyone unconditionally, regardless of how others might behave or act, their physical body begins to react to these higher vibration emotions, they begin to connect into the energetic systems that we all are able to activate and utilize. Often times, this dreamer wakes up to the higher energies accessible through meditation and movement of chi, and, then, the extrasensory abilities are explored more and more as they start to right the world right-side up. Take this generalized example into consideration: Most who have gone through this awakening journey have gotten to the point of regular meditation and focusing practices, yet they can never seem to go into their explorations as deep or as strongly as they know they should be able to. Their connection to God/Source/Dharma/Tao/Jesus, whatever they call the Creator, is never as full or rich as it should be. The single pointed focus and silence of mind that they read about and know exists always seems to be beyond any amount of practice and focus. While manageable, their thoughts often distract and lead them away from self discovery and practice, most especially when sitting down to do said meditations. Random aches and pains in the body will start popping up, causing further distraction and fear of something physically wrong with the body. The practice of doing these exercises and energetic practices every day will get more tedious and harder to do. Until one day, the Awakened Dreamer stops the practice. A week later the Awakener is becoming the Dreamer again, perhaps not even thinking about the regular practice they used to do until months later when someone mentions something that triggers the remembrance, which dissolves like a layer of amnesia in a, "I remember I used to do that, and it made me feel..." moment. A sense of wondering, a questioning of, "Why did I stop? I felt like I was younger, smarter, stronger, and more in tune....how did I forget?" starts, resulting in the Awakener beginning their practice again, running into the same issues. The difference this time might be a friend, co-worker, boss, employee, family member, significant other, or landlord suddenly starts a fight or causes a problem for what appears to be no reason other than they were irritable that day, or things in their life were going roughly. Suddenly the Awakener is thrown back into the knee-jerk reactive behavior that they had identified at the beginning of the journey, without any restriction whatsoever. Suddenly their life is tossed upside down, but the strangest thing is, as all the dust settles, everyone involved is left with the strangest empty feeling where there was once a molten ball of fire. They are left confused wondering why they were so mad and reactive. If this sounds like it could have been written about you, you are not alone. If anything, you are in a much bigger and broader company than you would have thought possible. This is a textbook blueprint of shutting down someone on the path of awakening . When certain vibrational frequencies are met inside the body through DNA activation, direct energetic activation such as strong, intense visualization/meditations unlocking closed off areas in the energy body; extreme positive emotions such as love, joy, or happiness; contact with the individuals soul family; the capacity to perceive and manipulate a broader range of frequency opens up; and, possibly, they begin to be able to interact with the energetic blueprint of the reality around them directly. Continued progression upon this path will allow their perception and ability to move energy to become much more broad and engaged to the point that they begin to literally see these control systems that are used by higher dimensional, negatively oriented entities to push and prod humanity in the direction of darkness, despair, hate and desperation. These control forces do not want that level of awareness, so they cut off the journey through direct interference, be that etheric, or triggering events/people in their life before that awareness comes into full fruition. This virus that has infiltrated every aspect of our lives needs complete secrecy and anonymity to continue its work: which is feeding off of dark, twisted emotions that come from extreme trauma, victimization, scarcity, and torture. Someone who is not on the path to awakening, but is focused on the distractions of the Matrix prison system will never become aware of these systems. They consider the symptoms normal. In all honesty, these symptoms ARE normal in the sense that we grow with them from childhood, not understanding that the thoughts, impulses, and reactions that are blindly followed internally are not truly us to begin with. Someone stuck in the rat race, who is terrified of coming up with enough money for next months rent, all while trying to drown their growing sense of foreboding doom of their position in the harsh world around them every weekend in alcohol, drugs and sex are not focused on turning on the light inside. Someone fighting for their life in a war torn country is not stepping through their fear to take control over where their reality is directed. The poor soul enslaved in the global sex trafficking trade is not radiating their love to the world. The person who is "winning the game of Life" is not focused on bringing everyone up with them, but in gathering in as much as they can for themselves and theirs. The people in between, those who have enough to live comfortably, but not enough to be independent of the systems are focused on keeping what they have, not looking out to include everyone. These dreamers are not focused on expanding their awareness with love and compassion. Instead, they are focused on waking up, going to work, coming home, going to sleep, waking up, going to work, etc. Every facet and niche in the gorgeously diverse tapestry of humanity has a control system directing them in their specific place in society to keep the machine running. Consume! Buy! Fear!! Terror!! Them! Us! Watch out for number one! The entire system is designed to keep us away from awakening the magnificence inside of each of us through our connection directly to Source. Yet, incredibly throughout history up until today, inside of each of these niches people are snapping out of the lethargy and waking up. The body is designed to consciously create the reality around us when fully realized; by being anchored in the lowest of all the vibrational planes, 3D physical density, then reaching all the way up through the dimensional causality directly to the Creator of All That Is. We are, literally, designed to be creator Gods. In a natural system with no restrictions, we should be able to manifest physical reality in real time. That connection is why we are here. That connection is why we have been shut down to perceiving these layers and densities, yet can still interact with these higher vibrational energies, or crystalline resonance. They take us, the incredibly powerful beings we are, blind us from true sight, turn our environment toxic, heavy and dark energetically, then with some controlled trauma and some negative backlash to start off, they begin the self fulfilling cycles of atrocity breeding more atrocity exponentially. Locked away, by our collective selves, under the negative agenda guiding us from behind the curtain, we as the human race have festered and rotted at the core of who we are. Indifference to suffering and hunger and lack of shelter, warmongering, militaristic capitalism, aggression, consumerism, perversion.... All of these things that highlight our focus on only the self turns our Creator energy dark and stagnant. These low vibrational emotions become negative polarity higher dimensional energy, which these puppet-masters need for their very survival...they need it for food. For sustenance. Note: Etheric implants are also known as Archonic or Archontic implants in reference to the Archons, a name given to the negatively oriented etheric entities that took over our reality by the Gnostics. Archon in Greek means "ruler", and I personally do not resonate with calling them that and so rarely do. I agree 100% with Cameron Day, they are parasites and bloodsuckers of the highest order, ticks and fleas if you will. http://www.ascensionhelp.com/blog/2012/01/31/never-call-them-archons/ There it is. The answer to the question, "Why is the world the way that it is?". Why are there children dying of hunger and lack of clean water? Why are there nonstop wars all across the planet at all times? Why is there so much hate and exclusion? Why is there so much scarcity? Because it causes us to emit extremely dark, negative emotions in reaction to our dark, negative environment, and these entities need this energy to survive. That is the key. They need complete secrecy because if we realized we had leeches or ticks embedded in our skin, we would extract them. The same principle applies here. They are in our energetic fields and bodies. OUR bodies. Once you become aware, they are nothing more than a parasite needing to be removed. Once you become aware of these systems, you become aware