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Entities removal and protection
![]() Entities Tracking entities Implants and spells Methods of entities removal persuasion visualization sage golden light reverse psychology Human magnetism Protection Methods of protection Many factors influence us constantly, not just our thoughts. We will talk here of entities. Energetic implants (or etheric implants) and spells (curses) have now their own page with more details. Little reminder To grasp what I am talking about it is essential to understand that each of us is a spirit in a body. We can also say a soul in a body. Personally I do not differentiate between these two terms unlike other schools of thought. Who am I? I am a soul in a body. I am a spirit in a body. I am not a body that has a soul but I am a soul that has a body. For more details I recommend Allan Kardec's book The Book of spirits in free PDF on the internet. When someone dies, the soul definitely leaves the body. The soul leaves his/her envelope to return to the spirit world. It is no longer limited by matter but can no longer act on matter. The film '' Ghost '' is a good description of what is happening then. For more details you can read Allan Kardec's book The Book of Mediums. Dr. Moody's book "Life After Life" explains the journey to the spirit world. One can also do a search on the internet by putting NDE = near death experience. Some souls that I will call entities stay attached to the earth and seek to communicate with the living. Sometimes they manage to break into the aura of a living person to continue to experience life on earth. There are all kinds of reasons for that, fear, confusion, regret, attachment, etc. I recommend the very good book in English written a century ago by an American psychiatrist who interviewed entities squatting the aura of some of his patients: 30 years among the dead that you can import in pdf. It is an excellent illustration of what i explain here. When it comes to the law of karma, Allan Kardec's book Heaven and Hell is a very good description. Entities I am not only a yogi with 45 years of yoga and meditation but i practice dowsing, the ancient method of devining, findind water or information with a pendulum or rods or other tools. Personally, I use a little antenna not to find water but to analyze the energetic field around our body. I have been scanning the auras of people with my dowsing antenna for years. I regularly find entities (spirits) included in this bubble of energy around the body, especially among the spiritual people who often tend to be medium. I find entities also in the energetic centers, the chakras, inside the body. Not only they have no right to be there, but by their mere presence, they influence us negatively. The range of influences is very broad: This can be just a little fatigue or a small pain of unknown origin. But, it may also profoundly affect our character, our choices or our level of energy. When an entity is invited to leave or is expelled, the host quickly feels the difference. I use the term "entity" in this text to mean a negative influence. The terms "spirit" or "soul" are more generic, more neutral, and give little indication of the quality of a particular being. Sometimes entities are not human. They can be djinns, elementals, animal, parasites, aliens, etc. I saw the case of a person who worked in a slaughterhouse, for example. Her aura was full and she was very depressed. We used the fire of candles to remove them. Some entities are "aliens" who live in the fourth dimension and can manifest themselves here. The church had the words '' Incubuses and Succubes '' for those '' demons '' who attacked people and more often women at night. It's very real but a bit difficult for someone to say, "I was raped last night by a spirit.'' I heard several stories about it. Sometimes entities are not attached to someone but to a place. As I get some public in my home, I regularly scan the space after meditation sessions in case that an invisible "visitor" has stayed behind. When I check the presence of these stowaways, I do not mind the guides and angels who are around people because they have a positive influence and are there to help. On the other hand, it is useful to be aware of the presence of entities and to remove them because not only does it help us to be in good physical, mental and spiritual health but it increases our chances of coming into contact with the Source/God. How did they end up there? Usually they benefit from a weakness in the aura that can come from the use of drugs or alcohol, from physical or mental trauma, some surgery, or a tendency to mediumship, etc. These entities sometimes get into the aura or the chakras consciously and sometimes without realizing it. It is worth mentioning people working physically close to others: doctors, nurses, masseurs, etc. An entity or an implant can move from one person to the other one. I think this can be an important element in the many cases of burnout and suicide in these professions. Imagine for example a paramedic who intervenes while a person is losing his life. It is quite possible that the spirit that has just lost its physical costume get attached to the paramedic. I have seen sometimes people who had lost a loved one and never recovered. When I scan them, I find an entity in the heart chakra. These persons are still literally carrying their loved ones in their hearts. The emotion had created an opening and the entity entered in the heart chakra probably unconsciously. It is good to remember that negative emotions give energy to negative entities, they make them more powerful. It is therefore essential to put aside fear and replace it with good will. We have to be conscious of our immense power and be determined. Even though entities are not very negative, which is the most common case, they influence us with their thoughts and emotions : We do not understand why we feel angry or depressed or with strange tendencies. Of course, other factors can also influence us: other people around us, hormones, waves, energy implants, food, medicine, past