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The cycle of time of Brahma Kumaris
My personal experience ![]() However, one thing intrigued me: my experiences of Golden Age were very similar to the experiences of subtle regions that I had. Besides that, it seems that Brahma Baba at first was thinking that the Golden Age was in subtle regions. It is remarkable that many stories of Near Death Experiences of non-BKs who experience paradise are also similar with meditation experiences and visions of the BKs. Yet these people do not live the "pure" life of the BKs ... We have been told very often in the murlis that God is keeping the secrets of visions. Would he have a holographic projector somewhere or a "hollow deck" as in Star trek to give us experiences of paradise? However, even if the cycle is an interesting story, when we begin to check its reality, we quickly find questions without answers. ![]() Proofs of cycle of time Jagdish bhaï undoubtedly had done much research on many subjects. When he wrote about the cycle, he explained that the cycle was true because God had revealed it to the Brahmins. This is not really a scientific demonstration. That means that he did not find a proof of the 5000-years cycle. Sometimes he was telling laughingly that one of the first questions the sisters asked him when he visited a new center was about the dinosaurs in the cycle. But he himself, very learned, was giving no answer. ![]() In many civilizations we find this notion of the cycle of time. But then again no evidence. We can say in summary that if there is a proof somewhere of an identical cycle, it is well hidden. As I liked this notion (not the swastika) I used to say that God had trouble with numbers and that the cycle was probably 5 millions or 5 billions years long. ![]() Ancient civilizations It is also very difficult to find some space in the cycle of time for Cro-Magnons, Neanderthals, Sumerians, giants, aliens, Atlanteans, Egyptians and the many civilizations that existed on earth. But we have indeed found all sorts of signs showing that sophisticated technologies had been developed in the past: - We found objects, nuts, tools, pieces of machinery, embedded in million-years-old rocks. - The ancient texts of India speak of many vimans, the flying saucers. - We know several sites on earth with traces of explosions of atomic bombs. - There are 75,000 ancient gold mines in South Africa. Some have perfectly vertical wells descending to great depths. - In Chile, the old constructions are made of blocks of molten rock to resist earthquakes. - Since many years, scientists, archeologists, and military people are working in the ruins under the ice of Antarctica. They are removing the aliens artifacts and advanced technology that they found there. It is probably the remains of Atlantide fast frozen one million years ago. The official newspapers are beginning to talk about it giving their ''clean'' version. So, of course, there have been several advanced civilizations on this earth. If the theory of the repetition of the cycle were true, we should not find any artifact older than 5000 years. We find many. But it is OK: God always says that if you add few more zeros, everything will be fine. You will be able to forget about these little scientific details and sleep peacefully. Dr. Immanuel Velikovsky A researcher Immanuel Velikovsky went all over the world to find stories of ancient catastrophic events. He concluded that there had been several massive destructions on earth. Many civilizations remember several pole shifts, the sun rising to the West, then to the East, then to the West, gigantic tsunamis, glaciations, and so on. It is certain that there have been great upheavals on earth. But it takes a very long time to come back to normal life. So when we talk of two massive destruction in 5000 years, it is a little bit too much. On the top of that, if one cycle erase the other one, people are not supposed to remember different versions of the same events of the previous cycles. A single glaciation lasts tens of thousands of years. You can read and/or import his interesting book "Worlds in Collision" in pdf . You can also visit the pages on super volcanoes describing some of the culprits of past events. ![]() Cycle of 5000 years For anyone who knows a little geology, science and history, the idea that the cycle is 5000 years old is difficult to swallow. It would take a very long cycle to bring in dinosaurs, continental drift, glaciations, massive destruction by meteors and volcanoes, oil, fossils, major geological disasters, and so on. Teaching this to uneducated young women in India is possible but difficult to digest for the more educated people. It is probably why he is not quoted in conferences and that in the West we keep the murlis on secure sites accessible only to BKs. Here we have few examples: it is common to find fossils of marine animals in the rocks very high on different mountains. It takes thousands of years to get a fossil from an animal. On the top of that, how long does it take for the bottom of the sea to rise at 4 thousand meters above the sea level? A very, very long time. Recently, they discover that in the pyramids of Egypt some archeologists fabricated some artifacts to prove that the constructions were only few thousands years old. Now, they say that the pyramids are probably 40 000 years old at least. On the top of that, some Jesuits have