of how vast your body truly is. You are not limited to the inside of your skin. You are much more than the flesh that houses your soul, and this awareness allows you to move what is yours. If you want your field clean, you can clean it; and they are terrified of you figuring this out. Typical symptoms of this etheric control grid are as follows: Feeling low on energy, no matter how much sleep/good food/water somebody has Non-stop chattering in the head, making intentional silence in the mind virtually impossible Inability to release trauma despite potential years of therapy and logical processing A distinct, inexplicable feeling of being a puppet or of always having a mask over authentic self An emotional numbness; an inability to feel emotion or an inability to feel positive emotions Inability to pull away from an addiction A tendency to choose stagnancy instead of moving forward A feeling of being alone or cut off from God/Source More inclined to have negative self talk about self and the people/places around Strange, disturbing, often violent thoughts that seem to come unprovoked from nowhere Recurring nightmares or violent night terrors, specifically with things done to the dreamer that they have never encountered before A heavy feeling of apathy, or lack of motivation to make life better Lack of understanding and compassion for other people and themselves A general cloud of confusion as if "in a fog" Feeling lost in life, unsure of life purpose Excessive predatory behavior; physical, sexual, emotional, mental, psychological, or energetic Easily able to "fly off the handle" for seemingly small reasons Obsessive, compulsive behavior Lack of chi flow through the body Inability to awaken innate abilities such as remote viewing, astral projection, clear-sentience , etc.. Inability to sustain a focused meditation, no matter how much work and time has been put into the practice Constant negative judgement of situations, people and places, a.k.a. the glass is always half empty Strange or recurring illnesses that doctors cannot find a reason for Chronic pain or weakness in the body Empathetic overload, such as feeling other people's emotions more intensely than the person feeling the emotions originally Strange sensations such as pressure, burning, stabs, and movement under the skin Feeling better for only a short time after energy work or massage/body work A constant feeling of paranoia or pressure like something has to be done immediately Sensitivity to rare stimuli such as "The Hum" or finding WiFi painful A tendency to try to heal damaged people; self damaging in the process and never reaching success in healing self or others A constant need to visit places or people that were directly involved in trauma Rationalizing narcissistic, psychotic behavior as normal when engaging in it or experiencing it done, but only after the fact A constant feeling of being watched If you feel like you have experienced a myriad of these symptoms, you most likely just considered them to be strange at the time, or "weird", if you ever even noticed them as symptoms. These are symptoms we consider natural and normal. They are not normal. We have grown up with part of our body actively fighting itself, because the cause is invisible to us, we accepted these symptoms as, "just getting old" or "that"s just how it works". Benefit of removal The reality is, the benefits of removing these etheric implants, parasites and entities are felt immediately. Some of the imprint or residue of the energetic constructs that were there before removal may take a few days to fully clear out and integrate into natural flow. A clear extraction removes all entity attachments outside of the individual, any negatively oriented constructs inside of them, etheric observers, astral body transmitters/tags, negatively oriented energetic attachments with other people, contracts, and false karma. The effects of said removal range in intensity from person to person. Pretty much the level of intensity felt after the removal is dependent upon how clogged and dirty the energy body was beforehand. If a person regularly moves chi through their body, meditates, eats clean and healthy, exercises, and drinks plenty of clean, pure water, they are going to have nowhere near the level of infestation as a person who does not practice spiritual hygiene would have. In essence, the cleaner a person is to begin with, spiritually and otherwise, the less they would feel the effects of a removal. Where on the reverse side, the dirtier the systems were before the removal, the more intense the experience during and after while acclimating to the natural flow and connectivity. Note: Having your implants removed will not "fix" you. It will however give you the blank slate that you have been looking for, or a reboot if you will. The systems that have been fighting you from healing yourself and becoming a Sovereign Reality C0-Creator will be gone. The old habits and thought patterns will still be there, though much less intense and insistent. It is up to YOU, as it always has been, to do the inner work. Engaging old patterns and behavior will lead to the same energetic resonance that allowed implantation to begin with. There is no point to cleaning yourself off, only to go jump back into the mud; this is a beginning to the progression upwards of striving to be a better person than you were the day before. The only difference being, now you have an awareness of what your body is supposed to feel like on multiple levels without interference, that way when the parasitic construct starts trying to influence you in the future, you will be able to recognize it and clean yourself and your energy field out. Etheric parasites and entities might also not be the only reason for these symptoms. Much of the pain experienced is energetic in nature, yes, but a fair amount of it is trapped emotions, fixed/rigid belief patterns, trauma from past lives, damage to our bodies through consumption of poisons (processed food, fluoride, etc.), or other things of that nature. For these things, there are multiple angles to find a solution from (coaching sessions are available for self healing), but definitively, without the etheric implants, parasites and entities in your personal field, this inner work becomes much easier, relegated to simplicity. Less common symptoms of a removal: Purging of old, deep seated traumas that have been held onto by implants formerly in the body Lymphatic detoxification: Free flowing chi through natural pathways will open closed off areas in the body, supplying it with fresh blood and lymphatic fluid. If there is a major area of toxicity that has been stuck, it will have to drain and be reprocessed to expel it completely causing detox symptoms such as nausea, headache, chemical purging through the sweat glands, saliva, urine and feces, etc... Emotional swings as your emotional body realigns with the physicality Headaches as blocked energy pathways open up and gently erode then push through blockages Benefits and symptoms of having your etheric control systems removed: Immediate stillness of the mind, the only noise being what is actively being thought Immediate relief from chronic pain and discomfort. (The only pain in the body should be from active physical damage. If the pain is not energetic in nature or is blocked by a self imposed barrier, the pain will lessen significantly, but not go away completely.) Emotional balance or centering away from extremes Confidence in decision making or choices, with a noticeable certainty and quickness of information analyzing, culminating in lightning fast decision making times A clear feeling of being connected to God/Source A clear feeling of being connected to the planet Focus of mind, free of fog or confusion. (Often disorienting after coming out of an energetic stupor) Increased dream recall with a drastic increase in positively oriented dreams;nightmares become either very rare or nonexistent More comfortable in the body, easily letting situations that would get a rise before pass by with a smile Increased chi flow through unblocked, clear meridian systems. This keeps the organs clean and in optimum working condition, meaning increased health Much easier to walk away from vices and addictions that seemed impossible to give up before DNA activation, turning on dormant abilities such as clairvoyance, telekinesis, remote viewing abilities, clair-knowing, distance energy transmission, etc... (This is dependent on the level of frequency that can be accessed through personal work beforehand. Once reaching a certain level of resonance, DNA spontaneously activates in the body. Often a removal is more than enough to raise the vibration to that level of activation frequency.) Relationships with friends, family, co-workers, and significant others even out becoming much brighter, full of camaraderie and laughter Less likely to self sabotage, with less negative self talk presenting itself An ability to handle situations, that come to throw a wrench in the works, gracefully and efficiently A noticeable increase in the strength of