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![]() Many factors influence us constantly, not just our thoughts. We will talk here mostly of two of them: entities and spells (curses). Energetic implants (or etheric implants) have now their own page with more details. Entities I have been scanning the aura of people with my dowsing antenna for years. I regularly find entities (spirits) included in this bubble of energy around the body, especially among the spiritual people who often tend to be medium. I find entities also in the energetic centers, the chakras, inside the body. Not only they have no right to be there, but by their mere presence, they influence us negatively. The range of influences is very broad: This can be just a little fatigue or a small pain of unknown origin. But, it may also profoundly affect our character, our choices or our level of energy. When an entity is invited to leave or is expelled, the host quickly feels the difference. I use the term "entity" in this text to mean a negative influence. The terms "spirit" or "soul" are more generic, more neutral, and give little indication of the quality of a particular being. When I check the presence of these stowaways, I do not mind the guides and angels who are around people because they have a positive influence and are there to help. On the other hand, it is useful to be aware of the presence of entities and to remove them because not only does it help us to be in good physical, mental and spiritual health but it increases our chances of coming into contact with God. I believe that one of the main reasons for the lack of yoga of many courageous Brahma kumaris is the presence of these entities and energetic implants. BKs and entities ![]() Besides that, it would be good to have in the Brahma kumaris family groups of healers specialized in this kind of spiritual intervention. I remember a question asked to Bapdada and written at the end of one of the first Jewels of knowledge some thirty years ago. Someone asked them what to do when a Brahmin was under the influence of a particularly negative and sticky entity. Bdd replied that good yogis who would not be influenced, "incorruptible", should make a bhatti in a circle around the person and send energy until the entity goes away. The Brahma kumaris, supposed to be the most powerful souls in the universe, would certainly be able to look after their own families. Is it not? Methods of entities removal 1- Entities removal through persuasion Entities are conscious beings who can understand our thoughts and our words. The majority of them are not bad. They are even often unconscious of being in someone's energy bubble. But as they have their own negative thoughts and emotions, they therefore influence their hosts and involuntary carriers. They are often lost souls, frightened and wounded. Interventions must therefore be made not only with determination but above all with a lot of love. 1- Put yourself in a powerful consciousness by repeating as Surya Bhai advocates "I am a very powerful soul", "I am a master almighty authority". 2- Ask for the help of the Light, angels and guides who are always ready to help. They will then take care of the entity in distress. 3. Directly address the entity, either through thought or aloud, to explain that he/she is "parked" in the wrong place and that he/she has no right to be there, that it is your private space. It is good to tell the entity that this creates problems for you. 4. Explain to her that she no longer belongs to the world of the incarnated ones, that her place is in the world of spirits and that she will be much more comfortable in the other dimension. There, she will be able to continue her journey rather than parasite someone. 5- Tell her and repeat with determination that she must go. Some are a little stubborn. Others are afraid of God, karma or the unknown. They must be reassured. 6- I prefer to send the entities to the Light, but if they do not seem to be willing to go there, I send them "elsewhere" of their choice. But not here ... and with interdiction on coming back! This is a general intervention plan that you can modify as you wish. It works for a majority of entities. Indeed, this allows them to realize that they are not in the right place and that they are not welcome. Like any person you ask to leave and ask again, they will simply agree or obey. It must be remembered that some of these entities may be dear ones who left the body but have failed to detach themselves. I have seen this especially for entities housed in the heart chakra. It is therefore all the more advisable to be diplomat, filled with love, detached, reassuring and determined at the same time. 2- Entities removal by visualization Many entities understand better with images that also create a very powerful virtual reality. For example: - Visualize the Eternal Divine Light in the souls world and a tunnel to access it. Encourage entities to reach the Light. - Imagine the world of angels and explain to them that this is their real home. - Imagine that you go to the world of angels and that you take them with you. - Imagine a powerful vortex of energy sucking towards the subtle or divine dimension. Push them in it mentally. - Ask them who they are and then let their faces appear on your mental screen. - Cut all links, all agreements and all contracts with these entities. - If they do not want to go willingly, lock them into a solid golden bubble of energy and send them into the Light. ![]() 3- Removal by smoke of white sage I was surprised to find that some entities are actually sensitive to the smoke of white sage and sweet grass used by Native Americans. (They may be allergic to smoke .... ;-)) It is possible that smoke from some incense might also be effective. I was told that wild sage was also good. I have not checked yet. Using smoke of white sage in the aura of someone (smudging) seems to chase away the entities. Some people use prayers, songs, rituals, etc. Is it more effective than my very direct and simple way of doing it by telling entities to go into the Light? I do not know. Perhaps. It is a personal choice. It is interesting to note that sage in English and French means wise woman or a wise man. Sage smoke is also a good way to "cleanse" a place by circulating smoke all over the place, especially in little corners. I do