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Brahma kumaris
and mind control
Introduction I realized that even for psychological surgeries it takes a bit of preparation ... So ... I am just coming back from a few hours of cross-country skiing in the Canadian forest. It is so nice! I watched other skiers of all ages. They all seemed so happy, though it takes a lot of energy to ski and the courage to go down the icy tracks. I said to myself, "On the one hand, so many Canadians are depressed at the end of the winter after 5 months of cold and snow and on the other hand, some have so much fun and try to enjoy it up to the last snow flake." What makes such a difference? I'm not very fast on skis. Everyone is faster than me. In addition I stop to contemplate the trees, the rocks, the frozen lakes, the little birds and the squirrels, to chat with the spirits of the forest, etc. As I was standing for a few minutes, enjoying the harmony with nature and The Light, I perceived in the corner of my eye a movement to my right: very close to me, a big partridge, motionless to that moment, was trying to get away quietly. I told him a little hello. I already had fun using the same technique: one day I was taking my coffee among the trees a few meters from a path. I was very prominent and dressed in very bright colors. As a group of walkers approached, I remained perfectly still. They passed me chatting and none of the eight people saw me. I was invisible. In fact, they were so busy exchanging with each other that even if their bodies were present, their minds were elsewhere. It's something used in nature and by soldiers. I did the experiment in a shop and I involuntarily scared customers who had taken me for a plastic model ... ![]() All that to say that there may be things or ideas right in front of us without anyone seeing them until someone points them out to us. Example: A chocolate stain on our face. Everyone sees it except us as long as we are not in front of a mirror. Another example: Chemtrails, those long white lines left in the sky by planes. ![]() ![]() When I was told about it 10-15 years ago, I reacted like everybody "Another story of conspiracy!" But on a Saturday morning when I saw the planes making drawings in the beautiful sunny blue sky, MY blue sky, I realized that the chemtrails were real. I was really upset!!! I pulled out from a dusty old file in my mind a list of chosen insults that had not been used for a long time... I had just experienced the first two phases of mourning process : Denial and anger. The gentle passive yogi had just changed into a fighter who wants to help Mother earth and humanity. ![]() During my adolescence I was interested by psychology. I read several books to try to understand how the subconscious works, the projections, the compensations, the repressions, etc. Later, I did my military service in France. At first the army wanted to give me training to become an officer. I declined politely the offer. They did not understand why I did not want to be in the front line. So they put me in the secret messages. I became a crypto-regulator-teletype. It's great in a resume. In fact we were just sending a message every 50 minutes to say we were ready for war. After my service, I was waking up every 50 minutes, find out why ... Using psychology, I managed to convince the colonel to let me go take psychology courses at the University for two days and spend the rest of the time under the uniform. I liked my blue-sky beret like those of the UN. So for two days I was reading psychology books in a very free environment and for another five days I was studying in-situ the behavior of the soldiers in a closed, prison-like environment. I could therefore make comparative studies between the methods of concentration camps and those of military life. They have many things in common. The methods are similar because the human psychology remains the same. With my friends as we did not have much to do but play chess, we decided to help the military to evolve. We therefore took advantage of a small internal survey to suggest some judicious changes to modernize their system and introduce them to the subtleties of non-violence. They did not understand that it was a joke. And since they did not have a great sense of humor and big guns, we gave up ... A few years later, by the way, they applied some of our least ridiculous recommendations. During my first visit to Madhuban, to please a musician brother I accepted to be part of a small group that would perform in front of the Dadis. We took a few dance steps waving a little flag and singing "We are the Shakti army and Shiv Baba is our General!" I thought, "Well, I did not know it was an army. They seem to want to hire me! "Perhaps at that moment I should have sent my previous military file to the Organization, we would have avoided misunderstandings ... The worst thing is that no one has filmed the scene, otherwise I could show it to people suffering of depression. I'm sure this therapy with laughter and ridicule would cure them! So let's go back to this story of the five phases of mourning. According to a well known Swiss psychiatrist, Dr. Elizabeth Kübler-Ross who worked with dying people, when someone experiences a