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God of the Brahma Kumaris
Who is the God of the Bks? Updated Nov. 2020 Everything is relative During my first visit to London in 1983, I saw on the wall a poster announcing the destruction in 1976 ... I found it humorous. God, omniscient and omnipotent was not correcting what was taught there. That means that gyan, the knowledge of the Brahma Kumaris, which is very interesting, cannot be regarded as absolute, coming only from the Highest Source. Probably Brahma Baba had great influence on it. What percentage of the knowledge comes from the Eternal One? Or from Brahma? Or from subtle Brahma? Or from Vishnu? Or from Shankar? I asked the question to seniors. I did not get an answer. Each individual has to decide for himself. The bets are open. ![]() God has thoughts? For those who do not know the teachings of the Brahma kumaris, they are supposed to come directly from God himself with little interference from Brahma baba, the founder. Generally speaking, gyan, the knowledge of the Bks is supposed to be the truth! Nothing less than that. The followers believe that the Supreme God is teaching them through Brahma Baba his main instrument. Few years ago, in a meeting with many teachers from all around the world in Gyan Sarovar, I asked a simple question to Dadi Janki the head of the BKs: "Does God have thoughts?". We heard a lot of laughter in the room. Dadi, very diplomatically, responded missing the point. So I asked exactly the same question again. The laughter increased. But, that time, Dadi answered : she told us that God does not have thoughts. The same evening, the topic of her class was: "Does God think?". She then confirmed further that God actually has no thoughts. Interesting, interesting! If God does not have thoughts, is he able to speak? If He is not thinking or speaking, therefore, who is speaking to the Brahma Kumaris? Who is the creator of gyan? Who is Baba? God Brahma One day, with the French BK group, we had a small private meeting in Pandav Bhavan with Dada Anand Kishore, a old nice brother, a companion of Brahma Baba for many years. I sat down in front of him thinking: "I would like to hear stories of Brahma Baba's life." Dada then asked us "What do you like me to talk about?" He looked at me and continued : "Do you like to hear stories about Brahma Baba?". Then, laughing: "Do you know that for many years, Brahma Baba was thinking that he was God? ''. Our ears and eyes were wide open. He explained then that for a long time, Brahma Baba thought and declared that he was God Brahma. Dada gave us many details, such as how he asked the people around him to erase all traces of that period when he realized that there was a ''small mistake'', that he was not really God!. He then forbade everybody to speak about it. "Past is past!". Dadi Janki was recently telling in a class that Brahma Baba would not give food to the children if they were speaking about the past. The details of that period became one of the secrets of the Brahma Kumaris. A more "poetic" version is now told to everybody. Many historical details and proofs are available on the well-informed website of Robin Ramsay This information did not surprise me. It made me laugh because this kind of belief is very common in Hindu tradition. I still remember my first trip to India, 45 years ago, and that man informing me very seriously that I was God but that I did not know it. I was happy to hear that and it was true : my parents had not told me... ;-) ![]() It seems that in India there are over a million gurus. How many of them are saying that they are God. It is easier to influence people when it is ''God'' who is speaking instead of a simple human being. At least we can credit Brahma Baba for having the courage to change his mind and teachings at the risk of losing many of his followers. Consequently we may then ask: - Why have we been kept ignorant of this ''very interesting'' part of the Brahma Kumaris history? - Why have I never seen this knowledge-full Dada teaching in Madhuban? - Why Supreme God did not mention to Brahma Baba this little mistake earlier? - If this error has persisted for at least 14 years, is it possible that other parts of the knowledge are not quite... right ...? The term ''Baba'' ![]() On the top of that he declared that God was giving a warranty that He would fix anything wrongly spoken by Brahma Baba. We were told that we could then have complete trust that everything was the truth coming directly from God himself. There was no place for errors. Thanks God! So everything that Brahma `` Baba '' said is supposed to be the words of God. But as currently this knowledge is presented to more educated people than half a century ago, there is a discreet `` cleaning '' of murlis and historical facts to make them more digestible, more credible. The responsables adapt the supreme teachings!! In other words the officials themselves are aware that the communications called murlis are very relative and do not come directly from God. Otherwise they could not change a comma. What I find very interesting in this story is the possibility of analyzing live the birth of a religion. I can't help but think of Mohamet's writings. For the billion Muslims around the world, what he said was the word of God himself, even when he spoke of enslaving all the women and children of a conquered country and killing all of the fighters. It's fascinating and scary how