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April 14th 2018 May 15th July 18th February 1st, 2019 October 2020 physical implants and leaders' doubles 23 Nov. Physical negative implants in world leaders New Dec 7 the globalists are dangerous, therefore... New ![]() As simple individuals we have little impact on most of these elements. But, as yogis, we can have a direct influence on the inner well-being and transformation of these leaders by ridding them of the implants, parasites and evil spirits housed in their energy field. By cleaning their auras, we improve their skills, their discernment, their physical and spiritual energy ... We give them the chance to be more positive, more optimistic, more peaceful. A good leader will have better contact with God and his spiritual guides who will inspire him the best long-term solutions for the benefit of the whole planet. But for sure, some deserve better our good energy than others. Discernment is essential. As a yogi, would you like to add to your titles, that of Spiritual Bodyguard? Or do you prefer Spiritual Surgeon? Or Facilitator? Or Catalyst? For that, I would like to give some advice: ![]() 2- Be in deep yoga, in contact with the Sublime Light; eyes closed; centred on the pineal gland, the seat of soul. Like Shankar, you can then open our inner eye to see from a distance. 3- Picture the face of your "target". Enter in contact with that soul and ask permission to check his/her aura, body, chakras and to clean them. If you feel that the soul does not agree, do not insist and reserve your good will for another lucky leader. 4- Mentally scan your target for entities and send them into the Light. Always use your discernment. It is essential to be fearless, but we must also be especially careful with negative leaders because they can be accompanied by dangerous entities. Sometimes, these leaders are not even human. If in doubt, leave this to others. If you find multiple entities in a regular geometric layout, you may be dealing with a spell. Cut its connection with the sender, destroy the central implant and the links with the entities and release them. 5- Scan your lucky target for the presence of energetic implants. Look at their appearance. Verify if an implant is positive, in which case leave it. I find that 5% of implants are beneficial. Use your imagination to cut the energy connections of negative implants with their senders. Remove them from the body or the aura, send them into the Light or destroy them. I prefer the second solution because they are not souls and I am not yet able to reprogram them. Some implants may be situated several meters above or below the person. Some come back a few minutes or few hours later. We must do it again. It is a long term process. A psychic friend shared with me his experience yesterday: He told me that the same implant reappeared four times in a few minutes. Then an angry spirit appeared to see what was going on. He told the spirit to mind his own business. Since that time, my friend's life is much easier. 6- Another method is to imagine that a beam of energy pass through the body of the target cleaning everything. 7- Open his/her heart chakra and connect that soul with the Source, the Sublime light. ![]() There you go. Next. Even if you cannot yet "see" from a distance, you can still use your imagination to install beautiful bubbles around the leaders, your friends, your enemies, neighbours, family, dada, dadis, didis, centre coordinators, etc. It really help them. Saturday, April 14th, 2018: I put on the internet these ideas a few days ago. Before that, I went to "see" our Canadian Prime Minister Mr Justin Trudeau who had, among others, two kinds of implants I had never seen. The next day I realized that I was no longer alone in cleaning his aura. I also went to see our neighbour Mr Donald Trump. He had the same two special implants plus a sort of cage-prison around his heart ... Since that time, I have nothing to do with him anymore because other yogis take care of him. Super! The president of India no longer seems to have implants. I imagine that with the number of Indian Raja yogis he will be well protected. I suggest doing the same thing with ministers, presidents, etc. Mr Putin seems to have one positive implant and many curses, negative implants, etc. He is under heavy attack. May 15th 2018 Congratulations!! It works!! When I check the auras of the main leaders, i find less and less implants. That means some good yogis are using their abilities to help the leaders. Recently, i found black entities like snakes under my feet and the feet of some leaders , probably sent by black magicians. I found also some spiders behind their head which are known to be connected with some AI artificial intelligence. Mr Putin and the leader of China need a little bit more attention. So, if you have some spare time... Wednesday July 18th As I mentioned above, Mr. Trump and the President of India seem to have good yogis who look after them. They are OK. From time to time I find some implants at the pelvis level and entities / snakes 1-2 m underfoot. But overall, they are well protected. Congratulations. For the entities in general and these in particular that are sent and attached to the person, therefore they are spells. To get rid of them, I enclose them in a sphere of golden light; I fill it with white loving light; I detach everything from the aura and send them into the Light. It works very well. I recently contacted the Russian BKs to help Mr Putin who is struggling with the Illuminatis. Since then Mr. Putin has almost no implants and parasites of all kinds. Congratulations to the Russian yogis. I watched the speech of Mr. Trump and Mr. Putin after their recent meeting in Helsinki. One could feel that there was a good communication between the two men, a feeling of good will from each one. Both spoke of cooperation and avoided the traditional attacks. It