shock or a loss, he/she goes through five states of mind: 1- denial,When we look at the emotional reactions of some Brahmins when they read some passages of this site and specially this page, we can actually see the first two phases of the process: when a well-meaning person wants to remove your crutches without warning you so you can learn to walk and run normally, first probable normal reaction is anger: do not touch my crutches! Similarly, for souls who have dedicated their lives to the Brahma Kumaris, it is very threatening. Especially when it seems very coherent and it intersects reflections that have already entered their minds. In reaction of protection, a Bk will say "He is crazy! He is probably possessed! He is a traitor! He is a terrorist! We must not communicate with him. He has left our caste. He is now untouchable." Imagine Linda, a happy woman in marriage who is told by a friend: - I saw your husband yesterday with a pretty young woman. There seemed to be a great complicity between the two. Is it possible that ... Then Linda goes back home and starts making links: a hair on a jacket, repeated absences, some discomfort, etc. She realizes that this is probably true. She will then experience all kinds of conflicting feelings and emotions that will generate even more anger. We will then see, over a variable period, all phases of mourning until pardon, peace and liberation. It can take years. I remember a woman who told me how she was floating on a small cloud, completely in love with a Russian man with whom she was communicating via the internet. She had never met him but he was understanding her so well as nobody did before... It could be the same between the Brahmins and their virtual lover. It's very stressful to ask myself "What if my beloved was not God but an impostor It is possible that I only did self-hypnosis without realizing it? Is it possible that I dedicated my life mislead by lies and manipulation?" A Bk journalist angrily asked me: "By what right do you put all that on the Internet? It's terrorism! " And I answered him" With the same rights as you as a journalist: the right to free thought; the right to my beliefs; the right to expression. I take advantage of our democratic freedom to express myself. The day I will not be able to do it anymore, it will be called fascism, and indeed, freethinkers will be considered terrorists and targets. There will then be only one way of thinking, the right one. The description of the Golden Age describes it well: only one emperor / priest / legislator / policeman, one language, one country, one thought, no duality and total institutionalized harmony. Probably in that heavenly time of the New World Order, no one will ask any more questions, thanks to a tiny physical implant installed near the pineal gland. Everyone will say with one voice: Yes, sir! Personally, when I will leave my body, I will be able to tell myself that I have done my best to keep everyone free and happy. In my Bk life, I have been a mining prospector for a few years exploring the huge Canadian wilderness with a compass, a machete, billions of mosquitoes, bears, wolves and God. It was adventure. It was fun. We were looking for diamonds. We did not find any. (Which confirms by the way that they were all already in the Bks centers. ;-)) I had become a leader of a small "tribe" of Native Indians, some great guys. One day, a "white man" that we hired also borrowed me 500 dollars that I never saw again. I then analyzed how easily I had been fooled, even if I had already traveled to several countries and experienced a lot of situations. It's simple: I totally trusted him. He was kind, helpful, hardworking, smart guy. He looked like an angel. The only thing I missed was his drug use. Nobody had told me that and it did not appear in his behavior. I learned the hard way that you can not trust someone who has an addiction. Without being paranoid, I am more careful now. There is a price for learning to look beyond appearances. I tend now to warn others to protect them. ![]()
I still remember this cultural program in Madhuban where two brothers glued to each other had disguised themselves as four-armed Vishnu. A devotee approached, prostrating himself, closer and closer, even closer ... and two of Vishnu's arms caught him, immobilized him, while the other two arms empty his pockets. It was hilarious. A few years ago I had a bright idea: I made a small written list of what was illogical, misleading, bizarre, questionable, imprecise, in the knowledge of Brahma kumaris. Day after day, the list grew. The dots started to connect and draw lines and then images. This site is the result. It's like with an old sweater: you start pulling on a thread and all the knitting unravel ........... And behind you see another reality. Imagine meeting an old friend who begins to describe his daily symptoms. It reminds you a lot of the signs of a phase 2 cancer. What are you going to do? Would you tell him - Come on, it'll be okay! Have a good drink and forget it! ? or - Look, I'm not a doctor but it looks like cancer. If I were you, I would go for tests. Me, I chose in these web pages the second option at the risk of unnecessarily stressing my friends if it is a false alarm. It seems