worked hard to erase most of the traces of aliens, the gods from the sky. ![]() The magnetism in the rocks of volcanoes indicates the north pole. From that property, the scientists can find the different pole shifts which occurred over millions years. There have been quite a few. Presently there is not just carbon 14 to date artifacts and rocks, there are several methods whose results can be cross-checked for confirmation. For example, one can drill cores ''carrots'' at the bottom of the sea and count the layers, so the years. In Antarctica we go back several millions years. These , ''carrots'' can also be drilled in the ice. For Greenland we have gone back 125,000 years and in the Antarctic to 750,000 years. It shows the trace of 8 glaciation periods. That represents a lot of cycles that are supposed to be identical and should have erased the previous ones. Once more, science shows us that the cycle of 5000 years is a nice tale story. Every half-cycle, the continents are supposed to move thousands of kilometers to combine together and then to separate again 2500 years later. In fact, when the earth opens a few meters, it causes devastating earthquakes, tsunamis, etc. Can you imagine the chaos caused by a continent that would suddenly move just one kilometer? There would be unimaginable earthquakes, tsunamis as high as mountains, gigantic volcanic eruptions, followed by a long glaciation. It would take tens or hundreds of thousands of years before the earth heals from its scars. So when we talk about all the continents that move around like pieces of puzzles over thousands of miles we talk about a very very long time before returning to normal. And yet, in 20 years we are supposed to dance with Krishna ... Somebody thinks that we are .................. ............. ....................(fill the empty space with the name or adjective of your choice.) "BKs are such innocent children ..." I can imagine that someone, somewhere is bent to laugh. ![]() It is why in a recent murli we were told : "You were parrots, now you are flying parrots". ;-) Identical cycles At first, I thought that the story of identical repetition was brilliant and original. It is a fascinating and very intelligent concept. A lot of things can be explained with it. When you accept it, you feel very safe. You know where you are coming from and where you are going. The universe is included in this little cycle. Even God Shiva the incorporeal never deviates from the cycle. He is himself a prisoner. It is extraordinary that time is more powerful than the Creator himself. It's quite a concept to churn. ;-) It means that God Shiva has been demoted, that He is not the Almighty anymore. In BK knowledge, time is The God. ![]() If the cycle is perfectly identical to the preceding one, it means that absolutely nothing should be older than 5000 years. This means that even if even one atom is not in the same place, it does not work anymore. I wonder who is going to put back the billion of barrels of oil that are being pulled out of the earth. And who will bring back the devices left on the moon and mars? Let us say that the identical repetition of the cycle of 5000 years is very, very, very, very, very, very, very unlikely. I would go so far as to say that with what we actually know, it is impossible. Entropy The notion of cycle is fundamentally pessimistic. This is called entropy. This is the second law of thermodynamics: everything degrades. It applies to the physical reality. But does that apply to the history of this wonderful globe? Probably not. Does that law of entropy applies to the souls? There is no proof of it. In fact, most of the religious groups speak of a positive evolution of souls. Maybe, somebody somewhere wants us to believe in that concept of entropy. When one talks about entropy in the cycle, one forgets to mention that in history there have been many horrors worse than those that are currently known. For example, it is estimated that 500,000 people were killed in public in the Colosseum of Rome and one million animals. It was the normal public show of the time. But killing people in public is no longer accepted now. It exists only in video games, movies and some retarded countries. In addition, overall, crime is declining in many countries and hundreds of thousands of organizations of all kinds are working around the world to make our world better. It is not in the news. It is not tragic enough. They prefer to talk about the wars and terrorist attacks organized by the Illuminati, the 1% richest people of the world. In addition, we currently have the recipes to cure cancer and technologies to extract the energy directly from ''nothing'' and replace oil and gas. We also have technology to make silent flying vehicles. We do not need roads anymore. Military people have trains in deep secret tunnels going three times faster than planes. Etc. In other words, we have everything to make this earth a better place. If we really want it. Who benefits from crime? To justify destruction, often the Brahma kumaris say: "Look at how it goes worse and worse in the world. It's terrible! It is better for everyone to die than to suffer like this! " But when we look at the causes of these great sufferings, the instigators, we always find the same culprits: the richest 1% who owns 80% of the global wealth. And curiously, it is the same group, the illuminatis, that wants to reduce the population... A small