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Destruction in 1976 In 1983, the first time I went to London to meet Dadi Janki I stayed in a private home. On a wall, there was an Indian poster of the cycle with an explanation below, in large prints, in English, "The final destruction will take place in 1976". It made me laugh. These people had a good sense of humor saying to everybody : "Do not believe everything that is written!". I doubt that this poster remained long on the wall. Several dates for destruction have been predicted in the history of Brahma kumaris : The Second World War, 1950, 1976, 1984, the year 2000, next year, etc. Now, after many mistakes, the Brahma kumaris are more cautious. As the date for Golden age is getting closer, in theory in 19 years, now, they tend to say that, maybe, the Age of Confluence could last more than 100 years ... For more details on the subject, you can consult the well-informed site of Robin Ramsay from Australia The notion of cycle I always liked the idea of the cycle of time. It is fascinating. It is logical and answers many questions. One feels very safe with that notion. Contrary to many people, I loved especially the exact repetition of the cycle, probably because I had interesting and nice previous lives. When we take the courses, we are presented with the destruction as an essential part of the arrival of paradise. No destruction, no paradise. This world is presented to us as incurable, irrecoverable, irreparable, deeply demonic, the place of Ravan, the devil. The whole notion of the cycle is based on the idea that it will get worse and it has to be stopped just as a terminally ill patient who should be unplugged to avoid more suffering. It's seems logic. In short, we are told that the destruction is a service to humanity. We are told that 7,4 billion people have to die and return to the souls' world in order to have the Golden Age on earth. There is no other solution. It shows us the simple logic. For 30 years I had a lot of pleasure teaching the cycle. As a good BK, very diplomatically, I insisted more about the Golden Age that the horrors of the period of "transformation." And when people would ask about duration, I was doing some elegant skating declaring that God was not good with numbers and that 5000 years for the duration of the cycle was probably symbolic. Having studied geology, I knew that many artifacts on earth are much much older than that. When talking about entropy in the cycle, we forget to mention that in history there have been many worse horrors than those we know today. For example, an estimated 500,000 people have been killed in public in the Coliseum in Rome and one million animals. It was the normal reality show of that era. But killing people for fun is only accepted now in video games or movies. In addition, overall crime is decreasing in many countries and hundreds of thousands of organizations of all kinds are working around the world to make our life better. This does not appear much in the news. It is not dramatic enough. In addition, we currently own recipes to cure cancer and technologies to extract free energy directly from the "empty space" and replace oil. We even have now sophisticated flying saucers like the aliens. If we want, we have everything to make our world better. In short, the concept of entropy, that everything is getting worse, including souls is not true. It is an argument to justify destruction. The destruction in murlis The idea of destruction is repeated again and again in many murlis, the basic teachings of the Brahma kumaris. In a recent one, I noted down twenty direct and indirect references to destruction and death. It is suggested again and again. It is omnipresent. Usually nobody pays much attention and everyone accepts it as an inevitable reality. It is part of the background noise. Moreover, murlis repeat the idea that everyone is responsible for destruction, that we are the actors. We became programmed to think that destruction is an excellent thing, that we must encourage it, provoke it. In several avyakts murlis, each one is encouraged to "fix a date" for destruction, to make efforts to start it more quickly, to think of the service that we are going to render to earth by causing the almost complete annihilation of humanity. Of course, we are never told the details of that period. That remains very vague. But what is certain is that in 19 years, it will be paradise! ![]() Reading the murli to our friendly little group on a Sunday morning, it struck me: we were encouraged to transform ourselves more quickly so that the destruction happens faster. Even if I already knew it, I realized that our knowledge was actively promoting destruction. I mentioned immediately that personally I refused that idea completely. But, if the cycle is always identical, is it possible to move forward or postpone the date? Not really. And if the cycle happened billions of times already, God should know the exact date. Is it not? He should not try to change the date. He should not make mistakes in announcing it! If God makes mistakes, is He really God? We are