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of Sublime.one ex-Brahma Kumar
![]() Progression ![]() My name is Jean-Yves. I met the Brahma Kumaris (BKs) at the end of 1982 during an alignment with Jupiter. I have been part of the BKs for 34 years. I must say right away that I am very, very grateful to this spiritual family because it has been 34 years of happiness. I have a happy nature. I'm happy almost all the time. The main reason is Yoga, the connection with the Sublime Light. I am above all a yogi with many spiritual experiences. I learned meditation with the Brahma Kumaris. It is an invaluable gift. In addition, I had the chance to meet many beautiful special souls in this great family. The immense majority of the members of this institution are really good people, beautiful souls who put their whole heart into helping the world. I have a very deep love and respect for 97.5% of Brahma Kumaris. It is because of my love for the Brahmin family that I am doing this website. ![]() Only One Responsible The people around me are not at all related to my decision to stop as a coordinator and to distance myself from the organization. My decision stems solely from the analysis of the knowledge of the Brahma Kumaris. I emphasize that all that is written in these few web pages are my personal opinions only and in no case those of the souls around me. I am the only one responsible for these opinions and the only one with this kind of opinion. A free spirit! An original! I like to learn new things. I love to experiment. I am an explorer, often a little too far ahead of my time. Usually religious groups do not like their members to think too much outside the box. But the Brahma Kumaris have been very tolerant with me: I was threatened with exclusion only twice. I almost forgot : since then, I received 1284 curses (after the advanced courses, the very advanced curses...). I still receive more every day. No wonder that some ex-Bks have strange accidents, or fall very ill, or that their close relative have some problems... I just found some old pictures of 1985 where you can see me in the middle on the left shoulder of Brahma baba and Eric from Montreal at the right of the picture. ![]() ![]() The first time i met Bapdada face to face in 83, He insisted that i was a karma yogi. As a beginner, i did not really know what it meant, so i went to a big brother to ask him. He told me that i was supposed to be like Brahma baba. I was not very happy because i could see his pictures everywhere. He looked like a guru and i did not wanted to be a guru in this life. Progression For 34 years I ran workshops and gave classes with a clear purpose: I wished that every soul develop a connection with the Light, the Eternal One, the Sublime One, and become the master of his/her own life. With the students, we had open exchanges on all kinds of topics. Everyone has a right to his opinion even if it was very different from mine. I am not interested in programming parrots but in helping everyone to think and make his/her own choices. My goal of enlisting people for the Brahma Kumaris disappeared long ago. I just love helping souls and our good old Mother earth. The last years I was no longer able to read the sakar murlis. It had become for me an insult to intelligence, a too obvious programming. Then I began to find affirmations that troubled me in the avyakt murlis. I remember one specific Sunday when I was reading for our small group: God was encouraging us to intensify our efforts to speed up destruction. I suddenly realized that this knowledge was really promoting destruction. This is fundamentally opposed to my natural nonviolent tendency. I was a big fan of Gandhiji. I then began to analyze more in detail what the Brahma Kumaris are teaching and to do research "outside the box." When we do that with gyan, little by little, it looks very different. We know that it is possible to put subliminal messages in movies by intercalating an image from time to time. Our eyes do not perceive them but our subconscious mind registers them and influences our thoughts and behaviour. Similarly, it is possible to hide a message among the pixels of an innocent image. When we look at it our brain erases the errors, the manipulated pixels. It is only when we study this image more closely and begin to connect the dots, that we see another subtle image completely different. A second level of reading is discovered. Likewise with illusions in images. ![]() ![]() The vase and the two faces are easily seen in the first image. Do you see the three other people in addition to the vase and the two elderly people in the second image? I had fun doing the same with the knowledge of Brahma Kumaris and I saw other interesting images and concepts appearing behind the usual concepts. This is one of the habits of the illuminatis: to hide the information in plain view so clearly that nobody notices it. ![]() We learned that subtle Brahma, Vishnu and Shankar are from other dimensions. If they are non-human, not from this earth, it means that they are aliens, extraterrestrials. Is it not? And angels? They are also non-human spirits. They live in another dimension. Are they not also aliens? For those interested you may look on Youtube for "Paul Hellyer UFO" He was a Canadian defense minister and he was talking about publicly about our visitors from space. Before doing this research, I was thinking that I was pretty smart and that I was one of the lucky ones who had found The right place, The right people, The right organization, and God. I realized that I had been deceived for all those years. It is a very interesting lesson in humility. Of course, I did not lose everything believing in Santa Claus because I have been very happy for 34 years and I shared my happiness with many people. But it is very difficult for me to play my part as a Dada knowing that half the knowledge is false. I would have to pretend and lie constantly. Lying is not my forte. As I am basically honest, it is not possible. So I started a new life. The natural question that follows is: "Why exposes it publicly rather than disappear discreetly like many Brahma Kumaris do?" First, because of the pervasive notion of destruction in the knowledge. I believe that the promotion of destruction especially among spiritual and religious people is very dangerous. Because Brahma kumaris are very powerful souls, it could actually provoke it. I have too much love for human beings and our dear Mother earth to say nothing. I believe that this notion is Maya-vellic ... Secondly, to help souls to free themselves from a paralyzing and unnecessarily complicated religious system. This system imprisons souls in beliefs and behaviors that lead to passivity, closure to other groups and closure to information. This system drains and channels the energy, the time, the thoughts, the specialties, the money of millions of souls of goodwill towards a demonic goal : the destruction of humanity. Thirdly, because pretty soon, everybody on this planet will know about the presence of people from space, we could imagine that the organization could change its basic knowledge and decide to save humans and the planet. We may dream. The reactions I had until now from many BKs are very positive. I dare say aloud what