example among many others: it is now known that during the Second World War it was the Rockefeller Bank which financed at the same time the allies and the Nazis. It is also known that the Bush family supplied oil and iron to Hitler. Many US corporations helped the Nazis to prepare for the coming war. Why? Another example: FAO of the UN says it would take just a few billions to feed the planet. But we cannot find them. On the other hand, trillions of dollars are available for wars. Who makes profits in selling weapons? Guess who? Who invents chemicals, GMOs, toxic drugs that poison our planet? Who benefits from that? The same corporations who pretend to find a cure for cancer. Do you know that the CIA trained and financed the Talibans and is now financing ISIS? I know this is a difficult question but guess who owns the biggest television groups, movie corporations and newspapers that give us the "right" information and prepare us for the idea of destruction? You found it : The 1%, the illuminatis. Dinosaurs ![]() I even heard a scientific BK who, thanks to a super pseudo-scientific demonstration, explained that they had never existed and that their bones simply appeared in the drama, just for fun. Pouf. Just to confuse us. Yesterday there was nothing. Today there is something. He explained that in fact there was no relationship between any animal and these fossilized remains. It is wonderful how science and religion are alike: In choosing the right complicated and esoteric words, we can have them demonstrate anything. I enjoyed asking the question to a distinguished guest in Montreal. He saw the trap and refused to attempt an explanation. He never spoke to me again and always stood far from me. ;-) So funny! Period between two cycles In theory, we should pass from the Iron Age to the Golden age in 100 years. Now it will be in 19 years. What will happen to the radioactive elements of atomic bombs? How can we rebuild a perfect land in a few years? How to repair the destruction of the displacement of the continents? All this remains very vague, in the dark. I do not know of any BK who try to describe a plausible scenario. Nobody takes any risk on this very slippery ground. We are told modestly that the power of yoga will fix everything! Ha! Yoga!! This is my specialty. I love yoga. It fixes everything. What would we do without yoga? Believing that the power of yoga will do the job is believing in magical thinking. Even though we are the "masters of nature" I have never seen a single BK do anything defying natural laws. So imagine for a whole planet in distress! No detail is ever given of this tragic period. It would be interesting to know how the vehicles left on the Moon and March will return spontaneously on earth. Or how each atom will resume its original place exactly without any error. It is a mystery! May be we are part of a great cosmic game, a "matrix", and at the end of the game in a fantastic computer, a child in another dimension pushes the "reset" button and starts it again? Perhaps. Who knows? We're told: it's just a game. Dumb questions ![]() - Where does Krishna live before a servant-builder deity creates his golden palace? Does he create it himself through thoughts from his cradle? - If in the Golden Age everyone is in pure soul consciousness, what the need for men deities and women deities? To just look in the eyes? It seems to me that old Sanskars could come back? Is it not? ;-) But maybe, a magic implant in the brain could keep everything in the right order, the New World Order. - With all the powers over matter, why not have test-tube-deities, clones? There would be no physical intercourses and easy births. From clowns to clones. ;-) - If deities are getting pregnant with a drishti, a look, logically, biologically, as in bees, we should have only female deities? Is it not? Unless DNA can travel through the drishti. ;-) In any case, we would have to be careful there not to give drishti to everybody ... - If the families of deities have only two children, how can there be an increase in the population? It is mathematically impossible... - It was said in a murli that behind our palace our servants would dig to extract gold. The lucky ones. After a life of service, a life in a mine. Yes, but a gold mine! Would it not be simpler to create gold with thoughts? - Microscopic chips called implants have been invented several years ago. They are getting more and more refined and smaller with nano technology. Billions of units have been produced and are ready for every human being. Inserted in the brain, they can control thoughts, memory and emotions. No more effort. They can also send information to a central computer. These implants can also control your behaviour and your actions. In case of ''problem'' they can also generate a fatal heart attack. Implants are now inserted in our pets and in people who have Alzheimer's. When the person goes beyond a certain perimeter, the computer send "security" there ... One might be a little bit concerned and think that a fascist government could find this idea interesting. Is it not? It would be an easy method to control any population. Are deities forgetting the past and are always very positive because they have a small magical implant? Perhaps. In any case, it is one of the main projects of the illuminatis to control the future survivors of the disasters. Maybe, it is what they mean by the "cooperation of science