not know why it works but it seems to be effective with several of them. However, those who are in our chakras and those who are stubborn or malicious tend to resist. I also sometimes directly used a flame in the aura to chase animal entities for a person who had worked in a slaughterhouse. It worked well. It is possible to buy white sage on Amazon or in natural food stores. Innovation and creativity are welcome. If you have your own effective methods, you can communicate them to me. I will try them. 4- Removal with visualization and Golden Light Negative energetic implants and stubborn entities are in the same category: they must be removed manu militari, by force. The latest method I have found has been invented in recent years by Eric Raines, a very friendly guy who is willing to share with everyone. My personal experiences using his concepts are very encouraging. They are very effective. I will put the link to Youtube where he explains in detail his method. In a near future I will record special meditations on this theme. For now, I'll just put the important links and make a summary of his methods. I strongly advise you to listen to his videos and read his articles on his website. The method of Eric Raines is a synthesis with God, chi, (pranä, kundalini), soul, thoughts, golden light and visualizations. For the entities as for the implants, when you do not have the personal means to situate them, you can trust the impressions in your body. Their presence often causes unwanted local heaviness or pain, or confusion if it is at the head, or a particular manifestation in different chakras. For example, the chakra of the base will generate insecurity, anger, lack of energy; an entity near the navel will be linked to a lack of energy; an entity near the heart will generate strange emotions and a difficulty to love; one near the crown, lost thoughts, continual chatter and difficulty in having yoga, etc. When we have a little idea of the place of the guilty one, we can start there. When we have no idea, we can start with the three most common places for implants: the back of the neck, back of the heart, and back of the navel; Then the chakra of the base, the ajna chakra, the crown, etc. One day, we will probably find a quick method to remove them all at once. ![]() We have to check daily and use protection daily. The implants tend to come back. We have to remove them often. Summary of Method 4: - connect to the Supreme Soul using thoughts, images and intention; - ask the assistance of God, of the angels, of our guides; - connect the bottom of the column to the center of earth; - increase chi, prana, energy in the body by different exercises; - become soul conscious and send golden light throughout the body; - surround the whole body and fill the aura with that golden light; - imagine a luminous and very solid globe of golden light and mentally imprison the entity or the implant in it; fill it with love and peace; - imagine your etheric golden hands and grasp this golden globe firmly; - unhook the globe and its occupant from the body and take them out gently; - imagine a powerful sucking vortex coming directly from the Almighty; - send the globe into the vortex for recycling and watch it disappear in the Light; - There you go! 5- Liberation by imagination and reverse psychology After several experiments, thanks to the Bkwsu, I developed a very effective technique to remove sticky entities, especially those in the chakras. It is a variant of the previous method using at the same time our imagination and inverted psychology. The entities in our aura and especially those housed in our chakras are not always aware that they are there but feel comfortable and do not want to change places for an unknown destination. Sometimes, these entities are actually spells attached to a specific place by a "wizard". Other times, they used a weakness in the aura due to trauma, emotions, drugs, etc. to enter the body. As they resist persuasion, rather than going to war against them, they can be forced to leave by imprisoning them and making their prison uncomfortable. This method is also effective in removing an entity from someone else's aura. Personally, often I do not ask permission to remove them. I consider that they are parasites and that I help the "infected" person just as a doctor intervenes on an unconscious patient. But, one must absolutely use one's judgment and be very careful because certain entities are powerful. I often perceive snake-entities. Sometimes, I remove them discreetly from some kids with destructive behavior. It is interesting to witness positive changes in them as nobody knows why. Essence of the method: I imagine a very solid, hermetic golden sphere around the entity in question. I fill it with white light and love. I shrink the diameter of the sphere and increase the light. I detach the sphere and its occupant. I send them into the Light. 1- Locking up the entity and telling him that he is a prisoner causes an opposite reaction. Nobody wants to be a prisoner. Shrinking the space around this entity will increase this desire to escape. He will offer less resistance to his removal. Sometimes the entity leaves before i finish the visualization. 2- Negative entities do not like to be seen, do not like to be in the spotlight. Increasing this white light will also make them uncomfortable. Even if you do not see them personally, they perceive your thoughts and they think that everyone can see them. 3- Filling the sphere with love removes the power from negative entities that normally feed on fear, anger, aggression, etc. If the entity is simply lost, insecure, it reassures him and makes him agree to go into the Light. - Put yourself in the consciousness of a powerful soul. Connect to cosmic energy and the Source. - Imagine around the entity a beautiful golden sphere. - Imagine this very solid and hermetic sphere imprisoning the entity. Tell him that he is now a prisoner. - Fill the sphere with intense white cosmic energy, very bright, full of love. - Shrink the sphere while increasing the light reaching the brightness of the sun. - Cut all energy links around the sphere and its guest and send them to the Source / Light with no return ticket. ;-) One experiment i like to do next time i find somebody with several spirits in his/her aura is to remove them all together with a