told that the deeper the meditation, the more our vices are destroyed and the more the destruction of the iron age increases. This very strange association is diametrically opposed to the love for humanity felt before, during and after yoga experiences. Yet some Brahma kumaris are happy with disasters because they see them as a sign of progress. The more we meditate for peace and harmony, the more there are supposed to be problems and destruction ... It is a very strange concept. So, if I understand correctly, the more I am in contact with God, the more love and good wishes I have for humanity, and the more wars and catastrophes there will be. The logic of this logic is for me an unfathomable mystery ... Have you ever heard of schizophrenia? If we use the same logic, the contrary should also be true. Therefore, to reach final peace on earth without destruction, we should have special meditations to generate disasters and wars and we should stop transforming ourselves... ![]() Various expressions for ''destruction'' If the same expressions were used constantly, the Brahma kumaris could have an overdose with that idea of destruction. Therefore many expressions and images are used to constantly suggest the destruction, often with double meanings. For examples: - ''You are the donors of liberation and liberation in life''. To give liberation in life means helping souls to improve and be free here and now. But to ''liberate'' the souls? Is it not a fancy way of saying that we will release them from the burden of their bodies, thus killing them? I asked Br. Charlie in Montreal, but he did not understand my question. It was probably my English. I did not insist. - ''You have to fix a date for completion''. The term "completion" in English means fulfillment, perfection, achievement, closing, as if the goal was finally reached. In other words "You must set a date for the destruction to be complete. That way your job will be done." - ''Do you hear the cries of devotees? Do you not want to help them by giving them mukti, liberation?'' - ''You have to drop an atmic bomb.'' ![]() - ''You elevated souls become instruments to open the gates to liberation'' and ''Other ones will receive the inheritance of liberation''. (Murli 12/01/82 read 22/01/17) ![]() Killing someone is deeply against human nature. It is well known in psychology that for a human being to agree to kill another, you must first reduce the image of the victim. The murderer will then think that it is a service to the victim or to the society. In Nazi camps and Vietnam future victims were called ''rats''. Here they are compared with ''flies''. Everything evolves. I asked some people with responsibility in the Canadian government if there was some problem killing children in Afghanistan. I got several times the answer, �No, no, because they are future terrorists...� - Recently, we were told we were the masters of nature and we should command her to use the big broom of natural disasters. So I made special meditations to thank Mother nature again and again and ask her to forgive us, to stay peaceful and to protect humans, even if they are not perfect. - In a class of March 12th 2016 a Didi was talking of the big washing machine of nature. This seemed to be a good joke because that made her laugh. Who are the dirty ones that we have to get rid of? Our children? Our friends? Our mother? - We are told that we will reach our destination. - In some Sakar Murlis, it was mentioned that the dead bodies will make very good fertilizer for the Golden Age. Can you imagine your mother or father in the form of fertilizer in the garden of Lakshmi? - In the Murli of 19.3.81 it is said '' Ravan (satan) is your friend who works very hard for you, as the scientists abroad.'' So if I understand correctly : I am a Brahma kumar. I am becoming an angel. I am in direct contact with God to find myself on the same side as Satan. Can someone explain to me the logic leading to that strange association? I probably did not read the small prints of my original Brahma kumaris contract. I wonder if there is a relation between Shankar and Ravan. Maybe it is what it means?? - In many sakars Murlis, this organization is called a yaggya, a sacrificial fire, adding that "In this sacrificial fire, the whole world will be sacrificed." Again, when you think about it, it's really a strange expression: Sacrificing 7,4 billion people in the fire! It is a little bit primitive. To whom or to what are they going to be sacrificed? To what kind of god? A reptilian god? It is similar with the beliefs of Christians people who are programmed to eat and drink the body and blood of Christ without realizing that it is a satanic ritual. - Very often, very diplomatically, now destruction is called "transformation" ... - Just like the moth is sacrificing itself to the flame, you have to sacrifice yourself to the Light! ![]() - Are you dead? Or still a little bit alive? You are dead to the world. - ''You have to speed up the establishment.'' and ''The spiritual bomb will be released from your centre.'' 