many people think privately. I receive so much good energies. On the other hand, I do not think the hierarchy appreciates my honesty very much. They are supposed to be very detached, tolerant, with pure vision, looking at everything as a game but my last conversation with a representative of the Bks shows a different attitude : there was a possibility of legal action against this website. But we are not yet in the fascist New world order... We are still in a democracy where everybody can have a personal opinion. It would not be a very good publicity to try to muzzle an ex-member. It would look very suspicious. I do not pretend to hold the truth. I thought I had the truth. I was made to believe that. Now I am much more cautious: I simply share thoughts that may change tomorrow. These are ideas, beliefs, experiences. I am just trying to show some new ways of looking and thinking. Religions imprison their followers. Spirituality frees them. ![]() A flying adventure Let me tell you a little adventure that happened to me some twenty or twenty-five years ago: I was coming back from Madhuban and was preparing to fly from the Delhi airport back to Canada. It was during the problematic period with the Punjab. Among other events, an Air India aircraft from Canada had exploded in flight sooner. The culprits were Sikhs. I am very sensitive to energies. This helps for yoga. I also use it to read auras, find the right places to sleep or check if spirits are attached to a person or a place. So I was in a line waiting to present my passport. Next to me were three bearded men with turbans. Their energy was awful, weird. I practiced detachment; I presented my passport and embarked on the plane. I was going home. When everyone had embarked, the captain announced apologetically that there was a small technical problem and that we would have to wait half an hour before taking off. An hour later, he did it again. Three hours later, we were still on the tarmac. So I started yoga and spoke to my friend, the Light: "OK, everything is fine. I'm detaching myself from India. I'm ready to go. Maybe we could take off?'' Have you ever seen machine guns in a plane? On that day I saw several of them, because a few minutes later, a group of the Indian special forces entered, armed to the teeth. They expelled from the plane all the men who had a turban, all the Sikhs men ... The plane of Air India, then half-empty, finally took off. I went back to yoga and I spoke again to the Light: "THANK YOU. THANK YOU! I love you! "That night, once again, She protected me from a probably very dramatic situation probably death. If the same thing would happen to me now and if I would feel that some people have a really weird energy before embarking on a train, plane or bus, I would not say, "This is not my business! ". I would go directly to security and warn them. It is better to have a false alarm than to have some deaths on the conscience. (Especially when you are one of them. ;-)) Imagine now that you are in a plane very high in the sky. The numerous members of your nice family around you are half asleep: Some have taken some intoxicants, others have gotten up at 4am and are exhausted, others are knocked out because of the systematic reduction of oxygen in the cabin to "help the passengers sleep", as it is currently the case. And suddenly you get a special private warning on your smart phone that the pilot is projecting to crash the plane with all the passengers. You check and realize that it is true: the pilot announced it several times on his "Murlis pages.'' On the top or that he told everybody that he would have an «atmic bomb» aboard to destroy humanity. What would you do? Would you try to sleep again repeating to yourself "Drama is perfect, drama is perfect, ... Wha drama, wha drama ..."? Or would you tell yourself: ''At last!!''? Or would you try to wake up the other passengers and warn the flight attendants? At the risk of been considered a traitor, I chose to try to awaken souls. But since I know that some passengers are in a bad mood when they get woken too suddenly and that they will probably do nothing but attack the messenger, I took my precautions: ![]() Conclusion Brahmins are essentially good people who have certainly experienced some "Golden Age" in another civilization or on another planet. It is therefore natural that this notion of a wonderful harmonious civilization resonates with old memories and that these souls look for that lost paradise. Moreover, a soul that has lived in a society in harmony is basically honest with good intentions and ... a great naivety ... For her or him, it is hardly conceivable that someone tries to deceive her/him especially when that one is "God"! This is not part of her/his fundamental concepts. We can see that many Brahma Kumaris souls are simple, very innocent souls, like children. It is easy to manipulate them. I hope that these few pages will help open the third eye of discernment of many BKs and make each soul more autonomous and master of her/his life. Personally, I will continue to teach meditation, the jewel of knowledge of Brahma Kumaris. I will always teach it everywhere. But I will do it independently without anyone to remind me that what I am saying is not in line with the official version. I will not have to commit myself to teaching "Srimat" as coordinators should now do. I will not hear any more : "There are number 1, number 2, number 3 ...". I will no longer be accountable, nor will I have to pretend to be perfect. I can choose my life. I am free! It is called ''liberation in life'' ! It seems to me that I already breathe much better. I am even happier than before!! That reminds me that Jagdish in Montreal 30 years ago looked at me, scanned the soul and told me: ''You are Hari'' and i answered ''Yes we are in hurry, you will miss your plane!'' and he replied ''No, no. You are Hari, the one who gives liberation in life!'' I hope that my wonderful spiritual family will not mind too much that I share all this publicly in these few pages that will float on the waves of the Internet. I am just an instrument. In any case, what I am saying here will soon be topical in the Brahmin family and the world because more and more influential people among the lokiks do everything possible to make known to the world the presence of our neighbors from deep space and the controllers of this world. As I explained above, this will cast doubts on this knowledge and on every religion. The trees will be shaken. Everyone will have to choose. After reading these few pages, you will be one step ahead. One last advice: You could exchange some of the hypothetical future jewels of your crown of deity against a good parachute. It could be very useful in your luggage... May the Sublime One, peace, love and bliss be present every day in your life. ![]() ![]() Jean-Yves Note : If you are a BK and specially somebody in charge and you want to contact me, use your personal e-mail address. Do not use the Bk center address. It is not "Big Brother" who is watching you, but "Big Father" : The organization have access to e-mails and it is easy to have a filter to spot individuals using this address and delete messages. Contact: ![]() Jan 3 2023 Top Menu |
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