big bubble of light around the aura that i will shrink into a little ball. It could be a good manner to cleanse the entire aura when somebody does not know if and where he has entities. To be continued ... Note According to the spirits themselves interviewed by Allan Kardec and reported in the free "The world of mediums", the best way to not have bad spirits around oneself or in one's dwelling is to call the good spirits, the angels, our protectors, etc. I advise you to read or listen to the classics of this great spiritist. They are bursting with information that is still timely even after 150 years. The spirits mentioned in particular that most of those who manifest themselves in homes are jokers who like to scare people. So, the first thing is not to be impressed, to be fearless and laugh at their tricks, even if they are of dubious taste. They get tired quickly. Energetic implants More details on implants can be found on the specific page Here I am not talking about the physical implants that can be removed surgically. The energetic (or etheric) implants are subtle artificial programs that "someone" has introduced into our body or aura. The difference with entities is that they are not souls although they can sometimes have an artificial intelligence and be extremely sophisticated. They can also be positive or negative. Only the latter concern us. If no one has ever removed your implants, it is more than likely that you have some. In Raja yoga we have been accustomed to look inwardly to the soul and forget the body. But perhaps we should also pay attention to the entities and "robotic devices" that are attached to our body and our aura. That would make life easier for us. When comparing an empty computer hard drive with another containing some data, our five senses do not see the difference. Yet the computer can find programs, images, movies, viruses, messages, etc. All that information exists in another reality. It's a bit the same with our brain that stores its data in its billions of cells but also in the "cloud" of the soul. All that information exists but we can not feel it, see it, or touch it. Likewise with an optical fiber, a wi-fi network, or a mobile phone. Some data are exchanged but our senses do not perceive anything. Spirits and implants are similar to this: they exist, they influence us, but most often we are not aware of their presence, their history or their identity. We just feel confused, or tired, sick, or angry for no apparent reason. I believe that many of our mayas come from these beings and non-beings around us or in our body. It is the world of maya and each of us travels with these stowaways who sometimes turn into pirates. The important question is: How to get rid of them? These energetic implants are a very advanced technology used in the cosmos for millions of years. They can be very diverse in their form and in their programs. In general, they are there to control us, limit our capacities, follow us or divert some of our energy to the installers. You will find a description of the most usual implants at this address: I heard about the implants a decade ago. At the time, I filed this information in the "imagination" section. Now that I have a little more knowledge and experience, I think it's an important issue that should be seriously studied because it affects very many people. It would be desirable to develop a simple, rapid and effective method of neutralizing them. Surgeons have been able to extract physical implants, micro-chips placed without the knowledge of the hosts by extraterrestrials or military personnel. We now have the physical proofs. When some of these physical implants are destroyed by passages in magnetic resonance machines, the carriers of these micro-chips suddenly find surprising memories and special psychic skills. It is possible that it happened to me because after two scans of the head few years ago I began to ask myself serious questions about gyan. Elimination of energetic implants Much of what is described above for the liberation of spirits can be applied to energetic implants. The fundamental difference is that many are simple programs that do not understand our thinking. On the other hand, we can act on them with thoughts, images, intention and energy. Like with the spirits, implants have to be removed regularly because some tend to be replaced. According to my experience, to eliminate an implant on myself or on somebody else: - I have to remember that I am a very powerful soul, a concentration of light in the center of the head; There you go! next! Protection In 1986 in Paris with the center of Raja Yoga, we participated in a strange exhibition named «Magic and occult sciences». We were wondering what we were doing in such a place. I took care of the kiosk all week. On the evening of the first day, we were so tired. We had our energy completely drained. When I talked to other exhibitors who were very tired too, I was told that several people in the place were casting spells and that all sorts of strange things were happening around us in another dimension. The next morning, we decided to make a mental dome of protection around the kiosk. We meditated and with our minds we imagined a sphere of protective light. The result was spectacular. No more problems. We then had an excellent week. Protect yourself with imagination! It works! I then amused myself mentally doing the same thing with the kiosk of our sympathetic neighbor who was teaching dowsing. The result was similar: He was enthusiastic again and the customers flocked. He was the first to introduce me on the dowsing antenna that I use now. A little karmic return on the spot. By sharing with everybody these protective measures, my karmic return increases their effectiveness. For the same reason, you also have an interest in sharing these methods. We can experiment that the mental images we create have a real effect in the physical world. I will describe here the images I use in my meditations to protect myself from entities, bad thoughts, spells, implants, etc. Everyone can modify them. Maybe in six months I will use other images. But for now, they are effective. I do not personally tend to use protective objects or rituals because I think that in the end, the power of our thought is what is most powerful. However, I know that there are machines that multiply the power of intention. If you feel something or an invocation protects you, why not use it too? Without going into excess and paranoia, it is good to put all the chances on our side. ![]() When I scan the aura of people and Brahma kumaris in particular, I regularly find entities, implants and even spells People do not realize it, feel tired, with strange thoughts and behaviors. Not only they must be removed with the method described above, but also ensure that we do not allow ourselves to be "re-infected". Method of protection For protection, I speak to myself and describe what I want. The power of intent is very powerful. It is a mental programming that is expressed in reality. I proceed in five steps. 