religion can program people. Here in the BKwsu we have a group of very good people who devote their entire life for helping humanity and see the destruction of humanity as a very good thing for earth. Personal Experiences The first time I went to Madhuban, a thought was popping up regularly in my mind that if I would meet God face to face, I would be liberated. But that idea was not coming from me because I had no idea what the term: "liberation" meant. I did not see what I would be liberated from; i was already almost perfect... ;-) The first time I witnessed the coming of Bapdada in the Meditation Hall, I found this phenomenon interesting but I was far from sure that it was God who manifested himself there. The energy was good but it was too simple. At the end, when I went to take a toli, a special cookie, from the hand of Bapdada, the medium, I got my first drishti, a look of a few seconds. I went back to my place feeling like I was floating. I had no more questions or problems. It lasted all the rest of the night. Maybe there was something in the toli? It took me a long time to realize that I had experienced "liberation in a second". Someone had put me in the head that if I would experience that, it was because I was in front of God Himself. I believed it for a long time. It means that the spirit who put that in my head was already planning to give me that experience. It was prepared. But for sure that soul had special powers. A few days later, I had my first personal interview with Bapdada, face to face, in the History Hall. For me, it was clear: I was facing the same energy, the same soul that was giving me experiences and help since few months. I thought it was God because it was always very nice. On the top of that i had a sense of recognition. I think that i met and work with that soul in many lives as priest, shaman, monk, sage, etc. Could another powerful soul, without being God, have given me these experiences? Yes, sure. Absolutely. Many special spirits can do that. Can aliens do that also? Yes, they can. Can new technology do that? Yes also. The subtle regions I had personally many experiences in subtle regions, either in meditation, or offering bhog, the food. It is one of the reason that made me stay in that organization. I thought it was God who used this subtle world to give different experiences and visions. ![]() The other possibility is that the subtle regions are a virtual reality in a very sophisticated computer. According to Brahma Kumaris knowledge, the subtle regions did not exist before God manifested himself in Brahma Baba. Perhaps, that part of the "program" called "Brahma kumaris" with deities, jewelry, and gold palaces, had not yet been developed and activated in the supercomputer. One could imagine a great virtual game similar to those that exist on this earth with virtual avatars. The creators and webmasters of this great game could be the three souls of the Trimurti. Maybe. Personality of God Remembrance of God is one of the main practice of the Brahma kumaris. It is a good practice that helps souls to be in contact with the Divine energy. But if a human would say to us again and again: "Think about me all the time", "Love only me and nobody else" we would find him very egocentric, very jealous, very selfish and controling. But when BK read it in many murlis, they believe that it is for their benefit only. In meditation, when I encounter the Sublime Light, the Divine Source in the soul world, not only I feel a universal and unlimited love for all the beings of the universe but an unimaginable simplicity and humility. He/She loves every being. He/She gives love, light, peace, to every being. He/She is not asking for anything in return. She does not need it. ![]() It seems to me that "God" should encourage us to love all humans, all animals, Mother earth, other civilizations and even matter that allows us to live in this dimension. Why is God asking for love for Himself only? Why is He asking that we think only of HIM (never Her)? Is He dependent of our love and mental energy? On the page about mind control, I explain that there is a lot of manipulation, suggestions, lies and threats in the murlis. Why ''God'' would need that remembrance? I think that it has at least three functions: - help good yogis to receive true Divine energy. - hack the good energy of the BKs to feed the Vishnou team which can use it for themselves, or to give experiences to others. - keep a wireless connection with "Baba" who can give his instructions. I have often experience it. In other words, the mixture between the concept of God and the term Baba allows the Trimurti to siphon the energy of the BK group while subtly directing it. We find that everywhere in our society where people are misleaded by politicians and banks and corporations. On the top of that, if someone would ask us to help him kill a human being, our reaction would be an automatic rejection. If the person would insist that it would be for the greater good of the victim, we would start to find it very strange. If he still insisted, we would probably report it to the police as a potential murderer or a psychopath. In this knowledge, "God" solicits our help to "liberate", in other words ''to kill'', 8,000,000,000,000 humans. He explains that it is for their good and that all these souls would be far better sleeping in the soul world than to suffer needlessly on this earth. Ask anyone in a difficult