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Visitors from space
![]() ![]() Are we alone in the universe? In my twenties, aware of the many problems in this world, I used to joke saying that I was probably an alien who was sent on the wrong planet. In the year 82 when I took gyan, I was told that we were the only ones in the universe, among the 200 trillions galaxies composed themselves of billions of stars and planets . God was telling me that, therefore, I believed it for years. I was lucky to be here! Later on, while teaching meditation, people were asking me questions about aliens. I used to reply jokingly that human beings are spirits incarnated in the physical world, coming from another dimension, therefore, human beings are aliens by definition. We come from somewhere else. But are we really the only ones in this unlimited universe? ![]() Regressions One of my specialties is the ability to guide souls to their previous lives, in other words to do regressions. I realized that it was a very useful tool to help people to better understand themselves and undo blockages from other lives. It is a very interesting and enjoyable process. I encourage you to try it. You can also sit in a meditative state, ask a question and open to images and ideas from the past. A few years ago, one of my clients described his friendly encounter with aliens who came to visit him in a flying saucer. Among other things, he told me that they were sleeping in a state of levitation. As a good BK, I immediately put it down to a very fertile imagination. Another time, a woman described a life in an underground city after a big flood. She explained that their group had flying saucers and that before the disaster they used their knowledge and expertise to transform primates into humans. They were genetically creating humans. I, of course, stored again that information in the file: "imagination". Recently, somebody described a life in a very primitive tribe. He also encountered aliens who invited him to visit their space craft. Since then, I have read and heard many stories of people of multiple origins describing their encounters with beings from the cosmos. I started to wonder if my clients had not described the reality. Percentage of believers When somebody says that he went on a flying saucer, it is easy to doubt it, to laugh at him and ridicule him. But when so many normal people with social status, who have everything to lose, say they have seen saucers or met very special beings, it is more difficult to put it down to imagination. So much so that in North America, the vast majority of people now believes that we are regularly visited and that the government is hiding information. In China, there is an official group studying UFO and aliens. 50% of Chinese people believe in UFO. I am now convinced that there are many civilizations in the cosmos. I am very happy to have new cosmic neighbors. The realization that conscious and sophisticated beings inhabit the whole universe was the last straw that broke the camel's back: I realized that a very large part of the beliefs of the Brahma Kumaris was false and that most probably the cycle existed only in the imagination of Brahma Baba. Subsequently, I analyzed and questioned the divine origin of this knowledge. There you go! The aliens gave me liberation in life! "The sky is the limit." ![]() Testimonials You can find many accounts on Youtube. There are dozens of testimonies of US officers, or former members of the CIA, radar technicians and scientists who have seen or even worked on the flying saucers or with aliens. With their impressive credentials, they are very credible. There is even a cardinal of Rome, now deceased, who used to say that even if only one testimonial is real, it proves that we are not alone in the universe. He was speaking openly about the visitors from space on Italian television. He was saying that they were very advanced, intelligent and spiritual. Even the pope, too, recently said he was ready to baptize them. Recently the pope went to visit the ruins of Atlantis in Antarctica. Paul Hellyer, a former Minister of the Canadian Forces for which I have the greatest respect, is very clear on the subject. Russian Prime Minister Medvedev spoke about the ETs. President Obama was joking about it. An old scientist worked on retro-engineering flying saucers along with ETs. There are many well-informed web sites. But, as in everything, discernment is required because the secret government of the United States also spreads a lot of disinformation to hide the reality, to scare people and to keep the technologies for themselves. Some people say that the US now has hundreds of interstellar crafts which can travel through the galaxy. They also say that there are presently many human bases on different planets. General features Serious convergent testimonies indicate that: - The vast majority of the 50 races of our earth visitors is benevolent. - Most of them look like us. - They believe in a Creator. - Space ships of tens of kilometers in length have been spotted and filmed in space. - The flying saucers travel in our atmosphere at speeds of 20 000 km per hour. - They can turn at right angles at these fantastic speeds. - They can change dimension and cloak or dematerialize their vehicles. - They travel faster than the light in the cosmos. - They have mastered anti-gravity. - They can pass through matter, solid or liquid. - They have underground bases on Earth, Moon, Mars, etc. - They communicate mostly by thoughts. - They can manipulate space and time. - They can visit the past or the future. - They live hundreds and sometimes thousands years. - They have the technology to clean the air and the oceans. - They sometimes defuse nuclear missiles. - They have been worshiped as gods. - They can cure most diseases. - They draw energy directly from ''empty space''. In the name of national security, the US government confiscated 5000 patents dealing with free, unlimited energy. We do not need oil anymore. - They try to get in touch with us to help us. - They wish that we stop destroying our planet. ![]() Very credible witnesses I watched many hours of videos an listen to many conferences on that topic. I was very impressed. Even if you find some little differences between them, you can see that they speak from their heart and from experience, describing the same reality, so incredible, so fantastic! The first one I listened was a dying CIA agent on his deathbed. William Tompkins was the main organizer of the Apollo mission for the journey to the moon. He talks about the help that he got from human-looking aliens called the "Nordiques" for that mission. He also describes what really happened on the moon ... the reptilians ITs around the moon capsule... Dr. Greer gathered thousands of witness testimonies and made a documentary name «Sirius» now free on Youtube and seen by millions of people. Simon Parkes is an English politician who talks about his encounters with visitors from space and his childhood in an illuminati family. David Icke is one of the first researchers to have talked about the reptilians who control the illuminatis and therefore our planet. He also explains that your consciousness is programmed and that our moon is artificial. Corey Goode worked at a high level for US security in covert operations. He met several breeds of visitors. He says that an alliance of five races is protecting earth presently. David Wilcook is probably the reincarnation of the famous medium Edgar Cayce. With Carey Goode, they are the spokespersons for a group of soldiers currently fighting Illuminatis. Several underground bases were "cleaned up". They were the first to announce the discoveries of the ruins of Atlantis under the ice of Antarctica. Billy Meier from Switzerland is saying that he had many contacts with aliens and invitations on flying saucers. ![]() Interesting topics You may also research different interesting topics mostly on Youtube such as : UFO witness disclosure on YouTube will lead you to many testimonials from eyewitnesses. Shape-shifting aliens that describes how some aliens can function among us in a human form and return to their natural shape. Dumbs which are very deep underground bases either for the army, for the illuminatis, or for the aliens. Etc. (Look for Phil Schneider on Youtube) Super-soldiers that describes the DNA manipulations to make new enhanced soldiers and cyborgs. Clones. It seems that the secret services are able to produce human and ET clones for many years. Milab on youtube describes the secret military operations of thought control, kidnappings, experiences on humans, clones, astral projections, portals, etc. Planet X or Nibiru is a different kind of visitor from space : it is a planet or a planetoïd accused of past and future destructions. But is it really that? Conclusion Until recently, believing in the presence of visitors from space attracted ridicule and smiles. The cosmic wind is turning and the reverse will soon be the norm. I find it quite extraordinary to think that we will soon be able to make contact with beings from other galaxies, highly intelligent and spiritual, traveling faster than light, with unimaginable knowledge and technologies. Of course the heads of different religions delay these revelations as much as possible because they will have to answer many questions and their beliefs will be challenged. They will lose many participants. It is obvious that the day the whole world will see real aliens on their tv screen, the cycle of the BKs will stop turning. The aliens have no space in the BK space. But the truth is the truth. Hiding the truth means to lie. Fortunately, spiritual people love truth... I like the expression «It will blow your mind!» because that is the impression that I get each time that I learn incredible new information. It is an exciting topic! ![]() Top |
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