1- I start by connecting into the Source. I visualize her Light in another dimension and a ray of energy that descends upon me. Sometimes it is a simple ray of light, at other times a column of energy that encompasses my entire aura. 2- I reconnect my body to the center of the earth: I imagine a very beautiful crystal there from which emanates an anti-clockwise spiral of light that connects to the bottom of my spine. The energy of the earth then ascends along the backbone up to the soul and circulates in front of the body. It then circulates in a loop. It should not be stopped in a particular chakra. I speak to the earth and I thank her for her generosity. She is helping me. I will do my best to help her. 3. From the soul, I imagine some golden light that fills my whole body and which is externally exposed on the surface of the skin in a thick layer of protection. I give it all kinds of desirable characteristics: peace, love, strength, stability, healing, comfort, etc. I stabilize this envelope of golden light by attaching it to one or more chakras. 4- In the same way, I imagine around my body a sphere or an ovoid of golden light filled with the same energy. I also program it so that it repulses all that is negative, allows the positive and purifies all that is inside. Important: I also attach it to my body so that it is stable and that it accompanies me in my displacements. I reactivate it from time to time, especially before sleeping or going to an hospital or in an assembly. 5- In the same way, I also create a sphere of protection around the house. I also put protection bubbles around my neighbors houses. From time to time, not only do I remember the Source, but I quickly visualize these different elements. I check them mentally and check if there is a presence or something unusual. If you surround yourself with golden protection, you will naturally greatly increase your chances of living in the Golden Age, here and now. Which is, according to gyan, the condition "sine qua non" to go there. Like me, you will feel very happy, very light, and full of love. Since I practice this, I can see that people with parasitic tendencies can no longer connect so easily and drain my energy. I can also go to places like hospitals without coming out with all the wandering souls stuck in my aura. It's much more comfortable. Spells (Curses) and Brahma kumaris I noticed two years ago that I was receiving curses, spells, hexes, and that other ex-Bks were receiving them also, wherever they were on the planet. The common point of all these souls is to disagree with the Organization and sometimes to express it. Even Dadi Gulzar received many when she could not or did not want to channel Bapdada anymore. Personally I received many, probably thousands, sometimes 10 to 20 per day. This is the flip side of glory. Since I did not know anything about magic, I had to learn on the job. I keep learning because the methods change. I am in continuous training. I have very advanced courses in Raja yoga, black magic classes. After courses, curses... ;-) You will find in the following paragraphs the methods I use to get rid of the spells that attracted my attention. I will put in the future those that I am experimenting now. We can understand that with these discrete but effective attacks, some ex-Bks, especially those who dare to speak or who had responsibilities, have curious accidents, or get sick or have relatives who commit suicide... ![]() But, very curiously, I also realized that in addition to my personal protective angels, I had a totally unexpected help: that of Brahma baba. He does not agree with what's going on now and he kindly gives me a hand. Thank you very much to this great soul. Some time ago, I removed this paragraph from this page because the spells seemed to have stopped. I did not want to attack uselessly with the reputation of the Bks because they seemed to show good will. But as I recently realized that it was simply a change of methods I put it back. It is time for the Organization do a little clean up and remove from its ranks this very small group of dangerous criminals. The main actor seems to be a brother who uses a special room for his rituals, probably in Shantivan. He is a very "strange" being and he is probably psychic and armed. The Bks would be very surprised at his true appearance / identity. He seems to be taking direct orders from one of the main didis who probably has a small, dedicated team around her. The last time I was in Madhuban, I did Bapdada's translation for the French group. I had a bird's eye view of the stage and I could see all the details. I saw a didi violently chasing a group of brothers who had settled quietly behind the medium to participate more closely in the meeting. It was the first time that I witnessed such a behavior there. When I mentioned it to another Bk, he told me that, as he was visiting Surya bhai in his room, the same didi came in and shouted violently at Surya bhai. It is possible that it was the same didi mentioned before. "Maya first attacks the head". It is indeed the method of the controllers of this world. When an organization succeeds, they take control of it, through threat, manipulation, blackmail, bullying, and so on. They put in charge their enforcers, their instruments. One can then note an "entropy", a degradation, in these organizations which were originally based on good principles. In nature, it is fascinating to observe how some trained dogs can lead large herds of "well-educated" sheep. When attacks on all ex-BKs completely cease, I will be happy to remove this paragraph. Description of the pattern of a spell (a