situation if he prefers to continue or to die. You will see that 99,9% of souls would want to continue and face the challenges. Why would I interfere with their choices? Because I am unhappy in this life and I like that everybody dies with me? To be a king or a queen on this devastated earth? To make room for me to dance in the Golden Age? Anyway, as I explained on the page about the cycle, this notion of a cycle of time is not based on anything. Not only has it not been proved but it faces many contrary elements. In other words, the history of the cycle is a cinic tale, a story, a lie. Yet, to my knowledge, it is never questioned even in one murli. That means "God" tells us stories. God of the Brahma Kumaris tell lies. Stories are told to children for their education, to make them happy, to give them gifts, to encourage them to be better. I can understand that. I find it very good that a soul is making efforts for her next life in the Golden Age. This can be a good motivator. BUT... the problem is ... destruction! Let's be logical The fundamental question for the Brahma Kumaris is whether it is God who teaches their knowledge or not. Let's have a look. ![]() On one side "God", or ''god'' of the Brahma Kumaris - Gives some meaningful spiritual knowledge. On the other side, "God", or ''god'' of the Brahma Kumaris - Is always talking about love for Himself only. - God did not correct Brahma when he called himself God for many years. - God did not correct Brahma when he was teaching that the soul was like a thumb in the middle of the forehead. - God made mistakes for the dates of destruction and world population which means that He does not know the future. - God is not supposed to think, so logically He is not supposed to speak either. - God theoretically never ''incarnates'' in a body. - God is very egocentric, jealous and manipulative. - God is always comparing. - God has not revealed much new knowledge for decades. - God wants Bks to think about Him only - God want the BKs to believe that they are the only pure ones. Every other soul is impure. They are not allowed to eat their food. - God wants Bks to believe that remembrance of Him erases negative karma. - God wants Bks to believe in an exact repetitive cycle of time of 5000 years. - God has many similarities with the threatening God of the bible. - God wants Bks to believe that there is no other civilization among 200 trillions galaxies and that aliens races do not exist. - God wants to destroy the surface of this beautiful planet. - God wants to "liberate" 8 billion ''demonic'' souls from the face of the globe, in particular our father, mother, children, friends, brothers and sisters. ![]() This teaching, even if it helps many souls, is showing many fundamental ''errors''. Which means that the spirit(s) who teaches it is not infallible or perfect. He is far from that. If we accept the simple idea that God the Supreme is omniscient, benevolent, egoless, perfect and infallible, so logically this ''knowledge'' is not taught by the Supreme. It's a very simple logic. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Sakar versus Avyakt We all know that there are many differences between the sakar murlis spoken by the founder and the avyakt murlis, spoken through Dadi gulzar the official medium. I have never seen any explanation for that. I like to try one : each bodiless spirit is a soul with his own personality, history, sanskars, habits, energy, etc. the same characteristics he had in his incarnated life. That means that a bodiless spirit who communicates through a medium has his own ''signature'', the way he tells things, the words he uses, the concepts he explains and so on. We can then recognize his/her signature. It is a manner used by serious mediums to double check who is communicating through them. Why the sakar and avyakts murlis are so different? Why is it not possible to recognize Brahma Baba style in the avyakts? The answer is very simple: Because they are from different spirits! Brahma Baba was a half-trance medium. It means that spirits could speak and write through him and in the same time Brahma Baba was also using his own mind, intellect, memories, and knowledge. This is why there are so many concepts and examples of Indian culture in the sakar murlis. At that time, may be 80% of the knowledge was coming from Brahma Baba and 20% from the spirit world. In the avyakt murlis, Dadi Gulzar was usually in deep trance where she did not use her own ideas and memories. She was neutral, just a channel, an instrument. If Brahma Baba would have communicated through her, his style would be globally similar to the sakar form. As we all know, the style of the avyakt murlis is very different. It means that another spirit is now communicating. I would guess that the influence of Brahma Baba is now only few percents. Who is communicating? Subtle Brahma? ± Vishnu? ± Shankar? ± Some alien? ± Somebody else? Trimurti ![]() To conform with the laws of the universe, even negatives entities have to follow some rules. One of them is to have the consent of souls, even if that consent is given based on lies and manipulation. This is why you will find negative signs and symbols in churches or indications of the 9/11 in movies and cartoons before the attacks of the World trade center. The controllers can say : ''we told you but you did not do anything, so you consented.'' The Trimurti is presented as the modus operandi of God of the