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Soul consciousness New position of the soul !! Method for meditation Advices and results Imagination/cosmic energy Protection To contact the Sublime Soul, the Eternal One is the greatest fortune, the most efficient help, the best experience of our lives. To get in touch with the Source is easy, much easier than we think. We just have to use our thoughts and imagination. It is simple and accessible to everyone. The meeting with The Light is not only extremely pleasant but it transforms every moment of our lives. Everyone can do it without been part of a particular religion. Hypothesis If I want to contact the Divine Energy, it would be good that I know his personality, his email address and phone number. If I had some of those elements, it would give me more chances. But who can really claim that he has it all? We are here to experiment, to try. We will do as the scientists: we will start with an assumption and experiment it. If it works, it means that there are probably some good elements in it. If it fails, we will change our starting points. For this experiment, we will assume that the Source is: - A conscious being, a spirit, neither masculine nor feminine, We use the terms: spirit, soul, entity, being, as synonyms. We use the terms :The Light, The Lord, The Sublime, The Father, The Mother, Om, The Source, The Creator, God, The Creative Energy, as synonyms. Soul consciousness It is easier to communicate with someone when we have something in common and when we are on the same wavelength. To contact the Source, it is necessary that I myself become a pure spirit, at least in my consciousness. I have for a moment to put aside my physical component to focus on my essence. For that, I have to identify myself with a soul. Basically, I am a spirit in a body of light, in a physical body. I live in the center of the head, in my computer, the brain. I am a spark of energy, of consciousness, of light. The first step is to talk to myself internally to suggest me this idea, to forget the physical world and become a simple point of energy. By accepting this idea, I change dimension. I become like the Creator. The contact is now possible. New position of the soul !!! It changed! The description by Jagdish bhai page 18 in "Illustrations on Raja Yoga", of the position of the soul reads as follows: "It abides in the body midway between the eyes-brows where the devotees apply the tilak". In the alignment of this point, inside the brain is a small gland called epiphysis, or pineal gland. In fact, many religions and secret societies attached great importance to this gland. Personally I do not believe that the soul is just under the surface of the forehead but that it is in the pineal gland or near the pineal gland. I have been using this idea for a long time in every meditation with great success. It works! The pineal gland is located slightly behind the center of the skull at 11-12 centimeters behind the forehead. If the pineal gland is the seat of the soul we should logically concentrate on that spot and forget about the forehead. ![]() This gland is very small, about the size of a grain of rice. It is also traditionally called the third eye because it has the ability to "see" in other dimensions and to feel energies. It is the biological interface of the soul, its connection with the body. In fact, it is probably the soul that has these abilities and the pineal gland is the more or less efficient translator of the information to the brain. Indeed, it has been noticed that when that gland is intoxicated, calcified, or "rusty", the person loses his abilities of extra-sensory perception. The illuminatis are therefore targeting it because they are not interested in the awakening of humanity. One of the known ways to reduce its effectiveness is to pollute the body with fluoride that causes calcification of that gland. Fluoride was used throughout Nazi Germany and especially in concentration camps during the war to keep the population under control. Later the USSR used it in the Gulags. Fluoride is now added to drinking water in many US and Canadian cities on the pretext that it protects teeth; which is a lie, of course. It is also found in most toothpastes. Fluoride renders the soul passive and diminishes its psychic powers. If you want to be a good yogi or a good yogini, avoid fluoride; Take some supplements of vitamin D, DHA, magnesium and Iodine and of course, be vegetarian without garlic and onions. Now, even though traditionally gyan places the soul between the eyebrows, we often hear in Raja yoga that it is like a star in the centre of the forehead. Which is even less accurate. The Bks therefore practice being a soul in the centre of the forehead and seeing others as a soul in the centre of the forehead. I would like to make a few comments: 1- When looking at someone at the same horizontal level, the soul of the other person is actually aligned with the space between the eyebrows and not at the centre of the forehead. It is only if we look from above that the other soul seems to be in the centre of the forehead. If we would look at someone from the side, the soul will appear behind the ear since it is near the centre of the skull. 2- In our personal spiritual practice, focusing in the centre of the forehead or between the eyebrows distracts attention and therefore energy away from the natural seat of the soul, the pineal gland. We do not focus at the right place. We miss the target. It is therefore more difficult to experience being a soul and having Yoga. In my opinion, this is one of the main reasons for the lack of spiritual experiences of many Bks. Concentrating in the centre of the skull would give them a much better chance of having some yoga. 3- If the Bks would focus on the pineal gland, as good yogis, they would naturally develop far more psychic powers. There would be a bigger opening of the third eye. They would see in other dimensions. According to many traditional sources, the pineal gland is the "third eye and the third ear", the sensitive organ and not the intellect that is the rational part. 4- I think this "small mistake" did not happen by chance. "God" gives just enough spiritual experiences to the Bks to bait the soul and integrate it into the Organization but not enough to make it too independent and master of itself. We just have to remember how long it took Brahma Baba to realize that the soul is a point of light. For many years, he believed and taught that the soul was like a thumb in the centre of the forehead. Why did not "God" tell him right away that the soul was a point of energy near the pineal gland? May be "God" did not really want the yogis to have accurate yoga... 5- I hesitated to add this paragraph on the position of the soul. Why? Because on the one hand, it's too bad for those millions of people who practice Raja yoga with this inaccurate notion. But on the other hand, I am personally quite happy that it is like that: Indeed, if the Bks had not made this mistake, they would have overall had more power and may have actually caused the destruction of our beautiful planet ... But now I can tell you: for destruction, it is too late! It will not happen! Our visitors from space blocked already 12 times the launching of nuclear missiles. They are helping us discretely. Thank you my friends! Finally, I chose to trust all these beautiful BKs souls and give them this very simple advice to improve the spirituality of this beautiful Brahmin family. However, I wish everyone to focus on making this world a Golden Age here and now without destruction. 