wiser to be alert and aware. But of course as I say on several pages, take it all with a lot of detachment, a grain of salt, with humor, simply as possibilities that can change anytime. May be it is all imagination. That's what's is fun with a website: I can change it whenever I want. Maybe tomorrow morning, I'll wake up with an intense bright light and Bapdada in front of me in my humble room, saying, "Son! What are you doing? Why are you persecuting us?" And I will run to get my camera for proof. And I will tell myself: Damn then, I made a mistake! It is really God, the Supreme, the Highest, the Incredible. I erase everything. I ask for forgiveness and I start again! As I always say to my students: Do not believe me! Take what suits you and leave the rest. Do your own research and experiments. Come to your own conclusions. Choose your life yourself. Do not let someone or an organization choose for you. You would lose one of the most valuable goods in the universe: Free will - FREEDOM. The treasure of thoughts Among all our treasures, we have time and thoughts. We will speak here of the management of thoughts, by ourselves but also especially by others. The Brahma Kumaris teach the management of thought. These are very good courses with excellent information. This helps many people to develop some powers. However, it is interesting to note that on an individual level they let someone who call himself God tell them what to think and what to believe indiscriminately. I once taught French language to a new member of the Canadian Secret Service. Every time I was giving him a new unknown information, he asked me about my sources. That was part of his training. Because he was a member of the Mormons community, we also discussed the origin of his religion. Curiously, he was no longer applying the verification of sources to his beliefs because the founder was directly inspired by God. So why to check? It would have been an insult to the founder and his religion. It is the same for each religion and the Brahma Kumaris do the same, they do not use their intellect to check if what is said is right, or ethical, or benevolent, or true. If God says it, it is true. The intellect ![]() ![]() That reminds me the basics rules that we used to joke about when i was in the French army : "Rule number one: the boss is always right. Rule number two: In case the boss is not right, refer to rule number one!" ;-) My thoughts belong to me and I create my own life with my thoughts. If someone tells me what to think and I accept it without even questioning it, am I still the creator of my life? Am I still free? If anyone tells me that I am "a master all-mighty authority," but that I must follow his instructions to the letter, am I still really my own master? Or an obedient servant? If "God" tells me what to do without giving me explanations, by simply telling me that the rest is "demonic", and that I do not question it, am I still free? Suggestion I have been interested in suggestion methods for a long time. It is an exciting subject that is hardly ever touched of in the Brahmin family. It is a very powerful tool to modify the subconscious, old memories, past traumas, behaviors, etc. I advise all my students to practice suggestion for themselves and for their transformation. I explain how it works. Everyone should know this tool. A suggestion can be very subtle, or subliminal, just a word or phrase, but usually when we talk about suggestion we are talking about repetition of a message. When an idea has been repeated over and over again, it no longer passes through the filter of the intellect, but is simply accepted, unconsciously integrated into the memories of the soul as an obvious concept. This is the final part of the suggestion. And one day when we look for a shampoo in a store, our eyes fall on a brand or a familiar image and we choose the one we often saw in the advertisement on our tv screen. When used for oneself, it is an excellent tool for transformation. It is also very good to educate children. When we learn to use it, as a result, we learn at the same time to recognize the suggestions around us and to filter those that do not suit us. We learn to leave out those that are biased or toxic. That's why I spent 34 years in this organization and I've always been very happy. I have been filtering the constant suggestions of the murlis. With discernment, one can be a happy BK. One can also be very very happy and have excellent yoga without being a BK. The sakar murlis are very repetitive. Day after day, they repeat the same information. When we read a few hundred of them, it is obvious that there is very little novelty. It is the repetition of the same messages: "God speaks", "the cycle repeats identically every 5,000 years", "you are going to be gods on earth", "destruction is imminent", ''if you remember Baba, your sins will be destroyed," etc. It's simply a programming. All this information becomes truth to the listeners. The brain becomes ''clean'' from other information. Some people call it brainwashing. Some ideas are shocking at first: "you were demonic", "you had a monkey face", "a stone intellect", and so on. Over time, you end up thinking that it belongs to the language of India and you