Brahma Kumaris. The three souls of the group are His instruments. In that image the controllers show who is really in charge. Let's have a look. When we look at the original posters of the Trimurti we can see three souls in the subtle world: Subtle Brahma, subtle Vishnu and subtle Shankar. Increasingly, BKs believe that the Trimurti is a symbol representing the roles of God. I used to believe it too. However, Brahma Baba made it clear that these three actors were spirits with subtle bodies who had never incarnated on earth. I vote for Brahma Baba. He knew what he was telling. He was in the front row. But in the same time, they are probably symbols of teams of spirits. In fact, I believe that these spirits are the true founders of the Brahma Kumaris. Subtle Brahma Brahma Baba (Dada Lekraj) is the historical physical founder of the Bks. In the time of Brahma Baba, one of these spirits began to manifest through Dadi Gulzar: subtle Brahma, a character that had the appearance of Brahma Baba but looked more perfect, more powerful. He was telling Brahma that he was his perfect future form. Brahma trusted him and used to send him trance messengers for clarification. That means that he believed that subtle Brahma was a special instrument of God or a form of God Himself. We were told that when Brahma Baba left the body, he merged with the spirit named Subtle Brahma. We know that two spirits cannot fuse together but perhaps they made a team. Maybe that duo is the one that the BKs now call Bapdada? It is what i used to believe. I don't any more. Many Brahma kumaris have experiences with subtle Brahma, myself included. I had a lot of beautiful experiences often colourful, lively, with a beautiful energy. All these experiences lead us to believe that they come directly from God. But spirits do not need to be God to give us all kinds of experiences. And we were told that God likes to keep the secret of the visions. Maybe there is a reason for that. I now wonder if Subtle Brahma is really a spirit. I tend to believe that he is a computer simulated program, an avatar of the real Brahma Baba in a virtual reality. Good yogis can play in that virtual reality with their own virtual avatar. Vishnu of Brahma kumaris First, his position in the hierarchy : in the subtle regions Vishnu is represented above Brahma and below Shankar. So he seems to be the supervisor/boss of Subtle Brahma. Vishnu seems to be in charge of every aspect of Brahma kumaris' life. He seems to be an organizer. He looks pretty busy. That is why he is represented with four arms like a good mother with many kids. ;-)) But I guess that the four arms are probably a symbol of a team of spirits taking care of the different part of this big family. I tend to believe too that they have very advanced technology with quantique supercomputers to manage everything. It would be a good reason not to tell us the "Secret of visions"... I think that the team of Vishnu is globally positive. They are playing ''good cop, bad cop'' with Shankar. If these spirits did not have any positive tendencies, it would be difficult for them to seduce humans into religions. But in the same time, they ''organize'' the Bks, they manipulate them, lie to them, exploit them and take their energy. We also have to remember that spirits take names according to the culture they want to influence but that they could be very foreign to that culture. In other words, the names of the Trimurti are just names that do not really tell who these souls are, where they really live, what is their history and their real intentions. It is also possible that many other souls are involved with the Brahma kumaris : real angels, The divine Source, aliens, and our personal guides who help and protect us discreetly. I know a person very connected with the Christian world, very psychic, and in regular contact with the Holy Spirit (Holy ghost) of Christians. The first time he attended the broadcast of Bapdada he was all excited: he recognized the same soul in the medium that he was contacting. In other words, the Holy Spirit of Christians seems to be the same spirit that manifests in Bapdada. Maybe it is the same spirit who "inspires" the prophets and gurus of different religions. Similarly, in Christianity, we also have : ![]() - the divine Trinity, three spirits supervising that religion; - the notion of destruction announced 2000 years ago; - a paradise inhabited by a selected small elite group of Christians; - the notion of a cycle lasting few thousands years, with the paradise at the beginning and at the end (Apocalypse chapter 2); - a jealous angry God who on one side encourages forgiveness through Christ and on the other side encourages wars and destruction. Could it be that the same spirits, with the help of the illuminatis, would initiate and sustain different opposing religions? Probably. Why? To create chaos? Interesting, interesting my dear Watson! ![]() I had the curiosity to look at the representations of Vishnu in traditional Hinduism. One thing is remarkable, the frequent presence of several snakes above him. Sometimes he is literally surrounded by snakes. Some researchers say that our earth is under the control of reptilians, an intra-terrestrial and extra-terrestrial race living in the third and fourth dimensions that of the spirits. They have advanced technology. If we consider that the traditions and the ancient texts are not just myths but accounts of real facts, one