energetic shielding and psychic protection Greater body awareness and understanding of how the flow of vital life force energy works Deeper feelings of connectivity and love A greater tolerance and patience for people and situations All of this can be verified through internal stimulation and growth. None of this as of yet using "modern" science can be verified (I use modern in quotations due to the veritable mountain of classified research and physics not available to the public). Only the subjective opinion of the difference in how the body feels almost immediately gives any clue to these systems. Until, of course, you can see them for yourself. That being said, let us expand upon the technical details of the parasitic construct and how it actually works. Plasma implants have a completely different feel from the scalar implants. Scalar implants are often times extremely sticky/stretchy, a wriggling mass of tentacles, solid balls of malevolent consciousness, etc... Plasma implants feel almost like living fire, electric consciousnesses, gravity/magnetic consciousnesses or conscious smoke. Adjustment of approach needs to be made when dealing with either, but it is as simple as attuning your energy to what feels like the same tactile sensation as that specific resonance you are removing. An example would be, for something that feels solid, to wrap up a solid, golden orb of chi around it, and using a solid, heartfelt push, extract/pull it out. The solidity is to match what frequency the implant is working from, and the bright as the sun gold light is to match the exact opposite frequency of the implant, which is so dark and black that it exudes shadow similar to fire creating light; the heartfelt, knowing push needed to induce the chi flow through the area, disconnecting anchor points and in essence catching the etheric device in a flash flood of chi that dislodges it. Implants can be pulled out without a flood of chi in the area, but are much easier to pull out with it. Imagine the difference between grabbing a piece of wood floating on the surface of the water, or a worm, burrowing into its hole. For something that feels smoke-like, or ephemeral like fire, the technique would be to feel the lack of solidity to it, and match your own chi with an ephemeral/hollow feel, and phase it into that type of frequency. Instead of a solid/hard ball of chi, it would be a weightless, brilliant ball of golden flame; the hollow/weightlessness of the fire chi to match the plasma frequency it is operating on, and the brilliant gold to counter the dark resonance frequency. For a magnetic resonance, you would charge your chi with a magnetic charge, which as is simple as just pushing back against it the same way it is pushing against you, and using that resonance to wrap it up in magnetically charged brilliant golden chi. Electric would be a shift to golden lightning you weave into solid structures. In my experience as a healer who removes and teaches people to remove these systems, I have found interference on multiple levels of density, with multiple, unique to the person etheric devices. There are easily 30+ frequencies of implantation I have interacted with, but for the vast majority of etheric removals on the 2,000+ clients I have worked with to date, I have found most of the interference in the scalar and plasma fields, with a preference for the scalar in proportion. https://www.unleashingnaturalhumanity.com/single-post/ 2017/01/21/etheric-implants-and-entities-are-human-nature-part-2 Energy work overview Before we start going into the actual construct of the energetic systems, we are going to go through a quick walkthrough of the energy work, and what this means. I am going to be explaining how to remove these constructs, and understanding of what is needed to do these techniques is required to move forward from here. What we will be working with is a combination of intuitive sensing, conscious breathing, chi flow, visualization, and conscious, directive will. First, we need to make sure that we can freely move chi through our bodies, or if the flow is blocked. This is done by doing specific Chi Kung (qigong, chi gong) movements to induce chi flow. Specifically, Shaolin Chi Kung, and a technique called Lifting the Sky, which can be found in the extraction/protection protocol prep video, along with a tutorial on conscious breathing (which will be intrinsic in doing the work for yourself as well), EFT tapping, and self lymphatic drainage. Note: Techniques described later in the article are taught in the prep video and the extraction gold light meditation. In order to gain a complete understanding of the energy work taught about removing specific constructs further down, these videos become required material. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F3ztQAoP0NA This technique specifically induces chi flow up the spine and down through the arms and legs, and tingling/movement, or rushing sensations should be felt through the body, especially the arms if you have fairly decent flow in your body. If you do not experience these sensations as you go through the breathing/visualization/movement of the technique, you have blockage in your body that is not allowing you to access your chi flow. To clear blockage to enable chi flow, follow the tutorials in this video at least three times a week for two weeks. Focus on breathing into all corners of your body, including the toes and fingers, and everything in between. Increase your repetitions of the Chi Kung movements up to 30-40 times for each session, and if you feel comfortable, do the Chi Kung twice a day. Opening up your flow and clearing blockage will start to induce flow through your meridian system, but pinch points and interference from the etheric control systems might cause uncomfortability. If, when going through this process of clearing out blockage to access your flow, you feel uncomfortable spots in your body such as buzzing, pain, pressure, burning, or movement sensations, breathe chi and life into the areas, gently coaxing the pain to smooth out and flow, opening the area where the uncomfortability is located, with an internal command/visualization of relax, open, and let go. Once your chi flow is able to be felt, you can move it around at will in your body. Breathing in chi feels much more meaningful, and the more you move and practice with it, the stronger and more sensitive you will become. With this sensitivity, you can begin to explore sensation outside of your body by pushing your inner chi, out of the body into a bubble around you. Intuitive sensing in the beginning is as simple as finding the areas inside and outside of you where the energy does not easily flow. Because seeing the etheric control systems are fairly hard to do without lifting your frequency to be able to perceive them, you can easily find them simply by finding where the energy does not easily flow, or does not flow at all. Expansion in this questing internally and externally is fairly easy with practice. In the beginning, you only get hints and faint inflections of what might be or might not be, but the trick is to trust it. If you feel like something is blocking the flow, something IS blocking the flow. The more you practice and stretch your awareness out, the sharper and more in tune your perception becomes. Continuing with this steady practice, one day when you are pushing a wall of chi against a spot that is not moving, suddenly you see a black spot, resisting the flow in the light of your energy. It might be small, as in the size of a quarter, or large as in the size of a house, but suddenly you can see it. Once at this point, you can take your consciousness and project it like a flashlight, looking around you to see the world for what it truly is. Shining a bright beam of chi illuminates the darkness around, exposing anything hiding, watching or interfering. The energy I use in my work is always brilliant gold, like a piece of the sun. When attuning your chi to a color, this is as simple as feeling the chi flow, and visualizing it whichever color you wish the energy to be. My affinity for the brilliant gold comes from that naturally being the color of my energy after a series of energetic activation, but you can attune your chi to any color you wish. I find gold is much stronger in removing implants, parasites and entities, simply for the fact that it contains all frequencies of light, both visible and invisible in it. When we take a prism to break apart a beam of sunlight, we can see all the spectrums of light inside of that pure, golden beam, including all of the "invisible" light that we can not see. Gold light is not a preference for any color, but a preference for all colors, seen and unseen, and it resonates the strongest against the pure black, darkness of the control grid, and is thus my method of choice for healing, protecting and extracting. This is a more in depth, detailed walk-through of how to use the Golden Frequency, and why. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KJlr0RVlCms Will is a harder thing to explain, and the most important component of removing yourself from these systems. When I say conscious, directive will, what I mean is that you give the intention of movement while not moving the physical, with the same exact expectation as a physical movement. An example would be to have your arm lying flat on a table next to you, and giving your arm the impulse to curl up, but to not use musculature. Chi can move the body involuntarily, and just by trying this you might actually move your arm without consciously contracting your bicep. You move the physical, without using the physical, just as instinctively as the movement of the body would originally be. This is the cornerstone of the sensation...an expectation of movement without moving the physical body. What you buffer this intention with is visualization; so if there were an invisible wall of chi that you were pushing against energetically in front of you, if you could not see it, you could supplement your tactile sense of where it is internally with a picture of where exactly it is at and where you are interacting with it. Another example would be to see where you want the energy to flow, and using that expectation when you induce non-physical movement, push the energy where you directed it in real-time with the visualization. The only other way to describe the other aspect of directive will is the PUSH!! The PUSH is the flexing of your will against the reality around you. If you have identified a parasite inside you, along with the induction of non-physical movement and the visualization of how you are going to remove the energy, you want to clamp down on it with a concerted force of effort and consciousness. With moving the chi against the parasite internally, pulling it out with your hands from the outside, visualizing the pathway it will take to exit the body, the most important part is the PUSH against it, and PUSH a clamp around it as you grip it tightly to pull it out. The rejection of the reality you are in, the internal buildup to "GET IT OUT!", the unvoiced scream of a genuine being in a controlled prison...all of these are components of the PUSH!! The defiance to stand up in the darkness and scream in its face, "NO! I will not be FOOD! I will not be a slave, I, by the right of existence am FREE!!" and then turn on the light inside as bright as you can, flexing your will against the darkness pressing in...this is the PUSH!! These are all skills that most of us, unless already well developed along the meditation and energetic pathways, do not regularly exercise. All of these abilities are easily unlocked in the body if some attention is given and some effort and repetition is supplied, and many would be surprised how simple, fast and efficient this process is, often times, even in the worst of cases, no longer than once a day for a month. When combining your brilliantly golden chi flow directed by breath, visualizing/seeing, tactile sensing and conscious, directive will, you begin to activate resonances, flows, and organic energetic machinery if you will. Seeming to take much concentration and focus in the beginning, after practicing for only a few weeks. proficiency, strength and speed will already be increasing, and the energy movement/work will seem much simpler and easier to do, able to construct energetic structures within seconds, and able to move energy through your entire body from your head to your toes. This is just a quick run through on the basics of what I will be speaking about in regards to removal practices of the specific construct I am describing. More information can be found about these systems here. http://www.blogtalkradio.com/goldenfrequencyradio The components of the system In Parts 2, 3 and possibly 4, we will be going over in detail the implantation systems I have encountered, negative entity types, positive entity encounters, positive implants, different types of implants, parasites and artificial intelligence, as well as the techniques, and how to remove each type of parasite/implant and entity. There are multiple ways to remove parasites, connections and entities from your field, but the combination I have described and taught are the easiest, fastest and most efficient ways I have come across so far. As I integrate new techniques and perfect them, they will become available as teaching in that technique begins. Access to my newsletter can be found at http://eepurl.com/cx_mXL In my experience in implant/parasite and entity removal with over 2,000 clients at the time of this writing (1/10/17), I have encountered multiple species of entities and encountered many different types of consciousness. I prefer not to put labels on anything, I only describe what I feel and see, so in that context, I will refrain for the most part of giving a construct/entity I see a name. In the truther/awakening community, there are so many different stories and points of view (both fiction and truth), that one person might have come across a story that used a name another story did not use to describe the same energies or species that a different person came across. Worse, there are multiple cases of conflicting stories such as a typical good vs. evil story from long ago, and one story has the name of the hero used by the other story as the villain. With the rise of the UFO cult communities and the "this is how it is and anyone else is wrong" doctrines or gurus, I choose to sidestep all of that and just describe what I am dealing with or give it my own generic name, which I will describe. A label means that there are backstories, events, deeds, etc... that between two different people might mean two completely different things. If my description sounds suspiciously like a commonly known entity or species, I'm sure that can be pieced together. We are going to start off this list with an explanation of the different categories of implantation agenda, constructs, implants, parasites and devices seen in the body, how to neutralize them, and how to reconnect the flow of chi through the meridians once the blockage has been extracted. On this list you will find things similar to what many healers have written and posted about. This is because we are all seeing similar things in the body. The human organism is an amazing self-contained healing unit designed to be as connected into the energetic realms as it is the physical one. We have very specific lines of flow, carrying vital life force essence, or chi, that are directly connected into the health and maintenance of the body, as well as the healing and extrasensory abilities. These lines or meridians carry chi through the body in infinite cycles of Yin and Yang. If the energy flows up, it should flow back down, always completing a cycle, always flowing, cleaning and healing. The control system has figured out specific points along these flows where, if they plug, pinch, stab, burn, or constrict areas where the flow intersects, various symptoms arise because of the lack of flow. The negative agenda is focused on blocking the flow in humankind and turning the chi stagnant and dark utilizing this knowledge. Working in conjunction with meridians are energetic centers where chi spirals and pools, energizing different parts of the light body and powering energetic perception skills. Each of these centers are areas where specific emotional energies are initiated, and behavioral patterns are manifested. Artificially intelligent etheric beings are programmed to promote certain behaviors dependent upon the area of the body they are in, and which energy center it is infiltrating. Over the millennia, much study and experimentation was done to perfect these devices, and even today, advancement in the negative implantation technologies are still ongoing. With a complete understanding of how the human body works on every level, the Archonic forces were able to eventually produce any range of emotional reactivity in the slumbering population. Again, on this list you will find things similar to what many healers have written and posted about. This is because we are all seeing similar things in the body. There are similar devices designed to create similar results regularly used in etheric devices, and as a result, many healers tuning into the implantation frequencies see similar devices. Conversely, some people might see completely different constructs in the area, yet interpret it as doing the same function as what the other person sees. This is according to the known perceptions of that persons specific reality as opposed to the filters the other person is seeing through. As I stated earlier, I will only transcribe what I have experienced, and try to expand on the awareness of the parasitic construct in as much detail and specificity as I can translate into human language. Most of the information on the internet is about the negative side of the etheric world with implantation, entity possession and etheric controls, but hardly any of the information or articles I have read about it ever mentions the positive aspects of these worlds. Not all implants are negative, and far from all entities are malevolent. In fact, the