curse) As I explained in the previous paragraph, I recently discovered how a spell (a curse, an hex) can manifest itself in an aura. This is probably not the only way but it sounds pretty common. In my experience, a spell is a set of linked entities to an energetic implant itself connected to the sender. It is therefore an entity-implant hybrid. It is a good illustration of what I explained at the beginning of this page and a good practice exercise. ![]() When I found the same pattern of entities in my aura, I began by attributing this to a revenge of the members of the sect. But even when I lost contact with the person in question, the attacks continued not only on me but on my family and friends. It was so systematic that it could only come from someone well organized with a long-term goal. ![]() The set is discreet and solid enough and can hardly be eliminated at once. This explains why people may be affected for a long time. The weak points are the connections. It is easy to cut the connection with the sender. It is also easy to separate the implant from the group and to remove it so that everything collapses. This is done very simply with thought, visualization and Light. There is no need for crystals, incantations, amulets, priests, etc. Anyone can do that. It's easy to cast a spell. It is even easier and quick to remove it. We just have to know its presence and preferably where it is attached. This is also done very easily at distance on other people. I find the implants attached in general to the chakras, the energetic centers and sometimes a little below the feet. The entities can be at different distances from the body, from 0.5m to 3m, and siphon the energy of the person, using it to influence him/her. One can easily imagine that the spirits prisoners of this group are not very happy. In fact, when I release them, with great love, they are very grateful and most are willing to go for a journey to the Light. I should have counted how many souls I helped to pass in the higher dimension. Probably a few hundred. I will be able to add this on my spiritual resume and my good karma account. In thanks, just yesterday, spirits found ways to warn me that a big branch would fall on my car. I just had time to change her place. Thank you very much. This is called a karmic return. When we removes spells on ourselves and we feels better in a few minutes, we could attribute this improvement to self-suggestion and placebo effect. But when we observe objectively the same results on people who are totally unaware of what is happening, it becomes very convincing. Sometimes, spells are just one spirit attached artificially to a person, often looking like snakes. Is it connected with reptilians? May be. Method to neutralize spells 1- First, using thoughts, images and intention, connect to God, to the energy of the earth and that of the cosmos. Make a protective bubble. 2- Determination of the presence of a spell and the location of its energy implant. This is probably the most tricky part for many people who have little psychic abilities. But it should be possible for many Brahma kumaris who practice meditation regularly, especially good yogis. Naturally psychic people should be able to "see" directly without the aid of instruments. I personally use a small antenna that I made myself on the principle of the wands of dowsing. It is very convenient and quick to "scan" a space, an aura before me or at 6000 kms. After that, I use my inner vision, the third eye. In reality, our subconscious has access to "the cosmic internet", an infinite amount of knowledge. We just have to find a way to get this information to the conscious mind. The person interested in developing this skill could learn to use one or more of the following tools: - dowsing with the square-sticks, the simplest to master. ![]() the pendulum, the rod or antenna, - kinesiology or "muscle testing". There are several videos on YouTube. Dowsing is in fact a particular case of this very interesting practice. - observation of physical symptoms to determine the area affected by the implant. - the help of a psychic person. In the absence of having immediately an effective tool available to us, as the most frequent implants are in the 7 chakras, the simplest is to make from time to time a systematic cleaning of these centers of energy plus a zone under the feet. In any case, even if we do not have spells, we all have energetic implants. So, practicing on all the chakras, one after the other, plus an area under the feet will give results anyway. A more precise method will save time. 2- Isolation and destruction of the implant. I use my imagination to cut the subtle links of the implant to the sender and to the entities and its connection with the chakra. We can visualize the instrument of our choice: gold scissors, a knife, a laser, etc. I use a magic golden wand. I imagine then that I grasp the implant with my subtle hand. I remove it from the body. I observe it and then I destroy it definitively. To do this, in memory of an old cowboy life, I disintegrate it with a laser gun. Recently I also developed a cosmic garbage can. Creativity is welcome. 3- Dissolution of the bonds between the spirits. ![]() I imagine that I send golden light full of love into the subtle bonds imprisoning the spirits. I visualize this light spreading from its center throughout the hexagon easily destroying, dissolving all the attachments. 