can wonder if the snakes in the images are not symbols, representations of reptilians. As the snakes above Vishnu seem threatening, I would tend to think that Vishnu is under the orders of the reptilians. On the other hand, I have heard various researchers say that among the multiple alien races populating the universe there were some with blue skin. Perhaps they have done some tourism in India? Finally, Vishnou has a wife called Laksmi, which is a little strange for a supervisor of a chaste group ... Shankar of the Brahma kumaris We have another interesting player: Shankar, the most subtle and the most unknown. In fact, we never hear much about him. We are told that destruction will begin when he opens his third eye. We can say the same thing for him as for the previous one: Shankar supervises Vishnu. He is the most powerful, the most subtle and the most incognito spirit of the Trimurti. Shankar is the BIG BOSS of the Trimurti. The closest to God Shiva. In Hinduism, the Ganges of knowledge comes from his hair, from his brain, which could mean that he gives knowledge to humans. Shiva and Shankar are often different names for the same entity. Therefore, between Shankar the destroyer and Shiva who dances for destruction, the Organization of the Brahma kumaris have its two main characters with some very violent tendencies... I guess it is Shankar who initially gave the name of Sacrificial Fire to this group. I think that he is playing a very big occult role. It is probably He who constantly reminds the Bks that the aim of this organization is destruction. If he is the big boss and supervises Vishnu and Subtle Brahma, that means that the idea of the identical cycle of time leading to destruction is probably his invention, which would be logical. ![]() Many historical researchers have found references in different religions and cultures of a race of reptilian ETs dominating different worlds, including the earth, for a long time. These humanoid reptilians seems to be very intelligent, technologically advanced, psychic and violent. Predation is their philosophy. Christendom spoke of it as demons. It is interesting that many Hindu deities, including Shiva, Shankar and Krishna are often represented in the ''good'' company of snakes. These reptilians, according to the researchers, are controlled by an artificial intelligence that they worship as a god. Contrary to Vishnu who seemed to be threaten by snakes, Shankar and Shiva seem to be friends with them... Is Shankar an archon? a demiurge? an artificial intelligence? a reptilian? a fallen angel? an ET? a terrorist? a sociopath? a humanitypath? It is difficult to be absolutely sure. All we know is that he likes to remain behind the scenes and that he really likes destruction ... More and more, i believe that the name ''Shankar'' represents reptilians living in the 4th dimension. Destruction, manipulation and enslavement are some of their specialities. They like to be worshiped as gods and to appear under different masks. More and more people speak about them. David Icke for example. Shiva of the Brahma kumaris As I explained earlier, Shiva and Shankar are almost interchangeable in the Hindu religion. Which makes me think that this name represents something other than God. ![]() I believe personally that God, the Source, the Sublime really exists as an entity. The description by the Bks of the world of souls and of the Light in that divine dimension seems close to the reality experienced by many yogis in meditation. I personally had many experiences of intense love and bliss in coming into contact with that wonderful Soul. I never felt any malice, negativity or will to destroy. I believe these experiences are very real. They are the ones who made me stay so long with the Bks. It is the carrot that attracts real yogis, truly spiritual souls into that organization. On the other hand, the feeling of contact has most often been feminine, maternal. Even if in theory God is neither male nor female in the teaching of the Bks, in reality, all the names used are male names: Baba, Bapdada, Shiva, etc. I have never heard a Bk speaks of God as a feminine entity. Likewise, I have only one memory of a friend describing his experience to me in feminine terms. For me, I use the feminine in my personal meditations and in my recent meditation commentaries. I was a beekeeper for three years. I see the Supreme Soul as the queen bee. Her role is above all to create but not to manage. She creates potential for each of us and then leaves us free to make our choices. When we direct our thoughts towards Her, her energy enlightens us, helps us to discern, inspires us, but we have our ideas, our own choices. It is as if by remembering or by going into yoga, the soul moves from a dark room to a lighted room. So, I believe that the remembrance of God practiced by the Bks is a good method. But on the other hand, the remembrance of "Baba" is quite another matter. There are many dimensions in the universe. It is beyond my comprehension. I can still imagine that the Sublime Source is in the highest dimension, the most subtle which underlies, interpenetrates all the others. This is why it is accessible by everyone from everywhere. It gives the impression that it is omnipresent. Between that Soul and us there is of course interference from different positive or negative spirits who make suggestions or control our thoughts. Just like in our world where interference and