6- I just found the right position of the soul at the official Bk site ![]() The soul is here, look there... Such is a funny logic!!! ![]() That shows that people in the Organization know where is the soul. I photographed it in case this phrase would be erased by "accident". I think it's a jewel of wording. I call this a very elegant demonstration of high intellectual acrobatics: "Yes, yes, we are aware that the soul is near the pineal gland but continue to focus on the forehead as you have always been told even if it's not efficient." "Out of a circle of 360 degrees, if you look with the right angle, it is true. So, you see: one time out of 360, we are right!" This is not entirely false but ... not quite true. This looks like another lie without consideration for those millions of souls who practice with this method. As the Bks have been telling everybody hundreds of millions times since 62 years, "The soul is a point of light in the middle of the forehead", it is difficult to say "Sorry, there is a little mistake: You are not a soul in the middle of the forehead..." It would not look very serious to correct on a large scale. The Bks would look like clowns. So they decided to keep everything quiet. Do not awaken the sleeping cat! But somebody did it... Ouch! And he put it on the internet! In addition, I am sure that it will be very expensive to make corrections in the literature, comments and films. I will have to make corrections myself in my meditation commentaries. But if millions of people improve their inner lives with this simple little adjustment, is it not worth it? When Brahma Baba realized that he was not God as he proclaimed, it was easy to control the little group around him to "forget" that. But now with the magic of the internet, information goes very quickly to the end of the world in one second. And when the cat is out of the bag, it's hard to catch it up. 7- In fact, I do not blame the Brahma kumaris. They are excellent people who do their best with the information available. Even with an incomplete method, they help many souls around the world. The real culprits are in another dimension. It is the Controllers (called maya) of our beautiful planet who organize different contradictory religions. To be credible, they gave some good information to the Bks so that they could have a minimum of experiences and personal transformation. So, this method works partly. However, the Controllers, who call themselves the Trimurti are not interested in everyone developing their spiritual faculties and discovering the truth. They therefore twist a little the information to miss the target and limit contact with other dimensions. " I give you the best bow on the market. Yes, I know that the arrows are a little curved and they will probably miss the target, but it is OK. It is a good training..." The Controllers are extremely intelligent and have at their service a technology that defies the imagination. The controllers are the real culprits. The Bks are just obedient servers, instruments. The same day I put this information on the internet, I was contacted for the first time by a representative of the Organization that I will not name to not make it uncomfortable. He absolutely wanted me to close this website with the threat of legal prosecution. He asked me what right I had to put all this information on the internet. I told him that it was with the same right as him as a journalist, the right to have opinions and the right of expression. As we are not quite in the fascist world of the New world order, it is still possible to express what we think. We have to take advantage of it as we are still allowed to do it. No one is obliged to read these pages or believe them. If there is only nonsense in these webpages, nobody will be interested. Why bks are sending curses and try to shut this website? May be because the information makes sense and people are beginning to think and question. But in the agressive demand of that person, I could smell the burning pyre of the inquisition ... The Brahma kumaris should be happy that their members will have a better yoga. Is it not? Method of meditation For traveling, we will use our imagination also called visualization. Imagination is more powerful than our reason. When the two are combined they make wonders. The thoughts that I create and on which I put images attract me into their world and naturally help me to detach from the material reality. In the day to day life, we say that someone who is lost in his thoughts that he is in his world or on another planet. In our case, we imagine the world of origin of all souls as a dimension of golden red light, very welcoming, in which float millions of conscious little stars, the souls. In the midst of this great family, we will imagine The Creative Energy, the Mother, as a beautiful light, more intense, more pure, more loveful, more positive, more, more... I will then project myself in that reality imagining myself as one of these stars, close to The Source. Then, I will focus only on that Light and melt into her energy. I will use very simple thoughts to keep my consciousness in that higher reality. When thoughts of the physical world come back into my mind, I replace them gently with beautiful thoughts and images of that dimension of light. It is good to diversify our visualizations using images that are meaningful for us. For example, if we like to dance, we can do it in our angelic body with the Light. In every meditation, we will keep always the two essential elements: to be a soul and to focus on The Light. Advices for easy contact To enter into the experience and stay there: - It is better to concentrate in the middle of the skull, in fact a little bit behind the middle of the skull, between the ears. - We must have good concentration by mastering our thoughts. At the beginning it is easier to use recorded meditations. Later on, it will be more effective to use our own thoughts to be more detached from the senses. All my best wishes. to be continued... ![]() Menu Top |
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