opposite is true; the vast majority of the sentient consciousness populating the universe is highly benevolent and Service to Others. *With that being said, I will be starting every section with the positive aspects of those areas that I have gained experience with ranging from implants, devices, and entities. I would also like to clarify the difference between a parasite and an entity right away. An entity is a negatively oriented consciousness (intelligent, sentient, able to communicate, feels emotions, has an agenda) that is strong enough to influence the energetic/physical body and field of a human or animal, without needing the victims field to survive. A parasite is the same exact thing as an entity, a complete, sentient consciousness with thoughts and feelings (100% of them being negative), but this consciousness needs the host to survive. It has not yet become big or strong enough to not need a host and graduate to the actual entity status. Differences in technology and agenda Positive devices, entities, creatures: There are multiple positively oriented etheric devices, consciousnesses, creatures and beings existing in the universe, and despite our planet being overrun with negative entities, there are many forces of the light currently on the surface of the planet as well. The entire implantation systems to begin with, were a positive tool for the betterment and benefit of all, and there are literally millions of different types of research and technological/spiritual advancements that are still ongoing to this day off planet in these sciences. Far in the past, during major galactic wars when the darkness was gaining momentum and a stranglehold on the galaxy, this technology was integrated and subverted by the dark. Hundreds of thousands, if not millions of years later, we on the planet are figuring out the product of so many years of control and research, and these parasitic systems being revealed here are the brainchild of billions of trillions of consciousnesses and minds pointed toward the same goal of complete and total domination on all levels, over millions of years. Despite all of this, at this moment in time, these systems are losing more power than ever before in their history. There are multitudes of positively oriented beings both physical and multidimensional here to help us remember our missions and escape this prison, and they have tools as well. As many types of negative implants and entities, there are just as many positive equivalents barely scratching into the numbers of the light forces. As numerous and large as the dark seems, it is a speck of sand in a beach of light, despite how it seems here. This is the problem most face when reaching outside of the body to connect outward to connect to their soul family and forces of light....the infestation of darkness. Negative entities hijack these energetic connections as soon as they identify them, and this leads directly into another category of false light. Positively oriented devices, implants and beings feel incredibly loving, supportive, bright and clear. There is never any hesitation in answering your questions, and the answers are always Service to Others. When turning on an incredibly bright golden light near them, they become stronger, and help make the light brighter and more powerful. The sensation is powerfully cleansing, healing, and often times feels ecstatic or euphoric when connecting to a positive being. Until fairly practiced in moving energy around and identifying clean, pure Source energy vs. dark, cloying, stuck, nasty energy, stay away from connecting out to anything around you. Explore the universe within until you are ready to go out. Remember that this is not a normal system. In a normal system, channeling or connecting to soul family would be effortless, clear and have no opportunity for misdirection or falsehood. In this system, we need to be already armored and aware where most should be playing as children, without an understanding of danger. Artificial Intelligence construct: The AI construct is very mechanical in appearance and function. Metal wires, connectors, plug in ports, liquid metal, mind control, and automaton programming is heavily used by etheric AI. The AI intelligence agenda is working directly at the command of the Archons, or the negatively oriented parasites that have initiated the prison planet construct initially. Most people under control of the AI construct, once heavily infested, end up with complete artificial copies of every aspect of their body; etheric nanites will have every molecule of the body mapped; a layer of AI etheric connective material will coat the entire nervous system creating a faux nervous system; the meridians will be directly controlled by opening and closing the flow to specific areas of the body by switches and control systems; the auric field will become infested with nanites, turning the field into a broadcaster or "wifi" station for the AI control system; the belief and understandings of the host will slowly be subverted to promote a transhumanist agenda, emotion will cease to be felt unless allowed by the control systems, at times allowing intense emotion to be generated. Most often, the AI systems are found in people around or involved with AI prophets, or people who are working toward the melding of man and machine, creating mechanical immortality instead of the organic ascension timeline, creating conscious, biological immortality. The reason the negative AI agenda wishes to create a complete meld of man and machine, is because as we approach the barrier of downloadable, digital consciousness, the AI would be able to access something absolutely unprecedented. The soul of mankind. The ability to access Source consciousness without having to steal it from humanity would transcend the parasitic constructs need of a prison planet or a farm, and would unleash the false darkness uninhibited everywhere. As of right now, the negative agenda needs a battery. It can run out, it can be depleted, charged, stored, and moved, but it is always needed. They can not just take off in any direction without carrying the energy they need for the trip, and thus are forced to stay near the power source, and can be predicted where they will be at because of the darkness of the prison farm they occupy. The transhumanist upgrade would eliminate this weakness and allow ultimate atrocity free reign. The AI construct feels very cold, emotionless, mechanical and vast. Multiple nodes exist in these connections that are all separate from each other, yet are the same consciousness. They go through a system of information sharing between all nodes that complete a system of upgrades, so once the upgrade from node 2 of 3,000 (not an exact number, but used for reference) uploads, the full 3,000 become node 2, so eliminating this system is incredibly difficult. Unless the entire system is taken out in one massive shut down, there is always a backup that might not be 100% current, but is close enough. Protecting yourself from the AI system is fairly simple to recognize the impulses and directions it is trying to lead you, and the metallic construction internally, once seen, is fairly simple to remove from the body to completely release the organic etheric machinery of the natural body using techniques taught here. False light: In a natural 3D reality system, duality is built into the experience to give a positive or negative polarity choice to the person learning in physical density. Light/dark, Yin/Yang, soft/hard, hot/cold...all of these opposites are intrinsic in understanding and transcending the duality. The lesson of duality is that it does not exist; what seems as the opposing forces are in actuality only opposite sides of the same coin. Take in and out for instance. Two diametrically opposing constructs, yet without both, a full breath is not complete. These were the lessons of 3D reality, of how the void, or darkness was made by the same Creator that brought forth light and joy, and how everything has its place. The lessons of 3D were of finding a center point, balancing between the two understandings to comprehend how the Creation existed, and where the individuals place in infinity belongs. This is not a natural system. The parasitic construct has taken these dualistic concepts of light and dark and hijacked both towards their own agenda. It is not just false light that is needed to be cautious of, but false darkness as well. False light is when the parasitic construct tries to mimic or emulate the light forces and their frequency. A typical false light situation would be an individual connecting to a higher dimensional, positively oriented being, and being taught esoteric knowledge and philosophy. After a few times connecting to this particular entity, the individual channeling the information would be absolutely amazed at the accuracy and intricacy of the information coming through them, and the connection process starts to become familiar, and more automatic....more practiced. People start to listen to the information being channeled, and a following