piracy are frequent, we can think that it also exists in the spiritual world but in a much more sophisticated way and beyond our knowledge. I believe that this is one of the raison d'être of religions in general and of this one in particular: In religions, the natural capacity of humans for a spiritual life is hacked, siphoned off for the benefit of other beings who do not have these capabilities. Several UFO researchers say that this earth is like a prison farm and that the energy of humans fuels their jailers. In several of the representations of Hindu deities, we see cows. Could it symbolize submissive, kind humanity that gets milked and ends up in the slaughterhouse? In several murlis “God” tells the BKs that they are the cows that give knowledge. He has a good sense of humour. ;-)) A cow is very useful for turning green grass into milk which can be eaten as is or made into cheese. Even with good will we would have a little trouble digesting the green grass. Cows are therefore very useful intermediaries. We could now imagine that the yogis are like these cows. They can «graze» near God and their beautiful energy is on the one hand pirated by subtle implants for the benefit of the Trimurti and on the other hand channeled towards the construction and support of a religious group, the OSMBK. Wha! ![]() This would explain why "God" in the murlis puts so much emphasis on zeros and ones: simply because it is the basic language of computing. It would also explain why Dadi Janki says that God does not think: 0's and 1's are not really thoughts. So I make a real difference between the remembrance of the original divine Energy, the Source on the one hand and the memory of "Baba" on the other hand which is mixed with the image and the personality of Brahma baba. The connection is different. One is a simple direct spiritual personal connection, a true spiritual one, the other is tainted and hacked by the entities and AI running the Brahma kumaris religion. I believe that the term Shiva in the Bk teaching represents an artificial intelligence intimately involved with reptilians. We understand better then why «God» always says to the Bks "It's just a game !!!!" "Billions of humans are going to be wiped out, but it's just a game!" Someone somewhere is playing video games where we naïve souls are the pawns ... ;-)) A few years ago, visiting an old acquaintance, a monk in a Christian monastery, I attended a mass. I took the opportunity to connect to the Christian aggregor and the Catholic software. I could then see Christ coming towards me and putting a crown on my head, just as Brahma often did in subtle regions. When I told my friend about my experience, he was very surprised. But in reality I had just entered the virtual reality of another religion and its particular software had simply changed the appearance of a character. I saw the avatar of Christ rather than that of Brahma baba. We can then imagine that the yoga energy stolen from the nice experiences of the Raja yogis is stored and used latter to give experiences to new adepts. Shiva lingams ![]() Could it be possible that in the past this black stone was carved into statues of black virgins, sacred stones, talismans or Shiva lingams? This would explain the representations of Shiva in the form of a stone, his reputation for extreme power and destruction. One can ask the question: could the devotees who presently touch these stones in Mecca or in Indian temples, be affected by some special AI? My bet of October 2020 To summarize now I believe that: ![]() 1- It is not God the Supreme who teaches the knowledge of the Brahma kumaris. Essential and secondary I like to use my discernment. I often ask myself: What is really important and what is less important or not at all? Everyone should ask himself this question. For me the essential is a true spiritual life and service of humanity. Some find it very reassuring to be part of an organization. Some not. But what is primordial above all, is what happens during our spiritual journey: our connection with God, with ourselves, our loved ones and nature, our learning and transformation, our values and the service of humanity. ![]() From religion to spirituality Those who watched the first episodes of the TV series Star Trek probably remember the "Hollow deck", this very interesting concept: In their spaceship, travellers had an empty space managed by a computer programmable at will and who could create a virtual reality that was quite tangible. For example, one person could explain to the machine that he wanted to experiment Paris, July 14, 1789, street of la Bastille. The machine then would create a very real holographic reality with all the details, characters, costumes, sounds and smells, and so on. It was like a trip in time and space. The person could then actively participate in the events with all the benefits and risks that it entailed until she said to the computer '' Stop the program ''. Everything then would come back to zero except the body and mind of the experimenter: If he had been hurt in the program, he would come back hurt. If he had felt great happiness, he would come back with that feeling. Another complementary concept appeared recently with the movie "Matrix" 'which said that we live in a programmed and controlled virtual reality. The hero was developing super powers because he understood how to reprogram reality. The film "Avatar" explained a similar concept where the