16-1-82 - I recently told a big brother that I had a hard time to accept that the Sublime Light filled with love and gentleness could possibly want destruction of 7,4 billion people. He told me that we must not look at it like that, but to consider that God just wants a �change�... Sorry, I am probably a little bit dumb but I do not understand the subtle difference. ![]() 8000 deaths per Bk When you divide 7,4 billion "lost and unrecoverable poor suffering souls" by a little less than a million Brahma kumaris we get about 8000 people. In other words, each Brahma kumaris wishing paradise, wishes also destruction, therefore the death of 8000 persons to be able to dance in happiness. ![]() If you would ask any Brahma kumaris how many people he/she is ready to ''liberate'' (kill) personally to go to paradise, he/she will answer that you are crazy. He/she does not want to hurt anybody. But somebody who accepts the cycle and teaches the cycle, accepts automatically to ''liberate'' all mankind. He/she is part of it. The vast majority of Brahma kumaris are excellent people who want to help humanity, who are vegetarians, nonviolent and send a lot of good wishes to all. At the same time, by a kind of schizophrenia, dissociation of consciousness, they think that it is normal that all these people disappear in great suffering. In a recent murli, "God" reassured everybody by saying that Brahma kumaris would not suffer and would leave their body voluntarily in meditation. Phew! But let us be logical and apply the law of karma: when someone wishes the Golden Age, he then personally wishes the "liberation" of 8000 people, which means a lot of suffering. Logically, in return, he/she should experience some of their suffering ... Ouch, ouch, ouch ... I am not interested at all. It's logic It is fascinating to look at the logic of destruction, observe how a good person can be interested in spirituality, relationship with God, meditation to finally accept that God fervently hopes that 99.9% of the global population disappears. If indeed the inhabitants of this beautiful earth suffer that much and have no fun living here, we should see mass suicides per millions. But in reality, even in extreme conditions, souls choose to live. Who am I to tell a single mother who does her best to raise her family that it would be better that she disappears with her children? It would be better for her, for me and for the planet? ![]() 1- Cheap horses are rare. Few days ago, I read a citation from the Bible about the old regulations for the price of slaves and treatment for girls 'sold' by their fathers. It seems incredible for us now that people were accepting that as God's words. But if non-Bks would read some passages of the murlis, they would be very surprised. This is probably why the murlis, supposed to be the universal words of God, are available in the West only on secure sites away from the eyes of the common people. I would like to mention that among all the wonderful qualities that Brahma kumaris promote, I have never seen the very important quality named: "logic". Why? Why murlis mention the heart all the time and never mention the logic? Imagine for a minute that this BKWSU institution is a hospital and that you are working there very hard as a doctor. You are focus on the health of your patients and are happy to see them leaving the facility in better shape. And everybody around you wish the same. One day you learn that, in reality, the main hidden agenda of the director of the hospital is to see everybody dead including the staff. For that he is discretely contaminating everybody with a new virus. What would you think? Will you continue to work there? Golden Age ![]() Meanwhile, there will be atomic bombs that leave radioactive isotopes for centuries, huge tsunamis, continents disappearing, the total "cleaning" of Iron Age, 7,4 billion dead bodies, not counting animals, ruins everywhere, the devastated vegetation and ... a magic wand! In a glimpse of an eye, everything changes: a perfect climate, no pollution, no trace of the old world, no radiation, a civilization of gods on earth! ![]() ![]() These are stories for children, fairy tales, Christmas stories. We, as adults, we also like to believe in fairy tales, princes and princesses. I have no problem with that. I loved teaching the cycle. I had many experiences of the Golden Age in meditation. I find it touching to see the intoxication of paradise in the eyes of Brahma kumaris. What troubles me is to get myself embarked in participation for destruction. And to lead people in that direction. Just for a minute, imagine that we promise wonderful gifts to little children, toys and dolls, dresses and music, candies and flowers, happiness and love ... But with a small condition: that all their relatives die before that... We would find this very strange, weird. And yet this is the general concept of the cycle : Tomorrow we will be very happy after ''cleaning'' earth. If it is true that we can change a devastated world into a Golden Age so easily, why do we not use this magic power to transform the present world now without destroying it? I think it would be a less dramatic and more economical