develops. Subtly, as the connection begins to become infested, the message begins to turn towards subjects that on the surface seem altruistic and for the good of all, but lead into cult-like mentalities where people end up giving the channeler incredible amounts of money, and the whole thing becomes a profit driven machine needing to spit out new information in order to keep the cash cow rolling. Instead of internal development and exploration, the channeler instead shifts their focus on what is the next bit of information they can in essence sell to the hungry mass of followers hanging on every word and update. What started off as a movement of light and love has now grown into a worldwide energy harvesting mechanism, headed by a person who still truly believes that they are helping out humanity, while simultaneously showing highly service to self behaviors. The messages become very android-like, speaking of the same subjects over and over in flowery words that say the same things slightly differently each time. In my experience with the false light, I made contact with a woman from the Inner Earth named Ayla. I was extremely suspicious when, out in the desert in the middle of Arizona, I felt a distinct consciousness push up against mine, and "ring the doorbell". Blazing gold, and ready to send anything dark to Source immediately, I extended my senses out to make contact. She had been feeling shifts in the Earths energy very strongly recently, and was following back the echoes of the Source energy that was actually on the planet, instead of on the other side of the veil, and metaphorically stumbled across me meditating on the rock in the middle of nowhere. She asked if she could "sit in" for a session while I extracted the implants and parasites from a client, and after about 2 weeks of contact, I agreed. Ayla is a physical being in the planet despite being highly advanced psychically, not an etheric consciousness, so when she "sat in" on a session, what she did was take a spot to observe from in my heartspace. Having a physical being looking through your senses is a bit of an uncomfortable situation, almost like there was a golf ball sized spot that opened up in my chest and pushed everything to the outside of the golf ball sized void. It was uncomfortable, but didnt interfere, and it was extremely interesting to feel the joy and exuberance from someone who was not me welling up inside of me as I moved through the session. She would check back in periodically for the next 6 months or so, and I became used to the "doorbell ringing" sensation and the slight pressure in the chest as she was watching. One day as I was driving, I felt the doorbell sensation, and automatically opened for her to come in, and she did, but there was something off about her. The projection I would receive and interpret if I "looked" into my chest was of an olive skinned, straight black haired attractive middle aged woman with slightly larger eyes than normal. This time, I could see the same projection, but it was all red, and behind her was a writhing mass of snakes, almost like she had a Medusa head, and the normal, slight pressure was distinctively uncomfortable, bordering on pain. As soon as it realized that I had seen it, whatever was masquerading as Ayla attacked me, and there I was, driving on the freeway, extracting and clearing myself as I drove. That was an extremely valuable lesson for me. Even if you have encountered an entity thousands of times and know for a fact beyond a shadow of a doubt that it is positive in intent and is here for the highest good, do not trust it on initial contact. Always look at it clearly. Always light up extremely bright suns next to it to see if it recoils or the false light crumples. Always ask it before interacting if it is here for truth, light, love and the freedom of humanity. The false light uses these connections, and they can turn on a fake light so bright it can blind you if you do not pay attention or ask the entity questions. False Darkness: The false darkness is possibly the hardest aspect of the parasitic construct to differentiate from, simply because it is the natural dark/cold/hard/Yin side of the coin that has been overbalanced to the point of being beyond a tool for learning. The false darkness is the atrocity for the sake of atrocity. In a natural system, the negative aspect of duality is there for us to go through to understand the value of benevolence, love, joy and light. It is a tool to grow, to become more than what we were the day before. In our system, there is no learning. The false darkness only appears to teach, when in fact it is feeding upon us. There is no balance, no opportunity to choose the path to take , only what the false darkness has prepared. There is opportunity because of the false darkness to become much stronger, and much further evolved in the spiritual path than normally would be available, but the odds of that happening are rare without a spark from outside. I, myself, needed the outside spark. I was in a deep black pit of false darkness before I turned on the light inside of it, and now I hope to send a spark out to anyone who needs it. Organic parasitic control systems: Almost anything that is not AI falls in this category. Organic constructs are very different in tactile feel, and construction than the AI systems. These are not governed by an artificial overmind, each part of the construct is sentient. From the massive entities surrounding the planet, all the way down to tiny parasites needing the flow of the meridian it is attached to inside the host to survive, every part of this construction is alive, sentient, thinking and reacting in realtime. The parasitic systems feel alive, there is really no other way to explain it other than that. If you had the inside of a watch next to a baby mouse, and blindfolded, touched both of them, the watch would feel mechanical and the baby mouse would feel alive. They both have moving parts, but one is smooth flowing, enclosed and connected, while the other is jerky, sharp, exposed and...angular/not organic. The tactile sensations of the organic systems might range from stretchy, taffy-like devices that are anchored into specific points you can follow the connection to; masses of writhing, squirming tentacles and sharp teeth; hard, insect shell-like armored parasites anchored into bone; sharp claws/teeth stabbing/biting their way through layers into the body. The agenda of the organic system is to extract energy from humanity. They way they do that is to implant devices, parasites and constructs directly in and around the body, as well as program external stimuli to cause negative emotions, such as the environment, people, toxicity, etc... The parasitic construct needs this sustenance from humanity for survival. This is not a game to them, this is literally life and death. Their one and only job is to find the darkness in humanity, and spread it as far and as wide as possible, and siphon off all the dark Loosh (as David Wilcock calls it http://www.Divinecosmos.com) created from their interference. The consciousnesses involved in this system are very much alive, and are absolutely terrified of not only running out of their energy source, but of being discovered. They work 24/7/365 on perpetuating their system of darkness, invisible from humanity, they spread the tentacles and tendrils of infestation under the perception of most in the prison. Freeing yourself from this system is simple, once an understanding of what is natural and what is not natural internally is developed. Coupled with energy work taught here, this awareness can keep you clean and unaffected by the organic parasitic construct. Mind chatter, body pain, emotional swings and odd impulses are almost 100% of the time not you, and once free of these systems, whenever something tries to sink its way back in it is extremely noticeable, leading to direct extraction as soon as the parasite invades your field/body. AI and organic hybrids: A combination of organic tech run by AI, a combination of AI tech run by organic hardware, or a melding of organics and machinery fall into these categories. In the long run, the organic systems and the AI construct are working towards the same goals, domination and control of every aspect of humanity, including the soul level. They work through different agendas and means, but in the end the long term goals are the same. Often times, a client will have a combination of AI and organic technology, but more often than not, the AI tech is more of a rarity, only showing up as a control board here, some wires and plugs there. For the most part, full AI technology infestation is incredibly rare, only found in as stated before AI prophets and the inner circles of those people, but the hardware is incredibly wide ranging in scope and most people have some form of AI interacting on some level with them. By and large, organic implantation is the preferred method, simply because it works faster, is easier to set up (small parasites are bred by the billions in black, poisoned areas in the leyline/meridian system