looked very good. Has the success of this last meeting and the success of meeting with the North Korean leader been positively influenced by good yogis? It is very likely and very encouraging. The Chinese leader is protected from time to time. I suggest that Indian yogis take a better care of him. They protect well their own leader who seems to be a very beautiful soul. But it is in India's interest that China be well governed. Friday, February 1st, 2019 From what I can see on the internet, illuminatis are exposed and attacked from all sides especially in terms of pedophilia and human sacrifices. The New World Order is loosing ground. Recently the Pope escaped arrest in Geneva. It is likely that the Pope will resign soon for "health reasons." The decision is expected to be made on February 23-24 at a meeting of the 9th Circle, a Satanic Organization practicing child sacrifices at the head of the Catholic Church. Currently, I have little to do for the world's leaders. I want to thank and congratulate the unknown yogis who take care of our leaders. I would like to make two comments and appeal to suggestions: 1- DEW = Directed Energy Weapons These microwave or scalar waves weapons are becoming more and more popular for discreetly getting rid of annoying people. Recently they have been used on a large scale to generate huge fires in California killing tens of thousands of people. We also saw the destruction of transformers in New York and Louisiana with a blue sky illuminated at night. This morning, while scanning Mr. Trump, I noticed four elements around him that I could not identify among my experiences. It resembled the targeting lines seen in long-range rifle telescopes. I realized it was probably a DEW, an energy weapon aimed at Mr Trump. This would be logical considering that his team is getting rid of the "deep state", the illuminatis of the USA having access to many kinds of very advanced weapons. Later, I found the same thing targeting the Chinese leader. Super-yogis will have to use their imagination to find solutions to this danger that threatens the leaders but also each one of us. Notice to everybody : I am open to suggestions. 2- De-fragmentation, de-compartmentalization of the brain of the leaders In the Illuminati/satanic tradition, it is customary to torture children early to fragment/partition their brain and/or psyche to create multiple programmable personalities. This long tradition produces psychopathic leaders who can easily change their personality or be triggered to change by somebody else. One day they seem good charismatic people full of promises for the future and the next day they become cruel beings organizing devastating wars or taking part in strange rituals ... One remembers the film of doctor "Jekill and Hyde". ( I kill and hide) Again I suggest to the super yogis of the earth to find images that would help to destroy the walls in the psyche of the leaders who may have been subjected to this kind of treatment to integrate their different personalities. It could also help many others who have been tortured by satanic groups, illuminatis, mk-ultra, etc. I wonder if the cases of instant conversion that we hear about sometimes are not due to angelic or E.T. interventions removing the partitions of the psyche allowing the person to have sudden realizations. PS: This site was inaccessible 5 times in 2018. The web-host could not explain me what happened. I realize in hindsight that it happened shortly after I put this page on the internet. Could it have bothered people other than Bks? Some manipulators of leaders for example? October 2020 : physical implants and leaders' doubles One month before the US elections. When i check some leaders for negative physicalimplants, i often find some, specially in their heads. I can do nothing about it. The body of the leaders should be scanned meticulously by their scientists, doctors and psychic teams. These implants can be removed surgically or their components destroyed by high intensity magnetic waves like in MRI machines. Very often, heads of states have look-alikes, doubles playing their parts. Some people say that some of these leaders involved with satanic groups have been killed or removed and that a look-alike or a clone is now playing his part. I think it is true. I find in President Trump : a physical implant at the top of his head, his double : one at the top of his head and one at the heart level. 23 nov Physical negative implants in most of the world leaders I find physical, negative and active implants in most of the leaders' heads, in their neck and sometimes down their abdomens. PM = Prime Minister M = Minister P = President
President Trump, for example, seemed to have a physical implant that I couldn't find anymore few days after posting the information on this site. But since his passage in a military hospital for an alleged infection with the covid, I find again an implant. It would be easy to verify my findings and easy to neutralize these implants with magnetic or electromagnetic pulses to toast the nano-tech components. ![]() If a dowser or a very psychic person had the curiosity to verify my statements, I would be very interested in having his opinion. If somebody with abilities on matter could remove them, it could change the directions of the world. December 7, 2020 the globalists are dangerous therefore ... Change of course: I personally gave chances of transformation even to globalist leaders, to the 1%. However, I have to face the facts that they started the 3rd world war against the peoples under the cover of the pseudo-pandemic. So, not only will I no longer remove their negative influences but I will ask for their bad karma to catch up with them. The "too late" sign is now visible for them. After Brahma, Vishnu, it is the time for Shankar ... ![]() Have fun! To be continued... ![]() Top Menu |
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