lives, trauma, media, etc. Tracking entities It is not always easy to spot the presence of entities. Sometimes you can feel a presence, a different energy, an uncomfortable sensation. Other times you can feel that you are not yourself, that you have a disproportionate reaction to a situation. At other times we can see some influences on our loved ones. In some cases of schizophrenia and multiple personalities, several entities may take control in turn. Cases of possession are rare but cases of influence are quite common. But we have to be very conscious before judging that someone is under some influence. I advocate to develop one's own skills to find entities or implants. The simplest method is our own feelings and discernment. To observe one's thoughts, the sensations of one's body, one's emotions gives an idea. Radiesthesia is a very good method. Kinesiology (muscle testing) practiced on oneself or other is another tool. The most direct is the inner vision, psychic ability that allows to see in the other dimension. Few times, I had odd smells that I first attributed to a sewer problem. (What was real once!). Now I scan the space around me. I find the entity and tell him that he can not stay here. In few minutes, the smell disappears. The spirit is gone. I now understand why it was said that the devil smells of sulfur. In fact these entities smell H2S, hydrogen sulfide, rotten eggs. Reptilians in particular have the reputation of spreading very strong smells. Some healers are excellent. Many are quacks. If you find one you trust, keep him/her preciously. Finally, it should be mentioned here that energy implants can have very similar manifestations to entities. Etheric implants and spells/curses Energy implants (or etheric ones) are subtle artificial programs that "someone" has introduced into our body or our aura. They are often connected by a subtle energetic link to a distant installation. The difference with the entities is that they are not conscious beings although they can sometimes be extremely sophisticated thanks to artificial intelligence for some. The vast majority is negative. They are an alien technology controlling human beings in the matrix. For a more complete description of the types of implants and their solutions, you can go to the page that describes them in detail. If no one has ever removed your implants, it is more than likely that you have some. And even if you remove them, they tend to come back. In spirituality we have been used to looking mostly at what is happening in the soul. But perhaps we should also focus on the entities and "robotic stuff" that are attached to our body or energy field. It would make our life easier. ![]() Curses, spells are primitive human-made implants. They can be classified in the same category since I find the same principle, an anchor and a program, a thought form attached to another person. The same methods can be used to remove spells and implants. If you can remove an implant, you can remove a human curse. When you know a little about them, you find that they are easy to remove. Sometimes spirits around a person are attached to an anchor in a chakra. Removing the energetic links and the anchor removes the spell. Is it from that kind of geometry that people say that somebody has been «hexxed»? Methods of entities removal 1- Entities removal through persuasion Entities are conscious beings who can understand our thoughts and our words. The majority of them are not bad. They are even often unconscious of being in someone's energy bubble. But as they have their own negative thoughts and emotions, they therefore influence their hosts and involuntary carriers. They are often lost souls, frightened and wounded. Interventions must therefore be made not only with determination but above all with a lot of love. 1- Put yourself in a powerful consciousness by repeating "I am a very powerful soul", 2- Ask for the help of the Light, angels and guides who are always ready to help. They will then take care of the entity in distress. 3. Directly address the entity, either through thought or aloud, to explain that he/she is "parked" in the wrong place and that he/she has no right to be there, that it is your private space. It is good to tell the entity that this creates problems for you. 4. Explain to him/her that she no longer belongs to the world of the incarnated ones, that her place is in the world of spirits and that she will be much more comfortable in the other dimension. There, she will be able to continue her journey rather than parasite someone. 5- Tell her and repeat with determination that he/she must go. Some are a little stubborn. Others are afraid of God, karma or the unknown. They must be reassured. 6- I prefer to send the entities to the Light, but if they do not seem to be willing to go there, I send them "elsewhere" of their choice. But not here ... and with interdiction on coming back! This is a general intervention plan that you can modify as you wish. It works for a majority of entities. Indeed, this allows them to realize that they are not in the right place and that they are not welcome. Like any person you ask to leave and ask again, they will simply agree or obey. It must be remembered that some of these entities may be dear ones who left the body but have failed to detach themselves. I have seen this especially for entities housed in the heart chakra. It is therefore all the more advisable to be diplomat, filled with love, detached, reassuring and determined at the same time. 2- Entities removal through visualization Many entities understand better with images that also create a very powerful virtual reality. For example: - Visualize the Eternal Divine Light in the souls world and a tunnel to access it. Encourage entities to reach the Light. ![]() 3- Entity removal with smoke of white sage I was surprised to find that some entities are actually sensitive to the smoke of white sage and sweet grass used by Native Americans. (They may be allergic to smoke .... ;-)) It is possible that smoke from some incense might also be effective. I was told that wild sage was also good. I