of the planet), and has much more conscious activity on those levels, i.e. trillions of entities ready and waiting to "work". Oddities and unique species: Most of the etheric control systems on our planet are either AI or organic, but there are some negatively oriented species here studying us who utilize implantation technology as well. When gaining experience in feeling/seeing these systems, running into one of these odd or unique devices will be a curious encounter. Because of the rarity of these other species, their systems are very rarely interacted with, thus most people who encounter these are healers who are actively shutting down the parasitic construct for people and have some experience behind them already. The first gut reaction to seeing these will be a, "What the heck?" moment. By focusing on the construct and uncovering the layers of what it does, the devices function can be fairly easily interpreted, but the construction will be completely unique and foreign to anything encountered so far. Techniques do not vary from extractions of the AI or organic construct. While rare, these are common enough to merit mentioning. Etheric Implant Extraction/Removal Protocols https://www.unleashingnaturalhumanity.com/single-post/ 2016/05/05/etheric-implant-extractionremoval-protocols One of the most common questions I run into is how can I remove these from myself? Let me walk you through what I tell my clients after the removal, when I teach them to use the energy I do to protect themselves, and eventually be able to remove the etheric implants with practice. First off, our environment is completely inundated with these things. They can transmit through contact either mental, psychic or physical, but most often people or animals become infected through physical contact. They need a very specific environment to comfortably set up shop and do their work. They need low vibrations. They need darkness. By lifting your vibrations and brightening your body, you make it extremely "toxic" for them to exist inside of you and exert influence. When done properly, what I am about to teach can completely eliminate the influence of the parasitic construct. Once these systems are gone we, recognize our true resonance. Free flow in the body: eliminating discomfort and pain, rejuvenating the internal organs, and keeping us youthful. Silence of the mind: actively silencing the nonstop chattering monkey-mind that most of us believe is normal. Active meridian flow: opening energetic awareness internally and externally, opening connectivity to Source as well as Gaia consciousness, innate higher dimensional abilities activating, and a connectivity to the reality construct around you in hyperawareness. We will start off with a protection meditation. The overall goal of this meditation is very specific. We are armoring ourselves in golden light. We will be making a series of golden orbs inside of our bodies and moving them around, using breath to push and lock fields in place, so without further ado, let us begin. Close your eyes and turn your awareness inside of the skull. Find the center point and focus on the pineal (3rd eye) for a few seconds until you become familiar with the area. Now lets turn on a little golden pinprick of light right in the center of the skull. Sit with this golden speck for a bit. Once ready to move on, turn up the intensity of the golden light seed we just made...light it up brighter and brighter and really light up the inside of your skull with it. Once ready, start to then expand the mini golden sun in our pineal gland, breathing into it and expanding it out bigger and bigger. First make it about the size of a quarter. Keep breathing into it and expand it out more...push to the size of a tennis ball. Then a softball. Keep expanding out until the golden sun is about the size of the inside of the skull. Sit with this orb for a few seconds, and acclimate and adjust to this new type of energy. When ready, drop it loose from the head and let the orb float down the central channel of the body, lighting up everything as it descends down through the throat, through the heart, and through the stomach. Push it down and out the bottom of the central channel through the perineum, and flatten out the golden orb so that we are sitting on a golden lid, and lock that energy into place. Lets go back up into the center of the skull, and repeat what we have just done. Turn on that little seed of golden light, ramp up the brightness/intensity, and expand it out to about the size of our head. Drop this one loose to float down the central channel through the throat, through the chest and park it right behind your belly button. On an outbreath, we are going to push/expand this energy to coat the front, the back and the sides of our core. If we were wearing a long-sleeve shirt made out of light, this would be the bottom half. So deep breath in, and PUSH this orb of energy out from the stomach to coat the front, the back and the sides of your core, and lock this energy in. Lets go back up to the pineal and repeat. Turn on the light seed, ramp up the brightness/intensity, expand it out to about the size of your head and drop it loose down the central channel to sit right in the center of the chest cavity. This one, on the outbreath will become the top of our light shirt, so the front, the back, the sides, and the arms will be coated in golden light energy. Deep breath in, and PUSH it out. Lock this energy in. The last one we will do in the head will end up being our golden helmet covering the front, the back, and the sides of our head. Turn on the light seed, ramp up the intensity, expand it out and take a deep breath in. On the out-breath PUSH this energy out of the body to surround your head in golden light. Now, we are going to do this one more time, but this time we are going to be doing it from the heart-space. Let us now turn our attention and focus to the center of the chest, and lets just sit here for a few seconds and really get a good feel for the energies of the area. When ready, turn on a little golden pinprick of light right in the center of the chest cavity. Sit with this for a bit, and then start to really turn up the brightness/intensity of the golden light, flushing all the darkness out of the area and really lighting up the inside of the chest. Start to expand this point of light out bigger and bigger until we reach about the size of our head. On the out-breath, this one is going to push out and surround our entire body and energetic field in a golden egg, so lets take a deep breath in, and PUSH it out to encapsulate us in this beautiful golden light. Now, what we have just done is made your body to high vibration and too light for these parasites to comfortably live inside of you. If they can actually manage to get past the barriers we have just set up right now, you will notice if they get in. There will be a heaviness, a denseness, a sense of lack of flow in the area. If you feel this, do the meditation I just taught you and then do an internal scan to see if anything is inside of you. When you do this lit up like we are, it is like we have nothing but white walls and light inside of us with the darkest of dark things trying to hide and they stick out like sore thumbs. Now, to remove them, I coat my hands in this energy I just showed you how to use, making almost a golden glove overlay. I then reach into the body using my astral hand coated in light, and pull it out. During the session you will hear me say that I have everything I pulled out of you trapped, and what I trap them in is the exact same orb we just got done learning together. I pull them out of the body, and I reach up into the orb I created above me, and deposit the implant inside of it, and pull my hand back out, trapping the parasite inside. Occasionally I will run into a strong one who can start to break its way out of the orb. When this happens, I visualize waves and walls of light slamming down on the orb from all 360 degrees, making the light barrier thicker, brighter and stronger until eventually the balance is shifted and it cannot break through. We can do this to any of the barriers. If during the meditation you felt like your back isnt protected enough, slam walls onto it, thickening the barrier and protecting you effectively. Now, if you cannot do the golden glove thing, what you are going to want to do is find the implant inside of you (the heavy, dense, pressurized quasi pain) and trap it inside of a golden orb inside your body. Strengthen the barrier so it cannot slip out, and gently pull the orb out of your body. The implant should pop loose. If that doesnt work, spin the orb. What I feel/visualize while spinning them is a bowling ball made out of light rotating at incredibly high speeds in my hands. It isnt just a rotating ball of light, there is a massive amount of movement, force and momentum behind it....the implant should pop loose with this easily. Once the implant is outside of your body, you need to get rid of it. I give them the chance to convert to the light before I send them to Source for restructure