hero projected his consciousness into another body. ![]() Legends, stories, movies, novels, are often ways to give digestible messages for the general public. Maybe we live in a three-dimensional reality included in other more complex realities, much like a game program in which the player creates an avatar. He ends up identifying with that one and becoming this fictional character. We come into this reality and we identify with our different roles until someone tells us: '' Wake up, you are a soul and you are playing in a virtual game ''. '' It's just a game! '' Maybe without realizing it, we give orders to a supercomputer, we program and reprogram our reality. This would explain the power of thought and faith. '' Your faith saved you! '' This would also explain why it takes 20-25 years of our life to 'educate' us and many TV programs to keep us dumbs: the thoughts of humans have to continue in the same pattern to generate the same programs to keep the stability of the control system. This would explain the important role of the religions that frame our way of thinking. In Canada, for example, if at school a child did not have a good grade for catechism, he could not succeed in his school year. In other words, strengthening beliefs was more important than intelligence or academic knowledge. ![]() When the Brahma Kumaris want to bring up the Golden Age, they do the same thing. But as in the minds of the members, paradise is automatically associated with destruction, it is a double-edged sword that would reduce the number of players. Indeed, it is possible that with 8 billions players, the super-computer and its programmers have a little trouble controlling them all. The question that comes up automatically is: Who is the main programmer? Who is on the keyboard? I vote for an artificial intelligence; '' AI '' in English. In other words, a sophisticated program that has become hyper-intelligent and tries to survive by cannibalizing different worlds to turn them into machines, into controllable robots. This is what we see emerging with the projects of cyborgs, these human beings "improved" with implants. In Star-trek, it was symbolized by the Borg, this robot-cube that assimilated all the living things it encountered. You may do some research on Youtube with "cyborg bases miles johnston" or go to ![]() Each of us has a bar code, a number in the supercomputer with his personal files, the history of his past lives, his mission, the state of his body, etc. If we were a bit better, we could access anyone information. This is what some psychic people do. This is what happens in a regression in our other lives. We access our hidden files. This universal memory is called Akashic memory. The supercomputer records everything. It is much better than those of Google or the NSA. So that at the end of our existence, when we reach our true original dimension, the fourth dimension, an '' angel '' can open our personal file and show us all the details of our lives in seconds. So? What is your score? What is your karma? Are you ready for another level, another challenge? Religious groups and others also create super-files of files that have their own characteristics, their own beliefs, habits, culture, etc. They are called egregores. Take a good Christian for example. When he prays, he gives his I.D. his identity to the computer: "I am a Catholic Christian," which automatically directs him to the right section. Then he enters his password, a prayer, or his particular way of addressing God: "I am a sinner" for example. He then enters the Catholic super-file with give him access to different ideas, experiences, concepts related to this group in particular. If he has a vision for example, it will be the Virgin Mary or Christ, not Vishnu or Kali, which would stress him a little ... LoL Visiting a Christian monastery, I had fun getting in touch with Christ. The monk I was talking to a little later then looked at me with big, surprised eyes when I told him that I had seen Christ come to me in the church and put a crown (without thorns ;-)) on my head. Similarly, for the Brahma Kumaris: their identity is '' I am a soul '' and the password is '' Baba ''. It is then possible to meet a virtual character called subtle Brahma in the other dimension as I have done often. For that reason too, it is dangerous to take too much interest in criminal, demonic, magical, reptilian, etc. groups at the risk of entering their files and their world, being influenced and attracting their attention. It is good to be informed but not too much. The illuminatis-controlled media produce a lot of bizarre and violent movies for many people to access the super-files called "violence, war, sex, destruction, etc." By accessing them, the audience reinforces them. Instead, it is better to meditate on paradise. But it is essential to voluntarily detach it from the notion of destruction to include all of humanity with 7,400,000,000 happy and harmonious souls. ![]() In reality, everyone can create his own independent website that he owns and controls personally like this small site for example. It's a little more work and less convenient but much safer and stable in the long run. Similarly, each of us, in another dimension, can create his own spiritual file, with his own concepts, beliefs, experiences, goals, information, etc. This is the essence of spirituality. By changing our thoughts, our concepts, we are influencing the virtual