no longer pay any attention to it. It has become normal. You are anesthetized. This is the norm in every religion. In our youth we were made to repeat or sing again and again the prayers of the Catholic Church until we adhered to it unconsciously. I read very strange ideas in the Coran and the Bible but the followers of these religions are also persuaded that it is God who said all this. An interesting suggestion is: "God belongs to you; You belong to God; And all that you have belongs to God ... (therefore to the Brahma Kumaris ...) " Or "The kanias, if they work, should give 75% of their salary to the organization ...". I have seen souls doing service seven days a week in Peace village, USA, and who, on the top of that, had to pay for their food and room. It is not far from exploitation. Curiously, the organization is becoming richer and the members poorer. Manipulation When you watch an ad on television, it usually begins with a bait: a very beautiful scene of nature, a pretty, healthy woman, an idyllic situation, the evocation of power, wealth, experience, and so on. This is the part of seduction. One is attracted, or intrigued or fascinated by these beautiful images. Then comes the "sale" part where the advertisement wants us to believe that we would be much happier with a new extraordinary car or a new shampoo. When we analyze the first part of the message and the second part, they are totally different. In other words, people are caught in a trap. This is called business, or manipulation. There is a hidden agenda behind the facade. The conscious or unconscious objective of many Brahma Kumaris is to recruit souls, to make them adopt this way of life. This is one of the hidden agendas of many courses and programs. They attract people and preferentially VIPs to ultimately give them the message that God is speaking and has plans for them. I remember a man who told me that his initial intention in taking the course was to learn meditation. So he took classes. He was given all kinds of information and he became a BK. He added that he still could not meditate. His project had been diverted in another direction. How many people became BKs during a period of existential crisis? Many BK projects are facades for another purpose. For example, there are some very good initiatives now with the United Nations for the environment. I am sure that the people who are involved really believe in them and that they love our world. They do that from the bottom of their hearth. Similarly, for the promotion of organic and yogic farming. But these programs are facades because the ultimate goal of the organization is the destruction of 8 billions people and of the environment. Methods of manipulation There is a lot of manipulation in the murlis, the god-inspired texts of the BKWSU . Here are some methods: 1- Seduction Murlis use many forms of seduction: "God loves you so much," "You are always in the heart of God", "You are angels", "God send you a love letter every morning,". Many texts are coated with love, kindness, very seductive positive images and concepts. Everybody likes to be told every morning that somebody loves him/her infinitely. There is a lot of seduction in this organization, whether through texts, small gifts, sweets. In many murlis, the heart is first rather than the intellect: "Who is in your heart? Who is constantly in your heart? Can there be someone else in your heart? You are always in the heart of God. You are the eternal lovers of God. God loves you so much. Remember your lover constantly." And so on. ![]() It would be interesting to make a little psychological analysis of the fact that many women are attracted by this organization and that they become the virtual lovers of their Father ... When I look at the behavior of the Brahmins in front of Bdd, it seems very childish, very naïve. On one side it is very nice to see the innocence in people. On the other side it is an open door for manipulators and pirates. 2- We all have ego In the knowledge of the BKs there is much manipulation of the ego: you are the best ones, the souls chosen by God, the highest ones, the samples, the seeds of humanity, the purest, powerful deities, a jewel, etc. When a person who has a poor image of herself hears that someone loves her infinitely, that in her eyes he/she is unique, special, and that with some effort he/she will go to heaven, he/she feels a lot of pleasure . He/she is ready to buy and sign up. Then come the comparisons: there are numbers 1, numbers 2 and numbers 3. The others we do not even talk about them. They are untouchable. To be number 1, you have to do this or that, follow a code of conduct, comply, accept all knowledge, detach yourself from your loved ones, not use your own mind, give everything, etc. Constantly we are taught not to compare but comparison is omnipresent in gyan. Comparison and spirituality do not mix very well. I get the impression that often what is called self-respect in the Brahma Kumaris is simply recycled ego. 3- Titles The titles are also related to the ego. The use of titles is excellent if it is made by oneself as a suggestion for a specific purpose. It is encouraging to suggest ourselves that we are an angel, or a lighthouse, or an instrument of