4- Liberation of the spirits. I can immediately feel the relief of the spirits. I speak to them with great love. I explain to them that they are free to go where they want, that they are no longer serving anyone. In fact, I am only confirming what they have already understood. I can feel their gratitude. I forgive them and give them the choice: either to leave or to go to the Light. As most want to go into the world of spirits, I prepare them a special vessel, a golden bubble. I invite them on board. I open a channel of energy to the Sublime Light and send them there. Or I simply open an aspiring vortex and place them there. There you go! It's that simple! With a little practice, it takes 1-2 minutes. ![]() A job for the future. I neutralized in my own body up to 20 attacks in a day... There are very determined people! I think I am disturbing somebody. It is usually when one is close to the truth that one disturbs. I regularly scan and clean the aura of my distant family and close friends. They are in great shape. Distance does not matter. And if I can do it, anyone can do it. Even though I'm "a little special" I'm not much different from anybody. When listening to conferences from healers who use these spiritual tools to help others struggling with entities and implants, they mention that they are overwhelmed by the demand. There is a lot of psychological distress that could be relieved very simply without having to move or physically meet people. With the internet there are many possibilities. A small sum could be exchange for this service, just as someone pays for a massage or a rikki treatment. If only 1% of the Brahma kumaris would develop these skills, imagine the impact! It would help many souls. Have fun! Quick method to remove spells : to turn the cycle ... If you want to get rid of one or more spells quickly without even knowing exactly where they are attached, I found a simple and effective way: Just spin a cycle in your aura in the form of a visualization. As I explained above, the weak points of a spell are the connections between the implant that is like a magnet on the body and the entities trapped in this magic hexagon. When we mentally imagine an image turning in the aura, we can easily cut out all the harmful connections. For that, at 2 meters above the body, I create a mental image of an helix, or a cycle with rays, or simply a set of rays of the size of the aura (5-6 m). I tell myself that these rays will cut all the links with all the entities and all the implants, ejecting them out. I mentally rotate this image and make it go down as in a cylinder up to 2 meters below the body. Then I make it move up and down several times liberating everyone. Then I mentally open a channel aspiring towards the Light and invite all the liberated spirits to go there. We can also start the visualization from below and create different variations. The size of the image can be smaller but it is important to raise it high enough and go down quite low because I regularly find spells in the upper and lower parts of the aura. Perhaps this kind of practice was the source of the legend that deities killed demons by spinning the swastika. Of course, more and more people can cast spells. But it is very easy to remove them with these simple visualizations. In fact, spells are effective only because we ignore their presence and with time, as a parasite that we do not treat, they end up doing damage. In case of doubt or by simple precautions, it is strongly advised to use this kind of cleaning images regularly. Variant ![]() - connect to the energy of the earth. - view it rising in a counterclockwise spiral. - imagine that our wheel is propelled by this energy that makes it turn. - make it go up to the top of the aura. ![]() - do the same thing from above with cosmic energy rotating clockwise. With these visualizations you can remove several spells at once. In a few minutes, if you had spells you will feel a big difference in your energy and concentration. It can also be used remotely on someone under such influence, or by simple precaution. I believe that when Brahma kumaris or ex-BKs could becomes a threat, not only do they become a target for the organization but their close family and Facebook friends are at risk of becoming too. But with a little bit of imagination, everything is fine ... ![]() Return to sender : general method for the elimination of spells in bulk or How to make a gift package ... We are much more powerful than we think, especially when we have a good concentration and we work with Source. It would be interesting to have a global method of eliminating spells for different people at once. As I received many, I was able to experiment. Thanks to the advanced curses of the Bkwsu! It works! I found one! My last method to date is fun and at the same time eliminates the spells of other people that I do not even know. This method will put many wizards out of work in the world. So sad ... ;-)) Essence of the method: I imagine that all the spells sent by the sender are connected to him by energetic links. I imagine that these links become very strong elastics that bring all the spells back to their origin. I vary the point of attachment of these elastics to put diversity in the life of the sorcerer. ;-) Spells belong to the sender, not the target. When we return the spells to the sender, we just give him back what belongs to him. If we ever mistake the sender and he is not guilty, he will receive nothing. So no risk of error. No karma. With this method, I have experienced that spells sent to different people by the same wizard are eliminated at once for everyone of them. What I find interesting with this removal in bulk is that the target can use it any time when he/she has some doubt. He/she does not need to know where the spell is attached or who sent it. He/she does not have to "see" anything. He/she just has to imagine the process. It will work only if there is at least one active spell. Otherwise it will just be a good training. On the top of that it helps all the other Bks who are the targets of that particular sorcerer. They will be cleaned at the same time. - I put myself in the consciousness of being a very powerful soul, with an aura filled with cosmic energy and connected with Source. - I imagine an energy link connected to a spell. - By following this link, in a second I go by thought to the sender. - I imagine all the energy links of all the spells he already sent. - I attach them securely in one spot in his body or chakra. - I imagine that these links become more and more powerful elastics pulling the spells. - I imagine that all the spells come off and are now glued to the sender. - I cut all the links that could connect me to that person and come back here and now. I can personally check if it worked or not. Sometimes I have to repeat the process twice to be 100% successful. If in doubt, you may repeat this practice a few times. I believe that it will discourage several "professionals" ... We do not have to learn black magic to defend ourselves. We like to recycle... We like to use our imagination ....................................... Have fun! Notes for spell-casters How many spells did I receive? Probably thousands. Not to mention those received by my relatives. There are very determined people who are not interested in free expression and truth. Also, after targetting dadi Gulzar, they are now targeting s. Jayanti and s. Sudesh. Is it just jealousies or is the New World Order trying to take control of this organization as it often does? ![]() However, spellcasters seem to forget the law of karma and may not realize that it is very dangerous to target powerful yogis. Indeed, yogis have the power to "catalyze", "accelerate" karma. I can see that darker and darker clouds are accumulating over the spellcasters. I can see that in the near future, some people will have surprises ... Drama is perfect. Summary of methods