shortcut. I dare to think that Gandhi, who was a model for me, would agree with that. For a long time Brahma Baba taught that the Golden Age was in the subtle regions and I think that he was right. If there is destruction, we will dance there in our body of light, not here. (Personally, I dance a lot better in my subtle body ;-)) The surface of the earth will be destroyed and it will take thousands of years to recover. But this is a small detail. ![]() By the way, in near-death experiences (NDE), many non-Bk people describe a world in the astral dimension that really looks like the Golden Age. But these souls are not Bks. They eat meat and are ''impure''. They even have sex! However, they experience paradise. I was told that we were the only ones to go there at the condition that we follow Srimat very strictly. Influence to the public When calculating how many people have been given this knowledge, this represents a big number. Suppose that the average Bk gives these notions to 100 souls. This means that we influenced 100 millions people to think that the destruction is not only a good thing but it is logical and inevitable. Presumably these people in turn have spread this idea around them. In other words, these ideas have reached a great number of people and their influence on the general population is not negligible. The more we accept this idea of the destruction, the more we invoke it. I think we should start thinking differently because the consequences will probably not be those expected. I have some serious doubts about the magical beginning of the Golden Age on the day after the holocaust. The Brahma kumaris are supposed to be yogis, souls in touch with the Divine. Most are powerful souls that connect to different degrees to the divine Energy. The thoughts of all these souls are very, very effective. They create very powerful forces that can actually influence our environment. This is one reason why I do these web pages : to try to set the record straight on the cosmic clock, change the time line and minimize future disasters. I have the impression that, on the one hand, we are given a very powerful tool, meditation for Yoga, and that, on the other hand, the energy of all the raja-yogis is hijacked and redirected towards a very " strange" goal ... Could it be possible that one of the main purposes of this Brahma kumaris religion be to invoke the destruction of mankind by making us believe that it is desirable? And to try to provoke it by amplifying this energetic pattern of thought in the population? ![]() Illuminatis In murlis there are little sentences like: "They are ready for destruction. Are you ready? You must set a date. One may ask who are " they ". Does it exist on earth groups wishing destruction? Well, actually, yes. They are easy to find on the internet. You just have to type : "depopulation agenda". I present you : the "illuminatis," the "enlightened ones" . They are also known under many other names such as: the new world order (NWO) the secret societies, the shadow government the Freemasons, the eugenicists, the Nazis, the banksters, the big capital, the syndicates the elite, the cabal, the black hats, The red dragons, the big corporations, the 1%, etc. These organizations and individuals are the 1% richest people in the world, possessing the immense majority of the wealth of our mother earth. This wealthy cabal thinks that there are too many people on earth. It is more and more difficult to control them and they are ''useless eaters''. The illuminatis want to drastically reduce the world population. Some openly talk about it. For example, Bill Gates through vaccination. Many attempts have been made recently. To date this has not worked well. It seems that there is a divine protection; some say an alien protection. One of the projects is to cause the simultaneous collapse of all currencies. Human creativity stimulated by trillions of dollars is extraordinary. It is interesting to see the similarities between the Brahma kumaris philosophy and the illuminatis objectives. Is it a coincidence? ![]() When I see the swastika on the Indian poster of the cycle, it makes me wonder. Is it possible that Dada Lekraj had some contact with illuminatis? Absolutely YES. He used to be a close friend of the Royal English family in India which is well known to be one of the main leaders of the illuminatis. ![]() It is interesting to note the similarity of the Brahma Kumaris flag with the flag of the Rising sun that the fascist Japanese used during the Second World War. Japan was the first country where a BK center was opened outside of India while Japanese culture is usually very impervious to other cultures. Are the Brahma kumaris instruments for God or for the illuminatis or for some other supervising entity? Other religions with similar philosophy - Rich people are often members of Freemasons who are themselves part of the illuminatis. - The Jehovah Witnesses speak of destruction and believe that they will be the only ones in the paradise. - Mormons will be kings on other planets after destruction. It is well known that these two last religions