and spirituality?" ![]() In reality, if you do research on the subject, you will find that many of us already have these microscopic implants installed in the body. We also have many secret energetic implants. Why? Just few questions for fun! Secret of visions It is often mentioned in the murlis that God keeps the secret of visions. Many people became Bks after images, intuitions, special experiences. They have attributed them to God. Who else could do that? Other minds, spirits, angels, machines, people, aliens? Come on, you're joking! When we do a little research on the subject, we realize that indeed the spirits in general and the visitors of space can influence directly our mind and intellect. They do not need to be God. On the other hand, it is very common in the spirit world to pretend to be God or any well-known person. ![]() In addition, space visitors and different good or bad spirits can change dimension, appear in our reality and disappear again, in other words, become visible or invisible. Would "God" have a secret technology that He does not want to talk about? Perhaps. I do not know since it's a secret. But you could do a little research on the internet with "Voice of God technology". All this to say that having spiritual experiences does not mean that they come directly from God. They may well come from different minds, different spirits, different dimensions. I had many experiences. I used to believe that they were all coming from God. Now I am more careful. Some are real, some are not. The BKs teach a good method for meditation. It allows us to have a true connection with the Sublime Light. Does that means the rest is true. Not really. Does that mean you have to be BK to experiment God. Not really either. Visitors from space Thousands, tens of thousands of testimonies exist on flying saucers and meetings with visitors from space. They are even more bulky than the dinosaurs. It only takes one alien, one ET and this is the end of the cycle of the Bks. Now ... It is proved: the extraterrestrials exist. So bye, bye the cycle! ![]() Children's story Avyakt murli of 31 January 2016: "God gives you knowledge in the form of a story" Does that mean that the story of the cycle is a fairy tale to give us some knowledge? How close is this tale to the truth? As we have just seen, it is easy to demonstrate that the cycle is a story for children. We adults also love stories. ![]() We would find that really weird, bizarre, irrational, morbid. And yet, schematically, the cycle comes down to that: 7,400,000,000 deaths to receive our gifts tomorrow. Wha! A real poisoned gift! Why? In a class of 1942 Mama said that "God Brahma plays the flute to destroy this vicious world and establish the Golden Age." It is clear : that knowledge, the story of the cycle, is intended to destroy our wonderful planet. - Would
the goodwill of millions of people who are made to believe that
destruction is good be a way of channeling their energy
towards that destruction?
Is this the ultimate goal? - Would someone want to abuse the goodwill, life, innocence, property, time, money, specialties of dedicated people as tools to spread that idea of inevitable, desirable destruction? And in the meantime feeding on their energy? - Would anyone want to create the overall mental energy to cause it? In fact, yes! Listen carefully and you will realize that it is said openly exactly like that in the murlis. It would be a diabolical, maya-velic plan: To use the spiritual energy of wonderful souls to destroy humanity, hijacking, funnelling goodwill towards suffering and death!!! Excellent! Congratulations! It is well planned. It is a basic technique of aïkido: you do not resist your opponent but you go in the same direction to finally use his energy to control him. Maya is doing the same. She begins by baiting the most spiritual souls to channel their energy towards destruction and death. It reminds me of the participation of scientists of goodwill in secret black military operations. These scientists do not realize their participation in a criminal organization that uses their skills for its own agenda. They are provided with a laboratory, funds and a good salary. They focus with their heart and intellect on their research. Then, one day they wake up and realize that they participated in the development of a fiery weapon. When they are not killed and have the courage to speak in public, one can see that these souls are good people, filled with regrets. But, it is too late. Perhaps they could have used a very small part of their intelligence to analyze the aim of their research. This is what I suggested to the professor of organic chemistry during my studies at the University: that students should reflect on the purpose of their studies. I don't know why, but he did not like my idea. He even promised me publicly that he would personally make sure that I was banned from that University. But it was just a joke. Everyone knows that the chemical industry and pharmaceutical companies, which are part of the illuminati network, create only beneficial products for humanity : pesticides, GMOs, chemtrails, drugs, weapons, contaminated vaccines, new viruses, and so on. If the day of destruction comes, as a BK, will you feel a little bit responsible? Will you have regrets? May peace, love and happiness be in your heart all the time. ![]() ![]() T o p Menu |
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