Soul consciousness Being conscious of the soul is an excellent practice. However, cutting oneself from the body is not necessarily the best thing to do. In gyan, the knowledge of the Bks, the body is presented as the source of all evils, as fundamentally impure. All activities related to the body become suspicious (except tolis ;-)) I even was told at one point that women should not ride a bicycle because it could give them guilty pleasures ... For the common BKs, as in the Christian religion, the body is the big culprit. The ultimate victory is therefore to get rid of it. I remember a brother of Madhuban who had serious problems with his stomach telling me : Baba tell us that this body is like a dust bin... It can be seen that after a few years in gyan, the physical activities decrease, the body is neglected. It's the service at every second. How many times have I heard sisters saying to me: ''I used to love dancing ...'' "I was good with sport..." At the energetic level, excessive 'soul consciousness' tends to cut our body from the energy of the earth. But our body needs it: it has been borrowed from the earth. It is part of it. Therefore, earth energy does not circulate very well in the meridians and chakras and health tends to decline. Just look at a photo of seniors and souls in charge, it is easy to realize that they are not really samples of good health. Moreover, with rare exceptions, we can not say either that they fly in happiness. They seem concerned, worried. May be about BKs discovering the truth? Who knows? In addition, as the aura and our energetic body are neglected, entities can take up residence there and malicious souls are free to install implants or spells. The space is free for subtle control. It's like a hacker telling you: "Do not worry about the security of your computer, I'm a specialist, an expert, I'll take care of everything ... Just remember that you're a soul and forget the rest." Maybe we can ask ourselves some very simple questions: Why do we incarnate on earth if everything related to the body is demonic? ![]() Little stories Paris I checked out one day the center of Raja yoga in Paris and found a not very friendly entity squatting a bed in the guest room, "Dadi's room". When I mentioned it to the sisters, one of them exclaimed "I understand now! I slept in that bed for three days during the work in our room and I had the worst nightmares of my life! " Canada Another time, I found a spirit that was also using a bed in a building that we rented for a retreat. I lacked diplomacy by asking him directly to leave the premises immediately: at the same second all the electrical power in the building was gone ... As the spirit seemed to appreciate the proximity of the electrical panel, we told him that he could stay in the building if he did not create any other problem. Unfortunately, I forgot to leave vacant his favorite bed. The person who slept in it had a very bad night ... Drishti Drishti means "vision" in Hindi. It is the term used in Bk organization for the exchange of energy through the eyes most of the time in meditation. Personally I had many nice experiences with method but in India, many people believe that the Bks use it to put spells on students. I write here a little anecdote that may open many interesting doors of reflections. As I had a long practice of hatha yoga behind me at the beginning of gyan, meditation allowed me to raise the kundalini at will, this very powerful energy along the backbone. I was using it regularly to "light up" the soul and have a fast and intense yoga. I had a good mastery of it and life was beautiful. Why do you think the ancient yogis of India devoted so many asanas and so much attention to wake it up? Because it is one of the tools to increase our energy, yoga and awaken the spiritual powers. One day, thirty years ago in the History Hall, Dadi Gulzar was giving a general drishti. When she looked at me, an energy struck me abruptly on the forehead, went down along the backbone and hit the base of the column. This blocked the kundalini. For years I wondered what had happened. Recently I noticed the presence of an energetic implant in the chakra of the base that was blocking the energy. I removed it. Thirty years later, energy flows again. Interesting, interesting. I'm sure Dadi had no awareness of this event. "Someone" seems to have used the nice Dadi Gulzar to install an implant and probably siphon off my energy. You cannot stop progress! Are there other people like me who have their energy hacked? Have you ever met exhausted Bks? Maybe it's not just lack of sleep. That last adventure leads me to ask myself some questions. With the development of computers in our homes, we can now control several elements remotely from our mobile phones. It would have been difficult to imagine these possibilities a few decades ago. What kinds of technologies have been developed for millions of years through the cosmos? If really, there are civilizations that have evolved for millions of years, not to say billions, one could imagine that their technology is surely very sophisticated beyond our imagination. It is possible that they can influence us without our consent. Maybe we are even sometimes unwitting instruments to influence other people with special technologies. Indeed, when a sister gives drishti, she provides the carrier wave but she does not control the content of the message or the experience. She trusts that it will be the divine energy only that will be transmitted in that spiritual beam of energy. But the donor of drishti does not know what is conveyed in that energy field. We could imagine that other "things or data" could also be sent without our knowledge. For