God. It works. ![]() But if a person gives you a title as "master almighty authority" that is obviously completely disconnected from reality, and then that person blames you for being imperfect, that you do not live up to that title, this is called manipulation. This creates uncomfort and guilt in the soul. It becomes easier to influence that soul. 4- Promises Often Bapdada asks the Brahma Kumaris to raise their hands to make a promise. Most of the time, Bapdada does not say what kind of promise. So it's like a blank check. The BKs then promise for example to no longer have waste thoughts or been positive all the time. This is obviously impossible. He reinforces by saying that pictures and videos are taken. Then in other murlis, Bdd ask if they kept their promises, then accuse everyone of breaking his/her promises again. Hence, guilt and manipulation. I like to keep my word as much as possible. So I'm not making promises. 5- Infantilization To influence someone more effectively, it is good to adopt a position of authority and to make the person in front feel that he or she is inferior. Most of the time the murlis are in that style : It is the FATHER, the TEACHER, the SATGURU, the ALMIGHTY, who speaks to the little children. It begins with "sweet children," which psychologically reminds the soul its inferior powerless position. Automatically, what is implied is that a child does not use his intellect but accepts what he is told. Infantilization is very effective. ''Children you are so innocent!'' 6- Results in public Several responsible BKs told me that they were asked for results in public in front of others by Dadi Janki. She accused them of not being effective, therefore not being good Brahma Kumaris. It sounded very traumatic. Mama used to held "the court of Indra where everyone had to denounce the mistakes of others". There used to be this kind of method of ''reeducation'' in China at the beginning of communism. 7- Lies There are many kinds of lies: one can hide the truth, or "forget" to say it, or say something that is false or almost true. Here is a short, non-exhaustive list of some lies I am aware of. 1- For many years Brahma Baba thought and said that he was God. Then he removed all traces of this long episode and forbade everyone to talk about it. As a businessman, he knew that if you sell something to a customer with an absolute divine warranty for 21 births and latter on you say that there is a fundamental dangerous problem with the item, the customer will have some questions : «I trusted you and was misled; how do I know that you are now selling me something true and valuable?» ![]() Consequently, that information has always been hidden from us until one of his old companions told us about it. I heard it myself personally. I was present in front of him. The organization does not want to admit it and rewrote the history of the Sacrificial fire. This is called a big lie. 2- Destruction of sins through remembrance. In a meeting of coordinators from Canada I asked a simple question to the senior in charge: "Can you explain to me the process of destruction of the sins, the old negative karma, by remembering God? In my opinion, that is not possible. It does not make sense " The "Didi" began by giving us a politician's answer avoiding the question. So I rephrased my question, explaining that I could not see the logic of that process, that what is done, is done, that we cannot erase it. She then confessed to us that I was right, that sins are not erased by remembrance of God, that it was something that the Brahmins would realize over time but that we do not say it to the new students and professors. As this idea "If you remember Baba, your sins will be destroyed" is repeated every day in the murlis, that it is a motivator, it would be difficult to publicly say that it is false. So every time it is said in a murli that sins are destroyed by remembrance of God, it is a lie. A little later, in this same meeting of coordinators, realizing probably that she was too honnest, The senior sister twice said that to lie was correct, acceptable, that it was just about facts ... "Sign here, they used to say; Be honest they used to say; You'll see many countries they used to say; You will be worshipped for generations for your purity and honesty..." 3- Even if raja yoga has all the characteristics of a religion, the Brahma Kumaris are still telling that it is not. In addition, it is a religion with castes, the brahmins above. 4- When I asked recently a responsible sister if there were some proofs of the cycle, she replied that I had to first explain to the souls who was the Source of this knowledge and then explain the cycle to them. She added that I should develop "The Art of Concealing and Revealing." (i.e. the Art of Lying.) In other words, it means that you cannot prove the reality of the cycle, but if you can convince somebody that God is teaching this knowledge, you can make him or her believe anything. So what do you do when you like the truth and do not like to encourage destruction? 