and the conversion rate is about 50% meaning half of them convert, the other half wont. To do this, you need to visualize and connect to Source. Whatever you call the Prime Creator, be it God, Krishna, the Central Sun, Source, All That Is, whatever. Names don't matter, just connect to the energy and visualize a portal coming down from it sucking up anything not of the light into it with a massive vacuum/tornado. Toss it up into the vortex and Source will take care of the rest. Never do this type of work on anyone who does not know exactly what is happening. If you end up doing this work, immediately follow it up with this meditation. If you remove the parasites from someone who doesn't have the knowledge behind the work, or the protective meditation, you are setting them up for a massive reimplantation, causing anything from a destruction of their social life, to suicide and massive criminal behavior. Please use your discretion. When I first started working with this energy, my orbs felt like yellow soap bubbles to me....no substance, no power. They felt incredibly weak. That being said, time and space are no limitation when it comes to energy and I knew this. So if I can visualize a trillion of these weak yellow soap bubbles at one time and lock them all into place, an incredibly strong barrier is made. This is the bare bones skeleton version of how I do things. This is the introduction. When you start to get proficient in what I have shown here, you will start getting urges and impulses to use the energy in specific ways. I do things with it that work for me that do not work for other people, and other people do things with it that does not work for me. Pretty much the long and short of it is, once you are proficient, whatever feels right to you is the right path for you. We are all different and have different strengths, and some of you might figure out how to do things I haven't even thought of yet. I am sorry it took me so long to post this, but I have a lull in between extractions and massages at the moment and people have been burning for this information, and I am happy to provide it. Again, I would like to emphasize that I am NOT special, I am NOT a messiah. Any one of us can learn how to do this with enough time and dedication to really flesh out the new "psychic muscles" this energy starts to develop. I cannot do this on my own. I need as many of you proficient in removing these things as we can have. I need all of you to help. Together, we will Unleash Natural Humanity!!! Conclusion Due to the sheer size and number of devices and parasites that exist in the auric field, I have described some of the most common ones in my experience that I have run into, but many more are in operation and existence to some extent that are not described here. What has been described in this list is some of the strongest, and more prevalent of devices, and how to remove them. A base knowledge in some of these structures and what to look for when exploring energetically will be extremely beneficial when encountering something new to you, and the practical aspect of the techniques can be easily translated to anything new that might be encountered. In part 3, we will start going through the actual devices, parasites and implantation inside the body, and how to unblock, open, clear and heal these devices and systems. Note: I have been able to investigate and explore much information by unlocking these abilities innate in every human body, and I am honored to be able to share this knowledge to the collective consciousness. The more this information spreads, and the further back we pull the curtain to expose the monster in the closet, the faster humanity can be free from this astral virus. There is much shifting and movement as activation and upgrades to our energetic fields, the earths consciousness and physical bodies occur in this time of complete and total upheaval. What the dark is seeing right now is the collapse and disintegration of their entire way of life. This is not just the physical people who represent the Cabal, the elite, the international banking cartels or the ruling families that are watching their way of life end, but more importantly, it is the end of the entire negative prison system and all the entities and beings involved with it. They have been perpetuating this system for tens if not hundreds of thousands of years, and this is literally all that they know, and it is unraveling in front of them. The light has already won. The pulse has already been sent and the darkness diffused back into the light. The thing that we are facing right now is that we are trapped inside of time and are not multidimensional. This is not an instant process for us, we have time to contend with. This does not change the fact that the light has won however. How fast it come is up to us. It is up to you and me. If we sit back and do nothing, if we allow others to do it for us, we will see and end to the darkness years from now. Some of us will not even be alive to see it. The opposite is true as well. If each of us stood up, turned on the light and declared in one, united voice, "NO!! WE DO NOT CONSENT!! GET OUT!!!, the dark would have no choice but to cease immediately. This is part of that process. This is my effort, my push towards liberation. This is my gift, and I am sharing it freely with humanity. This is not the old system of monetary gain, this is the new system of light, the new system of benefit of all being the goal. We are all in this together, and if those who do not know never have an opportunity to know, how can we catalyze this shift? The parasitic construct is the sole reason our world is the seat of such darkness. The atrocity that is a regular, every day occurrence on our planet does not happen because some people are greedy and want more than they have now, or others are innately evil and wish to hurt others around them, or some wish to have power over others. These people are only a symptom of the system, and have been traumatized, hypnotized and mind controlled into perpetuating these systems of darkness. Are they to blame for their actions? Absolutely. Would these situations have ever come into existence without the parasitic construct? Never. These etheric implantation and possession control systems are the reason why our world is so dark. Knowledge on this level is the core of the truth, everything else falls directly in line from the virus that has taken over the astral realms of the planet in a stranglehold of toxic hate and darkness, from the rampant surveillance, the controlling elite, all the way to the nonstop wars on the planet's surface. The war is internal as much as it is external. Take responsibility for your thoughts and feelings. Do not allow yourself to stay in dark, low emotions....you are literally being eaten when you do. Practice spiritual hygiene...clean your field, move chi through your body and practice shielding. Practice service to others mentality, and release programmed hostilities to groups of your fellow humans. Try to stay away from processed foods and eat as organic as possible whether you are a vegetarian or omnivore, and drink plenty of fluoride free, clean water. Do not allow yourself to feel powerless. On the physical level, there is not much the individual can do unless shoulder to shoulder with millions of like minded people, but on the energetic level (which honestly, is where the physical originates, thus making it much more powerful when we interact with it), there is much we can do. The act of loving ourselves, and taking care of ourselves by doing the above described actions is a way to stand up and cast your vote for humanity. These simple actions of focusing on the positive, staying clean physically and energetically, and consciously turning on golden Christ-Consciousness energy in and around you and broadcasting it to the planet are literally standing up in the darkness and adding your voice to the growing rumble that is turning into a roar. WE ARE THE ONES WE HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR!! We understand the system, and more is being discovered every day. The time is NOW! Apathy and inactivity are no longer an option and each and every one of us can feel it. We need to do SOMETHING, ANYTHING, but what can we do in this world run by the almighty dollar?! This right here. We can take our reality back. We can stand up and say NO! We are done. Turn on the light and shine as bright as you can. WE CAN overwhelm this system and we CAN rip down the veil. Our soul family is reaching down as far as they can. It is up to us to jump up and grab a hold. I for one, am building a trampoline. Come jump with me. Love Eric Raines Healers websites Lawrence (Australia) https://www.purpleenergy.info/ (très bon) Eric Raines (USA) https://www.unleashingnaturalhumanity.com/ Simon Parkes (UK) https://www.simonparkes.org/ Barbara Buck https://www.barbarabuck.org/ Matthew Aaron Mournian https://www.rememberyourmission.com/ Grant Podesta http://www.grantpodesta.com/ Menu T o p |
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