have not checked yet. Using smoke of white sage in the aura of someone (smudging) seems to chase away the entities. Some people use prayers, songs, rituals, etc. Is it more effective than my very direct and simple way of doing it by telling entities to go into the Light? I do not know. Perhaps. It is a personal choice. It is interesting to note that sage in English and French means wise woman or a wise man. Sage smoke is also a good way to "cleanse" a place by circulating smoke all over the place, especially in little corners. I do not know why it works but it seems to be effective with several of them. However, those who are in our chakras and those who are stubborn or malicious tend to resist. I also sometimes directly used a flame in the aura to chase animal entities for a person who had worked in a slaughterhouse. It worked well. It is possible to buy white sage on Amazon or in natural food stores. Innovation and creativity are welcome. If you have your own effective methods, you can communicate them to me. I will try them. 4- Entity removal through visualization and Golden Light Negative energetic implants and stubborn entities are in the same category: they must be removed manu militari, by force. The latest method I have found has been invented in recent years by Eric Raines, a very friendly guy who is willing to share with everyone. My personal experiences using his concepts are very encouraging. They are very effective. I will put the link to Youtube where he explains in detail his method. In a near future I will record special meditations on this theme. For now, I'll just put the important links and make a summary of his methods. I strongly advise you to listen to his videos and read his articles on his website. The method of Eric Raines is a synthesis with God, chi, (pranä, kundalini), soul, thoughts, golden light and visualizations. For the entities as for the implants, when you do not have the personal means to situate them, you can trust the impressions in your body. Their presence often causes unwanted local heaviness or pain, or confusion if it is at the head, or a particular manifestation in different chakras. For example, the chakra of the base will generate insecurity, anger, lack of energy; an entity near the navel will be linked to a lack of energy; an entity near the heart will generate strange emotions and a difficulty to love; one near the crown, lost thoughts, continual chatter and difficulty in having yoga, etc. When we have a little idea of the place of the guilty one, we can start there. When we have no idea, we can start with the three most common places for implants: the back of the neck, back of the heart, and back of the navel; Then the chakra of the base, the ajna chakra, the crown, etc. One day, we will probably find a quick method to remove them all at once. ![]() We have to check daily and use protection daily. The implants tend to come back. We have to remove them often. Summary of Method 4: - connect to the Supreme Soul using thoughts, images and intention; - ask the assistance of God, of the angels, of our guides; - connect the bottom of the column to the center of earth; - increase chi, pranä, energy in the body by different exercises; - become soul conscious and send golden light throughout the body; - surround the whole body and fill the aura with that golden light; - imagine a luminous and very solid globe of golden light and mentally imprison the entity or the implant in it; fill it with love, peace and very bright powerful golden light; - imagine your etheric golden hands and grasp this golden globe firmly; - unhook the globe and its occupant from the body and take them out gently; - imagine a powerful sucking vortex coming directly from the Almighty; - send the globe into the vortex for recycling and watch it disappear in the Light; - There you go! 5- Entity removal with imagination and reverse psychology After several experiments, I developed a very effective technique to remove sticky entities, especially those in the chakras. It is a variant of the previous method using at the same time our imagination and inverted psychology. The entities in our aura and especially those housed in our chakras are not always aware that they are there but feel comfortable and do not want to change places for an unknown destination. Sometimes, these entities are actually spells attached to a specific place by a "wizard". Other times, they used a weakness in the aura due to trauma, emotions, drugs, etc. to enter the body. As they resist persuasion, rather than going to war against them, they can be forced to leave by imprisoning them and making their prison uncomfortable. This method is also effective in removing an entity from someone else's aura. Personally, often I do not ask permission to remove them. I consider that they are parasites and that I help the "infected" person just as a doctor intervenes on an unconscious patient. But, one must absolutely use one's judgment and be very careful because certain entities are powerful. I often perceive snake-entities. Sometimes, I remove them discreetly from some kids with destructive behavior. It is interesting to witness positive changes in them as nobody knows why. Essence of the method: I imagine a very solid, hermetic, transparent golden sphere around the entity in question. I fill it with white light and love. I shrink the diameter of the sphere and increase the light. I detach the sphere and its occupant. I send them into the Light. 1- Locking up the entity and telling him that he is a prisoner causes an opposite reaction. Nobody wants to be a prisoner. Shrinking the space around this entity will increase this desire to escape. He will offer less resistance to his removal. Sometimes the entity leaves before i finish the visualization. 