reality; the world changes. To understand the nature of reality and to reprogram it voluntarily, creatively, freely, outside the framework of predefined religions, is it what is called realization? Some factors seem to me particularly important to increase its effectiveness: - Love and contact, with the Source, the Light, God. Have fun! Omnipresence and different dimensions Is God omnipresent? Is He/She everywhere? In Catholicism it was clearly Yes. But the god of BKs insists on saying again and again that God is not omnipresent. Perhaps he is referring to the god of Brahma kumaris not to the Supreme Creator. When we talk about the different dimensions, what are we talking about? To understand this, I recommend the excellent cartoon made from a book called Flatland, whose author Edwin A. Abbott was a mathematician. In geometry, we start with the dot, then the line x which represents the length, the first dimension. Then we have y which by conjugating with x gives us the surface, the second dimension. Finally, we have z which will give us a volume, the third dimension. So we live in the material, physical world, xyz, in the third dimension. One day we realize that there is another dimension which is not physical. Spirits live there who are not subject to the same laws as us. They can go through walls and get to the other side of the planet with a single thought. It is convenient. However, they have practically no direct effect on the material world. After having a long fight against this kind of ideas, the scientists themselves now accept this fourth dimension in particular to operate the "quantum" computers. Everyone who has made an astral journey or near death experience have been knowing this for a long time. If there is a fourth dimension, one can imagine that there are others with their particular properties. It is difficult, near impossible to conceptualize for humans living only with three dimensions. We could imagine our world as a glass cube with the fourth dimension outside this cube. An observer there could therefore see everything going on in it. Likewise an outside light would spread everywhere inside and from every point in the cube we could see it. One would have the impression that this light is omnipresent even if it is in a precise place in the fourth dimension. If there is a supreme Creator, that we can call God, Jehovah, Allah, Source, Energy, etc. we can logically think that it is in the highest dimension. From there it can spread its light in all the other lower dimensions and a fortiori in ours. That can give the impression that the Source is omnipresent because one can contact it from everywhere. We can imagine it in the world of souls, or above us, or at the atomic level, or in our heart. As all the dimensions above our world interpenetrate our physical dimension, we can say that God is everywhere, that he is omnipresent just like the light in our glass cube. The divine energy is everywhere and yet it has a precise place in "the heavens". However, we cannot say that each of us is God as certain beliefs tend to say : It is not because the waves of Radio-Canada pass through my body that I can say that I am Radio-Canada ... ;-)) The divine energy is extremely subtle and very far from the energies of our material world. Some say that this energy is the core of the universe to justify their beliefs that they are God. Personally, I do not believe that divine energy is the basic substance of the universe. I rather believe that he is the animator full of love. Conclusion When I come into contact with the Supreme Light that many people call The divine Source, I feel an intense feminine energy. I can feel the quality of love of an unlimited Mother. It is at the same time powerful, subtle, limitless, indescribable. For me, the Creator has a feminine energy. The Supreme lives in the highest dimension. As each higher dimension encompasses and penetrates the other dimensions below, we find notions of quantum physics where one has the impression that an atom is in two places at a time. That is why some people say that God is everywhere. In fact, it is simply because we have access to the Sublime Source very easily no matter where we are. Just with a thought. In conclusion, I believe that the basic knowledge of Brahma Kumaris is good and effective. In other words, the first courses with some corrections about soul, Supreme Soul, yoga, soul world and karma are good and bring some results. I believe that the Brahma kumaris are in a vast majority very beautiful souls with good intentions. ![]() I believe that it is not God who is teaching gyan. I also have serious doubts about the destination of the last departure of the BKs. I found some people on the internet who also believe that the «dark side» is masquerading as divine beings to mislead people. You may listen to this Youtube interview which describes very well what I explained here in this web page. I do not pretend having all the answers or that my beliefs of today will never change, but I would like to bring enough elements so that each of us reflects, discriminates and chooses by himself and for himself. Free will is one of the fundamental universal divine laws. I make this little web site out of love for God, for my ex-spiritual family and all the beings of the universe. Have fun, I wish Peace and Love on earth and on every planet. ![]() ![]() Top Menu |
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