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Is it possible to use meditation to directly influence our aura, our body, our environment, our leaders or to improve the life and well-being of our great human family? In theory, yes. We can do all that. But in practice, does it work? Are some methods more effective than others? I did many experiments during my 36 years of meditation : It works!! It's simple, fun and easy. Here are some images that I use regularly with success. Advice for meditations 1- I use what I call « cosmic energy » which for me represents all the positive energies available: The prana (chi, orgone), plus the Divine Energy (God, the Source), plus all the good energies of our guides, angels, space visitors, sun, earth, all the benevolent souls of the world, etc. However, I do not use capital letters because it would send us back to Hinduism and New Age who consider that the energy is God. 2- I use thoughts. I speak to myself. I describe images and actions with thoughts. plus images. I imagine them with details and colors. plus cosmic energy . I imagine it as white or golden light. plus my own physical and mental energy for concentration. It's the creative imagination (or visualization). In i-MAGI-nation there is MAGIC ... 3- I begin by focusing in the area of the pineal gland, the seat of the soul in the centre of the head. In fact, I focus a little behind the centre of the head because the pineal gland is between the two ears at three fifths (3/5) of the distance from the forehead to the nape; at 12 cm (5 '') behind the forehead. This practice is much more effective than concentration in the centre of the forehead. 4- I keep my eyes closed because it is easier to picture precise images with less distractions. 5- I tend to consider the Source as a being with a feminine energy. 6- I begin with the usual Yoga connection - Eyes closed, I remind myself that I am a soul a living light near the center of the skull. 1 Cleaning our aura method 1 As described in the other pages, entities, spells, implants, etc. can be removed individually from our auras. But we can also eject most of them with a simple visualization. Even if they are not always removed the first time at 100%, it is a very good cleaning. By using it regularly, the parasites eventually leave. For that : - I imagine that I cut all the harmful or unnecessary energy links around my body. 2 Cleaning our aura with toroidal energy method 2 ![]() Another image that I use now and that seems even more effective than the previous one is that of a toroïdal form, a torus, a form of vortex where the energy rises through the chakras, then separates at 360° to reunite again at the base of the spine in a perpetual motion. This seems to be the natural form of the flow of energy around us. I imagine that the cosmic energy descends on the edge of the torus and I bring it up to the center with the energy of the earth and down again to the outside. I imagine that this system becomes more and more powerful and fluid and that in its movement it expels all the harmful elements of my body and my aura. ![]() - I imagine that I cut all the harmful or unnecessary energy links around my body with my favorite tools. Cleaning the aura of another person It is important to use discernment and caution in this visualization. It is better to have a good practice with our own cleaning and protection before dealing with other's challenges. - Select the target by visualizing the face of the person. Helping leaders What i said in the previous paragraph is even more important for the leaders. Use discernment and caution because powerful forces may be at work around some leaders. Maya attacks the head first. Protecting leaders, even if they are far from perfect, helps to prevent countries from losing their heads. .. As I explain with more details on another page, cleaning up the aura of political and religious leaders is a tool for protecting them and converting their negative tendencies towards beneficial trends to humanity. If 10 people each day have a few minutes of their meditation time cleaning up the aura of the world leaders and surrounding them with good wishes, it is more than likely that no spell, implant or entity will remain attached to them and influence these souls. Imagine now that 100, 1000, 10 000 people are doing the same thing: these leaders would be much more likely to be positive, caring, optimistic, stable, effective. We know that some are psychopaths or non-human and that they will probably not change but what can we lose in trying? These days, I wish them the qualities of benevolence, discernment and courage. Destroying chemtrails with thoughts This meditation is important to protect our weather. I had several experiences demonstrating their efficiency. It works! Raise your eyes to the sky and watch the long white trails behind some planes; these long lines persist and become clouds. These are chemtrails (or geoengineering), one of the biggest dangers today, the spraying in the atmosphere of nano-particles of aluminum, strontium, barium, bacteria, virus and all kinds of other poisons. This is the basic element for climate control and a weapon for depopulation. Chemtrails are a major tool to increase global warming. They are weapons to create droughts, floods and the spectacular tornadoes that we see every day in the news. ![]() The same day that I was writing these lines publishing them on the internet, five tornadoes hit our two neighboring cities, Ottawa and Gatineau. The closest