were founded and financed by Freemasons. - On Youtube a little research with the words ''illuminatis and Hindhuism'' leads to videos like : How the illuminati are using gurus and swamis to further their agenda - Christians since centuries are announcing the end of the world and the last judgment. Many researchers speak about the connection of the Vatican and the illuminatis. They say that all the religions have been created to control people. Who are the controllers of the illuminatis? Physical preparations The illuminatis and the military people have built at least 150 gigantic amazing underground bases, mainly in USA. (called Dumbs). They are several kilometers deep and equipped for survival for a million people. They are connected together by underground high-speed trains. The places are already reserved for the richest ones. I doubt there are many Brahma kumaris in the list. These people are therefore likely to become the future deities ... And Bks will dance in happiness in the subtle regions. I suggest we contact members of the US shadow government, that we explains to them that Brahma kumaris are the future deities and therefore it would be good karma to provide a little place in the shelters. ;-) I have never seen a BK webpage for preparation for survival. It is generally suggested to have some food for some time but besides that there is no emphasis on preparation. Everybody is supposed to leave the body in a second. It is also interesting to note that another very fashionable quality these days among the non-Bks is never mentioned among the virtues of the BKs: resilience, this ability to survive, to continue and to thrive. Why? God and destruction I am very fortunate because I had since the beginning of my Brahmin life many spiritual experiences. I will always remain very grateful to this beautiful family and institution for that. ![]() Last week, in one of my many experiences with the Sublime Light in her feminine form, I felt her kindness, her gentleness, her indescribable love and above all, her unlimited non-violence. I'm sure it's the same experience for all who come in contact with the Divine energy. When I then ask myself: "Does the Source, the perfect Being, the Light want the death of 7,4 billion humans?" The answer is obvious: It is impossible. It's absurd. This is nonsense. When we start to think about it, we are faced with this simple evidence: the Eternal Father, the Divine Mother does not even think about destruction. Although insurance companies have accustomed us to handle major disasters as "acts of God" to avoid repaying the damages, when we think a little, we realize that Shiva's dance does not really make sense. Wanting to justify the destruction by God's will is an aberration, an insult, a heresy. It is to transform God into a criminal. Just as, in the far past, certain people were made to believe that the sacrifice of a young virgin would attract God's "benevolence." What kind of god? Yet, each of us accepts it as obvious. The Murlis tell us that the cycle is more powerful than God himself!!! That God is eager to see the end. "Make efforts to ensure that the destruction is coming soon." It is mind-boggling. It actually may turn into a nightmare. Brahma, Vishnu and Shankar In the original knowledge taught by Brahma Baba, the Trimurti is much more than a symbol, it is the association of three souls with three different roles. I have old copies of sakar murlis explicitly saying that Brahma, Vishnu and Shankar are souls with their own subtle bodies. Brahma Baba at the end of his life was still teaching it. Dadi Gulzar explained it in Paris a long time ago. I myself attended a class of Mohini bhen from New York in Madhuban on the subject. She said exactly that. Like many, I have long thought that these characters were only Hindu symbols. Now I've changed my mind. I believe that indeed Brahma Baba was right and that these are three souls who intervene in the avyaks murlis, who run the Organization and in the life of the Brahma kumaris. So we actually have five souls who are supposed to play roles in this BK religion. The poster on the Trimurti situating these three souls at different levels of the subtle regions is one of the most interesting and instructive. ![]() But who are these three incognito souls? 1- Brahma: Of course we know Brahma Baba, this beautiful and very powerful soul, semi-trance medium, official founder of the Brahma kumaris. But Brahma Baba and Subtle Brahma are two different souls. The latter was presented as the perfect form of physical Brahma. Brahma Baba used to send sisters in trance to ask Subtle Brahma for clarification. That means that he considered him to be either God or a very powerful soul speaking in the name of God. At the death of Brahma Baba, the two seemed to have merged to become, by a mysterious trick, a single soul, called Bapdada. It is well known how easy it is for spirits to take one form or another and pretend to be such or such a person or God. And how easy it is for them to give us all kinds of experiences. 