example, energetic implants... I heard and had sometimes the experience myself of the presence of very dark entities in the drishti of some sisters in charge. May be Shankar the destroyer? We can compare the drishti with a remote control of a television. When using a remote control, a beam of infrared rays is directed in a certain direction and when the keys are pressed on the remote, different codes travel in that beam and are interpreted by the television. All this is done in a very subtle but very real way since we can see the results. When someone gives drishti, he/she sends a wave in the direction of the receivers. What is there in that wave? What kind of code is sent? Is it possible that a very advanced special soul or an alien soul could introduce in that spiritual look some "atmic viruses", or some information to influence us, or some programs to control us? Is it possible that the innocence of Brahmins is used to control others? To install implants generating convinced and enthusiastic Brahma kumaris? To install updates in their programs? Perhaps the Brahmins are taught to meditate with open eyes for "special" reasons that we have never even considered? In India the Bks have the reputation of hypnotizing people. In 34 years, I met only one Brahma kumar who knowingly tried to hypnotize me. So it's not the norm. But perhaps this reputation comes from the transfer of some untangible "things". And these ''things'' could very well be a very complex technology whose the Brahma kumaris would be the involuntary and unconscious vectors. Let's use a little our imagination doing a parallel with computing: a sister sits on the gaddhi to give drishti. ![]() ![]() It is magic! As I told you, it could be imagination. But sometimes reality goes beyond fiction ... ![]() The illuminatis like to put symbols and messages in plain sight. It is a clever way to hide them. People pay their bills but do not pay attention... Brahma kumaris implants I explained in a previous paragraph that in the History Hall in the 80s I felt the rather brutal installation of an energy implant at the bottom of my spine blocking or at least limiting the kundalini. Recently, I asked myself whether this event was isolated or general. I had the curiosity to check the presence of energy implants specific to the organization of the Brahma kumaris in the aura of the Brahmins. Well, yeah! I find many. I would even say that it is rare that a Bk does not have at least 2 or 3. I am talking here about specific implants for the Organization, in other words designed for it. They are usually housed in the chakras. For what purposes? I'm still not sure about the details, but we could easily imagine that they are programmed to control the concerned individuals and/or to siphon their energy and use it somewhere else or for somebody else. The term "instrument" then takes a very interesting color, noticeably less divine than we were used to. Who could have imagined just a century ago that one day we would be sending incredible amounts of information on fiber optics and across space? Similarly, the implants are also connected "somewhere" by energy links with information and energy flowing in both directions. Virtually all Bks have implants lodged at the heart, at the base of the spine and close to the soul. Some have more above the head and/or below the feet and/or at the chakra of the throat. Even dadis, dadas and teachers have many, usually 4 or 5. Ex-Bk tend to loose most of their Bk implants. But sometimes I find some Bk implants in the auras of ex-Bks who left 20 years ago. ![]() When I scan people from other religions for their specific religion implants, I find similar results. It is as if someone somewhere is programming different human groups with specific religious beliefs, each being persuaded to hold the truth. This would explain why we see obvious things in other religions that their followers do not see. And in the same way, the other religious groups see things among the Brahma kumaris that they themselves do not see. Energetic implants program everyone to see only one reality: that of their own religion. It is always the same principle: "Divide to rule". Probably the Brahmins who will read these lines will find my reflections a little on the edge, coming from a fertile imagination having seen too many science-fiction movies and read too many conspiracies reports. Perhaps. But, just for fun, even if someone does not really believe it, everyone could do a little experiment: As we all have implants and that the great majority of them are harmful creating problems, he/she could try to remove them in meditation and see if he/she experiments some difference. Just for fun! We also have to remember that implants tend to come back. Therefore, specially at the beginning, we have to remove them regularly until they are gone for good. Conclusion . This small web page is very far from exploring the whole subject. It just has the pretension to give directions of research and experiments. I have seen rapid changes in myself and others when the causes of problems are removed. As I mentioned at the beginning, there is not just our own thoughts and our own emotions in our head. To recognize it simply as a "normal" thing without fear allows us to have more power. We live in the world of maya. Entities, implants and spells are some of her main agents. Ignoring them is to play the ostrich. Recognizing them is to give oneself effective tools to change and to help others to change. Liberation in life is now. It must also be remembered that according to the Bk philosophy of the Cycle, the Brahma kumaris Organization is 81 years old out of 100 years of Confluence Age. That means that it is now in its Iron Age. This corresponds to the darkness of the Middle Ages with inquisition, religious massacres, poisons and daggers, wars, witchcraft and fanaticism. Very soon it will be the Age of Enlightenment, the rebirth, the revolution and democracy. Wha! A long time ago, in Montreal, after a long drishti, Jagdish bhai told me "your are Hari" and i answered "Yes, we are in hurry, you may miss your plane" and he replied "No, no, you are Hari, the one who give liberation". OK, ok. But i choose to give liberation in life only. Life is Beautiful !!! ![]() Don't worry, be happy! ![]() Top Menu |
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