was 3.5 km from here. I've never seen that and the meteorologists do not understand what happened. When we know that the province of Quebec is about the size of India and that there are 6 tornadoes per year spread over this territory, what is the probability that five of them strike our region, the national capital of Canada? Extremely low. And exactly the day of the equinox... And outside the season for tornadoes... And exactly at the time when I am preparing a text for the internet giving a simple recipe to counter them? Strange coincidence ... Perhaps you had fun when you were young making small clouds disappear with your thoughts. We can do the same thing with chemtrails. These nanoparticles by their infinitesimal size are very sensitive to thoughts. I have done experiments with others with great success. Destroying chemtrails is not only useful but interesting: seeing the influence of our thoughts on matter is very encouraging. The idea that our thoughts are powerful becomes a tangible reality. I found on the internet some references and videos of people who made chemtrails and planes disappear with prayer. It is very similar. Also, when we do a little research on Youtube by putting "chemtrails invisible plane" we find several videos where the planes seem to be some holographic projections and probably UFOs. - Direct your thoughts toward the pilots and tell them that they do not have the right to do this and order them to stop and leave. Removing an entity On oneself it is quite easy to remove an entity with an imaginary hand. If it does not work, or if I want to help another person, I now use a simple and effective recipe: Rather than fighting with the entity to remove it, I use reverse psychology: I imprison the entity so that it cannot leave and I give him or her a lot of love that takes away his or her power. Consequently the entity feels very uncomfortable and wants to leave. ;-) - Create around the entity a beautiful golden sphere. Connecting benevolent souls into a global network The whole world is now connected by the internet in a huge network. Similarly, we can imagine that we consciously connect all souls of good will, all kind souls, all beautiful souls filled with good wishes for humanity, all the lucky stars of the earth, in an immense and extremely powerful network. The universal cosmic energy circulating then in this organic system feeds, energizes, inspires, heals everyone every second. - I imagine that the souls of good will in my area are very bright stars floating above others. The first day I used this image, I saw on television a report on Quebec truckers who use social networks to identify stolen trucks and trailers. This spontaneous cooperation is much more effective than the police. It is a small example of the natural disposition of each soul to help the whole community in taking back its power. Unlimited Open Source Free Energy The energy contained in a cubic centimeter of "empty" space is phenomenal. This allows visitors to travel in space and live in the "void" without oil, gas or sun. Here, thousands of patents from inventors have been confiscated by companies and the US government. Often these genius have been "thanked" with bullets. If these stolen inventions were made available to humanity, this would be the quick and easy solution for most of our world's problems. - Imagine that someone having access to these discoveries decides to make them public. A better world Most of the time the media show us the problems, the catastrophes, the horrors generating negative thought forms of despair and destruction. Whenever a yogi or yogini connected to the Source creates positive thought forms, he or she has a huge positive impact, much larger than that of thousands of people lacking concentration, with low vibrations and disconnected of the spiritual world. Yogis can create an elegant transition to a paradise on earth without destruction. In fact, immense changes are being made presently and we can contribute effectively with our thoughts by imagining different aspects of a better world, focusing on one at a time to have more impact. For example : - a world in peace - the oceans - good food for everyone ![]() - a world without money - free and unlimited energy - an honest society - happy souls - a world in balance - clean air - cosmic cooperation - pure and abundant water - effective health treatments - etc. Healing our body We can use cosmic energy to create, to destroy, to heal or to strengthen. Circulating chi, prana, cosmic energy in our body helps to heal itself. Here also we use our thoughts in imagining the process and the end result. We can also imagine that we breathe in the direction of the sick or injured area, which directs the chi energy towards that area. Protecting ourselves and others We can imagine a golden bubble around us and fill that bubble of cosmic white energy filtering everything. Another image is that of a diamond with very bright facets enveloping us. One last little story : the house beside us had recurrent problems for 15 years, drugs, violence, threats, etc. We have seen police, ambulances, firemen, drug addicts, etc. For there was a whole team of spirits in that house. One day I had the thoughts to put protecting bubbles around the houses around. I did that few times. After few days, all the drug dealers left and never came back. Since that time there has been very little problems. It works! Have fun! To be continued… Top Menu |
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