5- Modifications of the murlis: Some phrases or concepts disappear from the murlis or are modified. For example : - At the beginning, we were told about 5.5 billions souls in total in the universe. A small error of 2 billions souls. I told you : God is not very good with numbers... ;-) - Several dates for destruction have been given or suggested. - Apart from the Brahma Kumaris, everyone is demonic. - Brahma, Vishnu and Shankar are no longer souls. - Women who have sex are not just impure, they are prostitutes ... If the murlis are the direct words of God, they are supposed to be absolute, true, eternal, universal. To change anything would be a sacrilege. So, maybe, the murlis are not really coming from God? 6- Dadi Gulzar played well her part as a deep trance medium for years. We could clearly see that some spirits were speaking through her mouth. Who are they? This is another story. But now it is quite obvious that Dadi is no longer able to play her role. She looks fragile, sad and shows signs of dementia. For me, more and more she pretends to channel Bapdada but gives her own murli. More and more Brahma Kumaris are aware of this. She even has to be reminded where she is by seniors in the room and her brahmini has to remind her script. In other words, the seniors pretend that Bapdada are present on the stage and that they are giving a message. With decades of practice I cannot believe that the seniors are not aware of what is going on. In fact, I believe that the poor dadi is forced to continue playing that role. It is an abuse of an elderly person. It is a big collective lie. 2017 November : At last the Brahma Kumaris accepted the situation and do not force Dadi Gulzar any more to fake her role. Congratulations. 7- Programs: Very positive programs are facades, false advertising to attract souls, "to give them the message" and to try to enlist them. 8- I asked s. Sheelu where were the notes taken by all the young girls in Pakistan. I would have been very interested to read their experiences. She replied that Brahma Baba had them buried because the small notebooks would have weighed too heavily in the luggage ... 9- We are told that only the Brahma kumaris have a relationship with God and that outside this church there is no salvation. (I have already heard that somewhere ...). But I have personally met many souls who have a relationship with God without being brahmin, many Brahma Kumaris who have never experienced any yoga, and ex-BKs who are very happy and connected. (Myself for example). 10- Brahma Baba used the term "sacrificial fire" in which the whole world would be sacrificed as the name of the organization. Now, we use "University" or "Charitable Organization". It looks better. We cannot tell the public openly that the ultimate goal of this knowledge is to "purify" our planet and kill everybody. 11- Teaching the cycle of time when you know that it is just a story is a lie. 12- Telling that there will be Golden Age few years after destruction is a lie. 13- On a personal level, if somebody reads a murli to a group or teaches gyan, he/she automatically endorses what is read. If he/she does not agree with something, and does not mention it, it's a personal lie. For his/her personal consciousness, he/she should at least point it out even if he/she does not go into details of explanations. 14- Etc. As it is mentioned in murlis, when one begins to lie it becomes complicated. One lie attracts another lie. Lying becomes a habit, a second nature. But it's for the good cause! I wonder if it is because of all these "errors" that the Brahma Kumaris are strongly advised not to ask questions? Is it why the retreats are increasingly silent retreats? I personally had a lot of fun asking questions and observing the figure skating of seniors' answers. But as in other religions, there is a great cult of personality in this group. Brahmins find it very difficult to accept that their leaders may lie, specially when the seniors are supposed to be the incarnation of all virtues. I noticed that the Brahma Kumaris become very aggressive when someone breaks their idols. But they have to accept that if you are a public figure, a leader, you are accountable for what you read and say in public. I would not want to be in the shoes of the Brahma Kumaris officials now because it's probably a very difficult position. I still believe that they are fundamentally good people caught in that system. But I do not think they are willing to change anything in the knowledge or history of the organization. I understand them because by removing a brick from an old wall to repair it, there is always the risk of seeing the wall or the entire building collapses. And this construction seems very fragile. 8- Sacrifice In murlis, the theme of the total personal sacrifice for the ultimate goal, that is the destruction of the world, is recurrent. A Brahma Kumaris soul is programmed to leave the body, not to try to survive or to encourage others to survive. "You are the butterflies that are attracted to the flame and sacrifice to the flame." It is suggested to the soul to sacrifice everything and in particular to give all its possessions. To whom? To an association to help battered women? Against cancer? For freedom of expression? Guess to whom. In many countries, Intelligence services monitor discretely the organization for fear of mass suicides... Menu Top |
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