2- Negative entities do not like to be seen, do not like to be in the spotlight. Increasing this white light will also make them uncomfortable. Even if you do not see them personally, they perceive your thoughts and they think that everyone can see them. 3- Filling the sphere with love removes the power from negative entities that normally feed on fear, anger, aggression, etc. If the entity is simply lost, insecure, it reassures him and makes him agree to go into the Light. - Put yourself in the consciousness of a powerful soul. Connect to cosmic energy and the Source. - Imagine around the entity a beautiful golden sphere. - Imagine this very solid and hermetic sphere imprisoning the entity. Tell him that he is now a prisoner. - Fill the sphere with intense white cosmic energy, very bright, full of love. - Shrink the sphere while increasing the light reaching the brightness of the sun. - Cut all energy links around the sphere and its guest and send them to the Source / Light with no return ticket. ;-) 6- Human magnetism Last century, people used human magnetism to repel entities. One or several people would pass their hands above the patient sending energy into his/her body and giving order to the entity to leave. It seemed very efficient. Protection In 1986 in Paris with the center of Raja Yoga, we participated in a strange exhibition entitled "Magic and occult powers". We wondered what we were doing there. I took care of the kiosk all week long. The evening of the first day, we were completely emptied, exausted. We had our energy pumped. In talking to other exhibitors, who were also very tired, I was told that many people in that place were casting spells and that all sorts of weird things were going on around us in another dimension. The next morning, we decided to make a protective dome around the kiosk. We went into meditation and with our mind we imagined a sphere of protective light. The result was spectacular: No problem any more. We spent an excellent week imagining our bubble of protection every morning. I then had fun mentally projecting the same thing around the kiosk of our friendly neighbor who was doing dowsing. The result was similar: He retrieved his energy and the customers flocked. Latter on, he is the first one to have introduced me to the dowsing rod/antenna that I use now. A little karmic return. By sharing with all these protective measures, my karmic return increases their effectiveness. For the same reason, you too have interest in sharing these methods. We could see during that week that the mental images that we create have a real effect in the physical world. I will describe here the images that I currently use in my meditations to protect myself from entities, bad thoughts, spells, implants, etc. Maybe in six months, I'll use other images. But for now, these are effective. I do not personally tend to use objects or rituals of protection because I think that in the end, the power of our thought is what is most powerful. However, I know that there are machines that multiply the power of intention and some crystals too. If you feel that something or an invocation is protecting you, why not use it too? Without going into excess and paranoia, it is good to put all the chances on our side. Every day we cover our body to protect it from cold, sun, rain, cold mosquitoes, etc. When do we think about giving him some energy protection? Rarely. A clairvoyant told me that neglecting to protect my body is like letting my car run with the keys on the dashboard in a bad neighborhood while I go shopping. When I scan people's aura with my dowsing rod, I regularly find entities, implants and even spells. People do not realize it, feel tired, with strange thoughts and behaviors. Not only they must be removed but also we also have to be careful not to be "re-infected". Methods of protection While imagining, I speak to myself internally for this protection to be effective. Intention is very powerful. It is a mental programming that expresses itself in reality. I proceed in five steps. 1- I start by connecting to God / Source. I visualize her Light in another dimension and a ray of energy coming down on me. Sometimes it is a simple ray of light, other times a column of energy that encompasses the whole aura. I sometimes imagines it radiating from my heart. 2- I reconnect my body in the center of the earth: I imagine a very beautiful crystal from which emanates a ray of light rising in spirals which connects to the lower part of the spine. The energy of the earth then rises along my backbone up to the soul, above the head and descends all around the body like a vortex, a toroid. It goes up again and then circulates in a loop. Do not stop it in a particular chakra, just let it circulate naturally. This vortex already creates a protective field. I thank Mother earth for everything she gives. 3- Starting from the soul, I imagine some divine golden light that fills my whole body and that is externalized on the surface of the skin in a layer of protection. I give it all sorts of desirable characteristics: peace, love, strength, stability, healing, comfort, etc. 4- In the same way, I imagine a sphere or an ovoid of golden light filled with the same divine energy around my body. I also program it so that it sends back all that is negative, that it lets the positive pass and that it cleans all that is inside. I reactivate it from time to time, especially before sleeping or going to an hospital or an assembly. 5- This is presently my favorite practice to protect the whole house and the residents: I imagine a silver ball shining like a mirror around the house in all directions. I imagine its thick and very dense coat of matter, blocking and automatically returning energy attacks to their senders. I visualize it filled with all kinds of good energies, love, laughter, harmony, etc. It might be a simple coincidence but since I began this kind of image instead of just a bubble of light, I receive less implants. Remember, it has to be reactivate, redone regularly. 6- Friends, family, neighbors : We can do mentally the same as above around other houses with sometimes ''interesting results'': After years of drug trafficking in the next house, the day after I put a protection around their house, all the traffickers have been expelled. ;-)) ![]() ![]() Life is Beautiful !!! Don't worry, be happy! ![]() ![]() Top Menu |
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