2- Now who is Vishnu? It is a soul that is supposed to help the Yagya, the sacrificial fire. He is supposed to support all aspects of this institution. But apart from that we do not really have any details. He seems to be very busy with his four arms. 3- And Shankar? : We do not know much about Shankar either. In the representation of the subtle regions Shankar is represented as the most subtle, the most incognito, so much that nobody speaks of him. He is represented in deep meditation. Very often it is said that the Ganges of knowledge flows from him. Destruction is supposed to start when he opens his third eye. In Hinduism, Shiva and Shankar are different names for the same entity. When one looks at the image of the Trimurti, we have the impression that Shankar is in the highest and most powerful position. According to knowledge, the more subtle it is, the more powerful it is. In other words, one could say that there is a hierarchy: Shankar is the boss of Vishnu, who is himself more powerful than subtle Brahma. Therefore we can say that Shankar, a spirit that is centered on the idea of destruction oversees the creation and support of this Brahma kumaris organization. Interesting, interesting, my dear Watson. But in reality, we do not really know who are these spirits and how many they are. Where do they really live? What are their real names? Very credible searchers are telling that the illuminatis are controlled by extra-terrestrials named reptilians who are themselves controlled by bodyless spirits named archons. Reptilians and Archons are generally known as bad guys controlled by artificial intelligence. Is Shankar an archon, a demiurge, an artificial intelligence (AI), a reptilian...? I do not know. We have to investigate further. Few thoughts 1- All this makes me think of these conscientious scientists or soldiers who have devoted their lives to science or to their country and who have worked very hard in secret. One day, they wake up realizing that they have unwittingly helped to create an horrible weapon. If they are able to speak in public and not be eliminated, we can see that they are very honest people, deeply filled with regrets, whose intelligence and good will have been "hijacked" and diverted to a goal poles apart of their original intentions. A practical historical example : the peace-loving Canadians, who want peace in the world, had prepared enough anthrax during World War II to send a million contaminated bombs on Germany ... My gentle nonviolent father, then a prisoner in Germany, almost enjoyed peace "made in Canada" ... 2. The organization of Brahma Kumaris is the only religion I know that tells its members: the more effective you are, the faster you give the message, the better yoga you will have, and the sooner you will die, the sooner your family will die and the sooner this earth will be "purified" of all these impure humans. It is extraordinary that such an organization can expand. Are the Brahma kumaris suicidal? 3- I like the slogan of the French newspaper ''Le Canard enchain�'' : "Freedom wear out only if you do not use it." 4- "Do not ask questions. Only little kids ask questions. When somebody ask questions, everything becomes so complicated ... You are innocent children. " ![]() The vast majority of Brahma kumaris are excellent people who work for peace, harmony, nature, tolerance, happiness. One just has to see the large number of excellent initiatives for agriculture, health, leadership, youth, etc. Most of them really believe in it. I wish these programs multiply and help humanity. I like to dream. I am a utopian. I suggest that the Brahma kumaris change a little their beliefs and that they keep only the knowledge that is positive and constructive : If they would leave aside the idea of destruction and focus only on construction and solutions, I am convinced that the Illuminatis would not succeed, that destruction would cause only minimal problems, and that we would find collective solutions to make this earth a paradise here and now. Conclusion One could summarize this page saying: 1- To say that the Highest One, the Sublime One assumes all responsibility for the destructive contents of Murlis, is a lie. 2- Divine Energy is non-violent. 3- It is very very very unlikely that Golden Age appears by pure magic immediately after destruction. 4- After destruction, 7,4 billion earthlings would be dead and the continents would be devastated for centuries. 5- The probable survivors would be those who have money and power, the same ones who are organizing destruction. 6- Brahma kumaris, the gentle helpers, would rest in peace. 7- Shankar, a mysterious entity appears to play an occult and very important role. 8- It would be highly desirable that the BKS change collectively these concepts for something more optimistic and constructive. 9- Apart from all this, at the moment, BKs help many people improve their lives. 10- But the mission of Bks seems more to prepare a big departure from earth than to help humanity to survive. By spreading the idea that destruction is beneficial. I wish peace and happiness to every being on earth and in the universe. Top |
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